Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 573 Because She's Worth It

Chapter 573 Because She's Worth It
Shi Lan sat in Zheng Ye's ward for a whole day, but still didn't want to leave.

She didn't expect that Zheng Ye, a man who was so domineering and planned everything, was lying here all of a sudden, his life and death uncertain.

Will he die?

"Miss Shi, it's getting late, shall I take you back?" Ah Qi had said this several times, but Shi Lan was unmoved.

She shook her head: "I want to spend more time with Brother Zheng here."

Ah Ji had to tell the truth: "He won't wake up for a while."

"I know, but I just don't want to leave." Shi Lan glanced at Ah Ji, "Can I accompany him?"

"...Okay, then you can eat your dinner first, and tell me if you need anything, I've been staying outside."


Ah Ji walked out of the ward, glanced at the other three people who were eating on the bench, and shook his head slightly: "I still refuse to leave."

"Doesn't she like Brother Ye?"

"Whether you like it or not, that's the matter. Brother Ye is in the current situation, and there is no way to give her any response. Even if you give her, it is still a rejection."

The three of them fell silent and ate rice silently.

After a while, Aji said again: "You all go after dinner, go to the night show, don't let that guy An Qiao take advantage of it."

"Brother, do you think An Qiao could have done this? I don't know if Zhang Xi and the others have found out if they investigated it. I'm very anxious."

"There will always be an investigation..."

"Not that Anqiao!"

Shi Lan's voice suddenly came from the door of the ward, and the four of them raised their heads at the same time, and she said again, "It's that Ling Chengxi, the one with a bad cough."

Immediately afterwards, Shi Lan told the four ghosts what she had been captured by Ta Wen and what she had heard at their house.

"But I think you should not act rashly. That man is terrible. When he talked about killing people, he still had a smile on his face."

Shi Lan shuddered as he spoke, "That's all I know."

The four ghosts are not surprised when they see things like killing people, so they don't take it seriously.

Even though Tavin is powerful in the Middle East, he is only a flesh and blood body after all, and it is not impossible to deal with him.

Shi Lan said again: "That... I'll go back first, and I'll come to see Brother Zheng another day."

Ah Ji hurriedly followed: "Miss Shi, let me take you back."

"Thank you!"

The two went downstairs together. When Ah Ji drove the Hummer over, he helped Shi Lan get into the car, being very considerate.

On the way, he pondered for a long time before asking: "Miss Shi, do you... like our Brother Ye?"

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, but didn't make a sound.

Do you like it?

She couldn't tell, maybe it was because she was envious of Sheng Ying, and then she saw Zheng Ye silently paying the dowry, even including his life.

It's not clear when a person is emotional, maybe that person poked himself at a certain point, and then fell.

After a long time, she replied: "Don't worry, I won't cause trouble to Big Brother Zheng. He is a big shot, and I, Xiao Xiami, will just look up to him."

"That's not what I meant!" Ah Chi glanced at her, "Brother Ye likes A Ying, he has liked A Ying since he was in the orphanage, so it is difficult for him to accommodate another woman in his heart. If you really like him, then Stop this kind of thinking early, don't make yourself too sad."

"Orphanage?" Shi Lan was slightly taken aback.

Although she talked a lot with Sheng Ying, she didn't mention the orphanage.

She asked cautiously: "So, are A Ying and Brother Zheng both from the orphanage?"


A girl who came out of an orphanage counterattacked and became the wife of a business tycoon. This is simply——

Shi Lan was envious and even a little jealous in her heart. Her background was actually better than Sheng Ying's, but she got mixed up like this.

She said sincerely: "I am so envious of Ah Ying. I have a husband who loves her, and a brother who loves her."

"That's because she's worth it!" Ah Qi glanced at Shi Lan lightly, "A Ying is a very good woman, always has been."

(End of this chapter)

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