Chapter 838 Break up
Deep in the jungle, barracks.

"Mr. Zheng, we definitely need to save people, but please take the overall situation into consideration. The current situation is unclear and it is not suitable to do it."

"You mean, wait until they tell you where the ammunition depot is, how many people are there, and where the ambush is?"

"...Mr. Zheng, what you said is meaningless. Tavin is our common enemy, and we hate him deeply, but he is a ruthless person. Any wrong instructions may cause casualties on our side."

Facing the leader of the jungle army who was not allowed to enter, Zheng Ye didn't say anything, got up and greeted the four ghosts and left.

The man also stood up: "Mr. Zheng, please think twice!"

"When you guys plan it out, I'll be dead as hell with my girl. This cooperation is meaningless, so please!"

The leader was also furious: "You can't let more people die just because of one woman!"

These words completely irritated Zheng Ye, and he slapped the table hard angrily: "I fucking agreed to cooperate with you because of this woman. You don't want to be shameless, just you crooked melons The soldier, I haven't caught my eye yet!"

After that, he turned and left.

The leader shouted angrily: "Stop them, take my barracks as my place, come as soon as you say, and leave as soon as you say?"

Zheng Ye bared lightly in disdain, raised his hand, and a military thorn slipped from his sleeve.

At the same time, he rushed forward and clasped the leader's neck with his elbows, and the four ghosts also drew their guns at the same time.

"I'll see who dares to stop it!" Ah Qi said coldly, raised his jaw, and signaled the gathered jungle soldiers to get out of the way.

Immediately, Zheng Ye dragged the leader slowly back outside the barracks, and Ah Ji got into the jeep first and started the car.

When getting into the car, Zheng Ye patted the leader's face with a military stab: "If you don't have that ability, don't show off. You are such a dick, you can't even match the toes of a Chinese soldier."

Then he pushed the man, and the jeep shot out like an arrow, and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

The leader twisted his neck vigorously, and cursed "Male Gobi" angrily.

A few people hurried to the Cangyin biological base again, all in a bad mood.

Originally, what Zheng Ye meant was that, taking advantage of Ta Wen's serious injury, he could mobilize troops to attack the bases in the Black Triangle and the Middle East with lightning speed.

But what the jungle army meant was that too hasty a plan would inevitably lead to problems, and they had to go through careful research and deliberation before making a decision.

Zheng Ye was worried about Sheng Ying's safety, how could he wait for them to procrastinately research out the battle plan of Lao Shizi, so he quarreled.

No, we broke up on bad terms!

Ah Chi asked, "Brother Ye, why don't we go directly to the Black Triangle?"

"No, directly implement the second plan!"

Zheng Ye picked up the phone, pulled out the calling card inside, replaced it with another card, and then dialed a number.

On the other end of the phone, it was An Qiao: "Who is it?"

"I'm Zheng Ye!" Zheng Ye said darkly, "Is she okay, girl? Did you fucking do anything to her?"

"Very well, the baby is due in three weeks, congratulations, you are going to be an uncle soon."

"Anqiao, you Ma Le Gobi, she was grown up by you anyway, and you treat her like this? Then what kind of bastard is Tawen, you actually help him?"

"Aye, people die for money, birds die for food, aren't we all such people? When you first cooperated with him, you didn't despise him so much."

"If you hadn't turned back your mother's word, things wouldn't have turned into what they are today. Fuck you."

Zheng Ye squeezed the resentment in his heart for too long, and yelled at An Qiao, whatever was unpleasant.

An Qiao just listened quietly, feeling inexplicably at ease.

It seemed that the plastic-like relationship between the two had returned.

(End of this chapter)

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