Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 841 Rumors May Be True

Chapter 841 Rumors May Be True

"Look, look, look, the two bosses of the Ling Group are hugging at the airport, damn it, they look so affectionate, so envious of ing."

"Tsk tsk, what the hell is this called a perfect match, a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful face! No wonder the stock of Ling's Group has been soaring recently."

The citizens of City A have always talked about Ling Chengzhi and Qi You's love affair, and they are very optimistic about it.

There are also voices on the Internet media, if there is a photo of their fit, it will be the top trending search in an instant.

Of course that's not the point.

The focus is on those comments, which are particularly interesting:
——I support the marriage between the boss and the beautiful CEO, and I bought five thousand shares of the Ling Group as a token of my appreciation.

——Move the Civil Affairs Bureau here and let them get married in place.

——Come here, I'm the Civil Affairs Bureau, I've made this couple, and they'll be sent to the bridal chamber immediately!

Regarding the relationship between Ling Chengzhi and Qi You, few people complained, and they all acquiesced in their relationship.

Many marketing accounts wrote short essays on their relationship, which attracted a lot of traffic.

The most popular blogger has already written that Qi You is pregnant with Ling Chengzhi's child, and they are twins, with hundreds of thousands of onlookers.

One of them included Sheng Ying.

Sheng Ying paints every day, or just goes to see the scenery, and fills up her time.

Not for anything else, just because the news about Ling Chengzhi on Weibo is so overwhelming that you can't stop reading it.

Although I know that these marketing accounts are full of fiction, many of them are based on imagination.

But the pictures cannot be faked. Ling Chengzhi and Qi You had dinner together, holding hands, dancing, and the latest pictures of hugging at the airport.

These are all true.

The more Sheng Ying looked at it, the more panicked she became. She knew she shouldn't care about it, but she just couldn't control her heart.

That's why she went to paint and play, anyway, she didn't give herself any free time.

Because when I am free, I can't help but think of Ling Chengzhi, and I will look up news related to him, and then feel sad secretly.

Just like now, seeing the scene of Qi You and Ling Chengzhi embracing each other at the airport, Sheng Ying's heart was pierced like a knife.

The two of them embraced so tightly, and Ling Chengzhi's eyes were so gentle. At that moment, he must have loved the woman in his arms very much.

Qi You, on the other hand, smiled shyly and happily, revealing her feelings for him by grabbing the hem of her clothes tightly.

That is clearly the reaction of a person who loves someone.

So the relationship between the two of them may not be a rumor, at least Qi You was moved.

Sheng Ying watched with tears in her eyes, and hurried to the bathroom to wash her eyes, so as not to be spotted by An Qiao in a while.

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as Sheng Ying wiped away her tears and walked out of the bathroom, An Qiao brought A Pu over.

She's been swollen a lot lately, and Apoo says it's because the voodoo is at its peak, and the baby will be born prematurely.

So Apu would come to see Sheng Ying every day, and if it was serious, he would take some medicine, and if it was not serious, he would let her hold on.

In this case, it will be fine until the child is born.

The injuries on An Qiao's face are still not healed, especially the corners of his mouth are the most severe, and his speech has been vague for the past two days.

Although An Qiao didn't say how he was injured, Sheng Ying also guessed that he might have fought with Zheng Ye.

"Aying, how are you feeling today?"

An Qiao put a basket of fresh fruits on the table, and took a closer look at Sheng Ying. It was really swollen, and the skin stretched a little.

Sheng Ying smiled and said, "Very good!"

"Don't hold on, if you can't hold on anymore, let's cut this child early, and..."

"No!" Apu interrupted An Qiao and said very seriously, "This child was raised by voodoo, and voodoo will gather in his organs, and some of the voodoo must be excreted by squeezing the birth canal come out."

When Sheng Ying thought of giving birth to this child by herself, she shuddered suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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