Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 560 Don't be in a hurry

Chapter 560

"Honey, what's going on?" Ling Chengzhi pulled up his sleeve robe and wiped the sweat from Sheng Ying's face, and quickly took off the phoenix crown.

Sheng Ying felt his head lighten up and felt a little more comfortable.

Seeing Ling Chengzhi's anxious face, he smiled: "I'm fine, but I'm too tired, and the phoenix crown is heavy, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

She got up and hugged Ling Chengzhi, with a guilty face on her face: "I'm sorry Chengzhi, I didn't expect this to happen. It was a good wedding."

According to the etiquette, there is also the lifting of the hijab, as well as drinking a cup of wine.

The wedding company had already prepared all these things, and the camera crew was also ready, but she couldn't make it through.

Ling Chengzhi hugged Sheng Ying silently and didn't make a sound. He finally realized that Sheng Ying's sudden strangeness in the morning was not teasing him.

She was really uncomfortable, but she didn't say it.

"We're going to the hospital right away!"

Ling Chengzhi immediately picked up his mobile phone to call Chen Yu, but was stopped by Sheng Ying: "I don't feel so uncomfortable now, I should be able to hold on. Chengzhi, I don't want our wedding to have any flaws because of me, although it's not too bad anymore. Perfect."

"Fool, are you more important than the wedding?" Ling Chengzhi wanted to call again.

"Don't fight, I'm really fine, just take a break!"

Seeing Sheng Ying's insistence, Ling Chengzhi hesitated for a while, and asked Chen Yu to invite Dean Li over. He was also among the invited guests.

"Go and socialize, don't let our wedding become a joke."


Ling Chengzhi patted Sheng Ying's head, "Fool, no one dares to laugh at your husband except those ghosts and monsters around you."

Sheng Ying didn't say anything else, and changed into a Xiapei, and simply put on a down jacket.

When Dean Li came over, Ling Qiushui also followed. Seeing that Sheng Ying had replaced Feng Guanxia, ​​she couldn't help frowning.

But due to Ling Chengzhi's presence, he didn't say anything.

"Where is the discomfort?"

Because of Yin Han, Dean Li didn't like to see Sheng Ying, and because of Ling Chengzhi's face, he couldn't say anything.

Before Sheng Ying could speak, Ling Chengzhi said, "I don't know if she has a cold, but she is very uncomfortable."

Dean Li checked Sheng Ying briefly, then shook his head in doubt: "There is no trace of a cold, but the pulse is very disordered."

"That's it?" Ling Chengzhi became nervous.

Dean Li took Sheng Ying's pulse for a long time, and suddenly glanced at her: "Have you lost your appetite or vomited recently?"

Sheng Ying's heart trembled: Could it be that he found out that she was pregnant?

Even the early pregnancy test could not show it, did he find out with a pulse?

However, if she is really pregnant, according to what An Qiao said, then the child——

No, we cannot let Ling Chengzhi know.

So she shook her head: "There is no such phenomenon, but I suddenly feel uncomfortable today."


Dean Li pondered for a long time, and said, "You take some time to go to the hospital for an examination. I preliminarily conclude that you may be pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Ling Chengzhi was overjoyed, "Uncle Li, is Ah Ying really pregnant?"

"I guess it is, but because there are no other symptoms and I am not sure, just go to the hospital for an examination."

Ling Qiushui was even more excited than Ling Chengzhi: "Old Li, is she really pregnant? This is the grandson of our Ling family, don't lie to me."

"I said it was suspected, so it needs to be checked."

Ling Qiushui hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for, go for a checkup now. Pregnancy is such a big thing, you can't be careless."

Sheng Ying's heart felt cold, she didn't want Ling Chengzhi to go with her.

So he said: "Dad, wait until the wedding is over, there is no rush!"

(End of this chapter)

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