Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 580 Qiao Siying

Chapter 580 Qiao Siying
The living room was finally quiet.

Ling Chengzhi walked up to Mama Zhang, saw her blushing face, and hugged her in his arms with great distress.

"I'm sorry Zhang Ma, I was so angry that I didn't have time to stop him."

When he saw Ling Qiushui, he felt that there was a world between them.

Because he didn't understand, how could there be such a heinous father in this world, who was obsessed with his obsession and made him feel cold again and again.

He had thought about making Ling Qiushui disappear from this world countless times, but he couldn't, after all, his blood was still in his body.

Zhang's mother wept uncontrollably: "Master, I know you are suffering, I know it. You are just like Madam, so kind."

"Go and rest. Don't worry about the family affairs for now. I'll transfer two servants from Qiushui Villa."

Ling Chengzhi wiped Zhang Mama's tears, turned around and walked away.

Her heart was depressed, and she didn't want to go upstairs to disturb Sheng Ying. She was already annoyed enough.

He drove away from the villa, asked Dean Li for Qiao Siying's phone number, and asked her to have coffee together.

Qiao Siying knew Ling Chengzhi, but not very well. She knew that the Ling Group owned more than half of the shares in that hospital.

The two met at a coffee shop near the World Trade City. Ling Chengzhi arrived first, and when he saw Qiao Siying coming in from the door, he raised his hand and waved.

After sitting down, Qiao Siying joked, "Well, I never thought that it would be a great honor to meet a big business man in my lifetime."

"I have something very important to ask for your help." Ling Chengzhi raised his hand again to call for the waiter, and asked Qiao Siying, "What would you like to drink?"

"Cappuccino, no sugar!"

Ling Chengzhi said to the waiter: "Me too!"

Qiao Siying put down her bag and looked at Ling Chengzhi with her cheeks: "Oh, when I saw you when I was studying in Uncle Li Hospital, my whole body was covered with gauze, so I didn't know what you looked like. If I knew that you are so graceful, Be sure to ask for your contact information."

Ling Chengzhi smiled: "If I knew you were back early, I would definitely invite you to get married."

"Hey, you're all married now." Qiao Siying sighed twice, then went straight to the point, "What does Boss Ling want me to do?"

Ling Chengzhi was struggling with how to teach a medical doctor about witchcraft, after all, it sounded very absurd.

But, he and Sheng Ying are in this absurd vortex.

After pondering for a long time, Ling Chengzhi asked Qiao Siying: "Have you heard of witchcraft?"

Qiao Siying was slightly taken aback: "Witchcraft? Are you referring to Miaojiang's witchcraft, or Nanyang's head lowering technique?"

Unexpectedly, she could say so much, Ling Chengzhi felt relieved, and mentioned the witchcraft of the witch clan.

"I haven't studied this thing, but after reading the relevant literature, I think it is reasonable to exist. Since the art of witchcraft has a long history, it must have its unique features."

Ling Chengzhi was speechless.

What he wants to talk about is not the uniqueness of witchcraft.

If you want to mention voodoo, you will definitely involve people like Shen Yifeng and Zheng Ye. He doesn't want to talk too much about these relationships with Qiao Siying.

After hesitating for a long time, he asked, "Do you understand Thai?"

"Slightly understand, why?"

Ling Chengzhi showed Qiao Siying the picture of the letter that An Qiao had sent him: "Do you understand this?"

Qiao Siying poked her head over and stared at the phone for a long time: "This seems to mean that if a woman who has been poisoned by voodoo changes beyond recognition, she is the mother chosen by the devil."

Ling Chengzhi's heart skipped a beat: "Then do you believe this?"

"I can't say, because the culture of the Wu people is full of mysteries. When I was in a foreign research institute, I saw a very strange corpse."


"The whole body is pitch black, with facial features but it is very frightening, like an alien. My mentor told me that it is the ancient corpse of the witch clan, it is a devil!"


Ling Chengzhi's hand trembled while holding the coffee, and the cup fell.

(End of this chapter)

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