Chapter 496
On the other end of the phone, after Zheng Ye put down his phone, he leaned his back against the desk, with a strong hostility emerging from his brows inch by inch.

After a while, he asked the monster: "Is there anything unclean in our place?"

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, we never do this kind of thing on our own territory."

"Let the brothers check it again, be careful, and don't let it go anywhere. We don't mess around, but we can't prevent others from messing around."


After the four of them left, Zheng Ye sat back at his desk and thoughtfully looked at a photo with Sheng Ying on the table.

That was when he had just picked up Sheng Ying from the orphanage, bought new clothes, new shoes, and cut her the most beautiful hair.

At that time, Sheng Ying was as quiet as a painting, her eyes were full of uneasiness and cautiousness, because she was afraid of Shen Yifeng.

Later, under his care, all her suppressed habits were fully revealed.

In fact, Sheng Ying is not a shy person in her bones. She has a kind side, but she also has a side that is contrary to kindness.

Generally, if others don't mess with her, she will be easy to get along with, otherwise, she must make that person pay the price before letting go.

Zheng Ye likes her like this. She has the ability to protect herself and has enough confidence, which will make him feel at ease.

It's just that she is going to marry Ling Chengzhi soon, and he is not worthy of guarding her for ten years.


The sudden ringing of the phone startled Zheng Ye, it was Ah Ji calling, he came back to his senses and answered the phone.


"Brother Ye, we found a large amount of No. 2 potion in the wine storage of Jinzun Nightclub, and the youngest said that there is also at the Yinhe Bar."

Zheng Ye's heart skipped a beat: "Clean up immediately, hurry up!"


After finishing the call, Zheng Ye hurried downstairs, led the security guards in the venue and began to search the bar in a carpet style.

Sure enough, an empty bottle of No. 2 medicine was found under the booth, inside the bar and in the wine storage, but there were residues in it.

As soon as he asked people to deal with these things, the police from the East District had already arrived, and several police cars arrived at once.

"Hey, why did Fang Ju suddenly come here? Is there a fight here, or is it selling contraband?"

Five years ago, when Zheng Ye was in charge of the night show, he often dealt with Fang Wenfei, who was still the captain, and the two fell in love and killed each other for many years.

Fang Wenfei has now been promoted to the director of the bureau, and usually sits in the bureau and gives orders.It's definitely not a good thing to go out in person suddenly.

Fang Wenfei glanced at Zheng Ye meaningfully: "Should we clear the scene first?"

"Okay, who is to blame for the loss of this business? Will you compensate me for the loss?"

Joking aside, Zheng Ye snapped his fingers behind him, and soon the security guards went to clear the venue.

Immediately after the music stopped, the bar instantly became quiet, dead silent.

"Fang Ju, please!" Zheng Ye made an exaggerated gesture of please.

After Fang Wenfei entered the bar, he looked around and said to Zheng Ye: "Someone complained that you sell contraband here, I'll come and have a look."

Zheng Ye shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Look at it casually, whatever Fang Ju says is right."

Fang Wenfei waved his hand, and several policemen led their dogs and rushed to various places in the bar.

Zheng Ye invited Fang Wenfei to the VIP seat, and asked the waiter to bring a few bottles of drinks and some snacks.

"Fang Ju, let them investigate, let's drink one." Zheng Ye handed Fang Ju a can of Coke, and said, "Although I have been in prison and used to cause troubles a lot, but Fang Ju, the venue under my jurisdiction has never Have you ever sold something that shouldn’t have been sold?”

Fang Wenfei glanced at him, opened the Coca-Cola and took a sip: "We found people who were inspecting contraband injections in World Trade City, and they are all regular visitors to your venues."

"so what?"

"Zheng Ye, if I find out something, your brain will really blow up and tell you. That thing is a new thing, and we are chasing it."

(End of this chapter)

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