Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 820 7 points drunk, 3 points presumptuous

Chapter 820 Seven Points Drunk, Three Points Presumptuous

"I'm not drunk, I know I'm really not drunk, I'm very sober now, really, if you don't believe me, bring the documents over, I've handled everything well!"

When Ling Chengzhi sent Qi You back to the hotel, she was hanging on his arm, walking a little stumbling and unsteady.

Seven points drunk, three points presumptuous.

After drinking, people will become more presumptuous. Before, Qi You didn't dare to hug Ling Chengzhi's arm so presumptuously, but now he dares.

Because no matter what he does, Ling Chengzhi will not care about her at this moment.

Ling Chengzhi temporarily arranges Qi You in Lanruo Hotel, intending to see if she adapts to the rhythm of City A before deciding whether to settle down.

The room is a suite, which is slightly worse than the presidential suite, but it is also very luxurious.

Moreover, Ling Chengzhi even assigned her a butler who was always on call.

The housekeeper opened the door, Ling Chengzhi helped Qi You to the sofa, and poured her a cup of warm water: "I told you to drink less, don't listen."

Qi You took a sip from the water glass, then fell down on the sofa and looked at Ling Chengzhi.

Because he was drunk, his face was flushed red, and his eyes became more ambiguous, a little drawn.

"I'm not drunk!" she said softly.

Unless it's the kind of drunk that is unconscious, no one is so drunk that he doesn't know anything.

Qi You knew very well what she was doing, she was just taking advantage of the drunkenness to be a little presumptuous.

"Chengzhi, tell me the story between you and Sheng Ying. I've always wondered why you love her so much. Is there any special reason?"

"Why did you become such a gossip all of a sudden?"

Qi You smiled slightly: "I'm curious, I'm divorced, and you are also divorced. We can just make up a couple, what do you think?"

Ling Chengzhi only thought she was teasing him, and gave her a look: "Can you say anything else? You always covet my beauty."

"Yes, who made you look so good-looking."

As Qi You spoke, she stood up, threw herself on Ling Chengzhi, hooked him around his neck, and looked at him with blinking eyes.

"Chengzhi, to be honest, have you ever liked me? When we met at the beginning of the year, weren't you tempted at all?"

At that time, Qi You was only in her 20s. Not only was she beautiful, but she also acted swiftly and resolutely. She was the dream lover of many men.

She is so outstanding, there are not many men in her eyes at all.

But Ling Chengzhi not only fell into her eyes, but also into her heart, but she didn't confess to him because of their identities as master and apprentice.

Besides, she didn't want to destroy the beauty in Ling Chengzhi's heart.

But now that he is divorced, they are both single, and the age difference is only four years, she wants to try.

Ling Chengzhi looked at Qi You's expectant face, and said bluntly: "I have someone in my heart, so of course I am not tempted. Besides, you are my master, how can I make a move?"

As he said that, he pulled Qi You's hand away, "Eat less of my tofu, if you are empty and lonely, I will find you some high-quality handsome men."

He paused, remembered Zheng Ye, and smiled wickedly: "My brother-in-law is very handsome, but it's a pity he's a gangster."

Qi You couldn't tell whether Ling Chengzhi was pretending to be stupid or if he really couldn't tell, so he just put her off as a joke.

She wisely didn't do anything excessive, because it would be disgusting to pass her by.

So she squeezed Ling Chengzhi's face hard: "Do you dare to introduce me to the underworld because you want Ling's Group to go bankrupt?"

Ling Chengzhi looked at her and smiled: "One thing to say, although my brother-in-law has done all kinds of bad things, he still has a bit of character."

In any case, he is clearly in control of Southeast Asia, but he has not allowed contraband to flow into the country, and that alone is worthy of respect.

But what Qi You said is right, once she gets involved in the dark, the Ling Group will inevitably be affected.

A big reason for Sheng Ying to divorce him is because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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