Chapter 167
The "episode" of this night was quickly talked about by the villagers. Yunsu didn't know who spread it, but neither Li Dajiao's embellished version nor the real version of the village doctor had any effect on Yunsu. too much impact.

After all, Li Dajiao's character has long been ruined, and Yun Su has now become a kind person respected and admired by the villagers.

On the day of Laba, Yun Su had just cooked Laba porridge, and before she had time to taste the taste, she heard the long-lost dog barking outside the door.

The two brothers and sisters, who were originally studying and embroidering purses in their respective rooms, ran out in disbelief when they heard this movement.

"Mother, did you hear it? It seems to be the cry of 'Little Flower' and 'Black Whirlwind'!" Ji Yihan's voice was choked with excitement.

"Yeah, I heard that too, go and have a look!" Ji Yize touched the ground with his toes, and he flew up as light as a feather.

Yun Su was dumbfounded. This was the first time she had seen Ji Yize's lightness kung fu. Although she didn't know what it was like to wear flowers and circle trees in martial arts novels, watching Ji Yize fly over the two-meter-high courtyard wall effortlessly was still a bit overwhelming. Envious.

"Brother, wait for me!" Ji Yihan was also very envious, but she only learned some self-defense boxing skills, and she didn't have a solid foundation in light work, so she could only run out with her legs.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yun Su saw Ji Yize, brother and sister, leading the lively 'Xiao Hua' and 'Black Whirlwind' back home crying and laughing.

"Mother, look!" Ji Yihan, who was crying with joy, couldn't wait to show Yunsu the fully recovered pet dog.

Yun Su didn't expect that Ji Changcheng really had the ability to save the seriously injured dogs.

The last one to walk into the house happened to be Ji Changcheng.

Yun Su stepped forward quickly, and besides checking whether there were any remaining scars on the bodies of 'Xiao Hua' and 'Black Whirlwind', she also frequently glanced at Ji Changcheng from the corner of her eye, curiosity and confusion in her eyes almost overflowing.

Ji Yize and his sister haven't gotten over the excitement of their dog's return, so they didn't even think to ask Ji Changcheng what was right and wrong.

After Yunsu inspected the dogs, the siblings were busy building a nest for the dogs, finding all the fur balls and gadgets they loved to play with before, and went to the kitchen to find those meaty bones to feed them.

Instead, Yun Su dragged Ji Changcheng into the house.

"Ji Changcheng, you can, tell me how our dog was cured, please tell me?" Yun Su asked softly while pouring tea for him.

She was really curious. According to the plot line she knew, Ji Changcheng didn't seem like someone who would have compassion for the dying dog. She really thought that Ji Changcheng just took the seriously injured dog to the mountain to bury it.

I never thought that more than half a month later, the dog actually recovered from serious injuries.

"You want to know?" Ji Changcheng took a sip of tea, and gave Yun Su a meaningful look.

Yun Su nodded like a pest: "Of course I want to know, please explain carefully."

"Do you still remember who bought the 'Black Whirlwind' back then?" Ji Changcheng asked Yun Su.

"Of course I remember, we were from..." Yun Su thought of the peddler who put things away, and the pair of brothers with extraordinary temperament came to mind, they were particularly conspicuous among the peddlers, and they were well dressed.

"Could it be that you asked them for help?" The "they" that Yun Su mentioned refers to the pair of brothers among the vendors.

It was also the twelfth lunar month of winter, and those vendors would definitely come to Luoyun Mountain again.

But Yunsu shook his head again, "No, it's not yet the twelfth lunar month when you send the dogs away, so the vendors won't come early."

Seeing Yun Su's serious analysis, Ji Changcheng took the initiative to reveal the answer.

"The person I am looking for is an experienced veterinarian. He is also an old hunter. After his wife passed away, he built a house alone at the northern foot of Luoyun Mountain. He raised a lot of hounds, so I thought he would have If there is a way, send the seriously injured dog over there."

Yunsu had heard about the old man who lived alone at the northern foot of Luoyun Mountain, but only today did he know that he was actually a veterinarian. He had seen him once when he was hiking and exercising with Ji Changcheng.

The old man with gray beard, bushy eyebrows, and white hair and childlike face is really impressive. Could it be that he is an outsider?Or some kind of sweeping monk!

Yun Su guessed that while Ji Changcheng was keeping a low profile in this small village, he must also have his own source of information about the court's political affairs. She had doubts about those traders who put things away, and also suspected the lonely old man Luoyunshan.

Now it seems that she judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

At least they cured the family's pet dog. She didn't want to get involved in the imperial power struggle, and she didn't bother to analyze too much.

After staying in this small mountain village for so long, the fights with the village still annoyed Yun Su so much that Li Dajiao, who was never tired of it, looked like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death. Sometimes Yun Su couldn't do anything against a village woman.

With her intelligence and kindness, why did Ji Changcheng test her and take her out of the village with her?
"Yun Su, what are you thinking about?" Ji Changcheng saw that Yun Su was distracted, so he took the initiative to ask, and put the teacup in his hand back on the low table.

After regaining her senses, Yun Su laughed out loud: "Of course I was thinking about how to reward you. Our dog was able to recover from a serious injury. Your contribution is no less than that old veterinarian."

"Are you really going to reward me?" Ji Changcheng smiled, "Speaking of which, in order to thank that old veterinarian, I gave him the snow fox I hunted as a gift."

"Although that snow fox is valuable, it is nothing compared to our pet dog." Yun Su is greedy for money, but she values ​​feelings more, "You are a great hero to our family today, and I will take good care of my food and clothing." You will be rewarded."

Yun Su didn't joke with Ji Changcheng, she got up while talking and took out a piece of velvet fabric with clouds and water patterns that Qiuxia sent before, "Wear new clothes for the New Year, this piece of fabric is reserved for you, Make you a winter robe in advance."

Ji Changcheng felt that Yunsu was frank and cute, so he let her direct and cooperate with her to measure the size by raising his arms and legs.

Compared with the winter robes in Muyige in the town, he prefers the ones Yunsu personally made for him. The simple style without so many complicated patterns is quite to his liking.

"I remembered the rare item you brought back from the fur dealer. There was an ivory bead, which was just right for you to sew on your belt, and it matched the material best." Yun Su said happily.

Before Ji Changcheng could open his mouth, Ji Yihan's silver bell-like laughter came from outside the house, "Mother, Dad, our dog is back today, shouldn't we celebrate it, especially to be a little daddy?" Love the food!"

"See, your mother is measuring your father to make new clothes as a reward!" Ji Changcheng teased intentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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