Chapter 605 Rescue
The intensive care unit is usually very quiet, because most of the patients living there are seriously ill or dying.

But there was no one in the ward today, and after asking, I found out that Zheng Ye had entered the operating room again unexpectedly.

After asking about the floor of the operating room, Sheng Ying rushed to the elevator without paying attention to Shi Lan.

"Aying, Aying, wait for me—"

Sheng Ying didn't care about her, seeing that the elevator didn't come, she rushed into the fire escape and ran all the way to the operating room.

At this time, the four ghosts were in front of the operating room, and all of them had stern expressions on their faces. Because they couldn't calm down, Zheng Ye had issued a critical illness notice for the fourth time.

Sheng Ying scrambled and rushed over, grabbed Ah Qi and asked: "What's the matter, what's the matter, brother, will he die?"

Ah Ji looked at Sheng Ying speechlessly, and shook his head.

Struggling back from the death line again and again, not every time I have such good luck.

Four times, Zheng Ye's situation got worse each time.

"I want to go in, Ah Chi, go talk to the doctor and let me go in, okay? I'll just stay there, and I'll just stay there."

"No!" Aji shook his head.

The operating room has always strictly required family members not to enter, not only considering hygiene issues, but also considering the tolerance of family members.

A major operation would be disembowelment, disembowelment, or head-opening. People who are not professionally trained cannot handle it at all.

Sheng Ying naturally knew this truth, so she didn't force it, and lay on the door of the operating room, crying into tears.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

The four ghosts didn't know how to comfort her, they all watched silently.

The lights in the operating room were always on, and every time Zheng Ye was rescued, it took so long that everyone felt that as long as the operation lasted long enough, he would definitely come out alive.

When Shi Lan ran over, her face was covered with sweat, and the flowers she was holding were almost bald. She fell in the stairwell and broke the flowers.

Ah Ji was slightly taken aback when he saw her: "Miss Shi, why are you here?"

"I dreamed that Big Brother Zheng woke up yesterday. I was thinking about buying a flower to see. Who knew that I accidentally broke the flower."

She said awkwardly, and stuffed the words into the trash can, but was stopped by Sheng Ying.

"Keep it, maybe your dream will come true."

"That's right, Big Brother Zheng has his own destiny, so he will be fine."

Ah Ji was not that excited about Shi Lan's arrival, except for Sheng Ying, they didn't like anyone who showed affection to Zheng Ye very much.

He said to Sheng Ying: "A Ying, I don't know when Brother Ye will come out, so why don't you go back first?"

Sheng Ying shook her head, turned around and sat on the bench: "I'll just wait here, I don't think my brother will let me go, I'm his most beloved girl!"

Shi Lan subconsciously glanced at Sheng Ying, opened her mouth but said nothing.

seven o'clock
eight o'clock
eleven o'clock...

When Ling Chengzhi called Sheng Ying, it was already past eleven o'clock at night, and Zheng Ye hadn't left the operating room yet, so everyone's mentality was already not in a good mood.

Sheng Ying answered the phone and said softly: "Chengzhi, brother is still being rescued, I won't be going back tonight."


On the other end of the phone, Ling Chengzhi pondered for a long time without knowing what to say, so he hung up the phone again.

Suddenly very confused.

Is Zheng Ye dead?

How could that Sheng Ying bear it, she was so angry when she heard the voice.

And that's not even counting.

Zheng Ye is a big boss in the underground circle. If something happens to him, there will be a second person to take his place.

An Qiao or Shen Yifeng?

Ling Chengzhi said to Chen Yu: "Go to the hospital and see Zheng Ye. If he can't be rescued, something big will happen to the underground circle in City A."

(End of this chapter)

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