Chapter 172 Yunsu's Future

The new year is coming, and the ice and snow are melting.

Shangyuan Festival was originally the busiest day. Last year, Yunsu took Ji Yize and his brother and sister to the town to watch the lion dance and lantern viewing, but this year she will retreat at home to recuperate her body, so naturally she will not go out.

"Mother, I think you've been recuperating for almost a month, and you've become more and more beautiful and reborn. Why can't you go out?" Ji Yihan pursed his lips, obviously wanting to go out with Yun Su.

She walked to Yun Su's side, blinked at Yun Su, and hoped that Yun Su would agree.

Ji Yize reminded his younger sister, "My mother said at the time that it would take a month to recuperate. You don't want your parents to give birth to younger brothers and sisters?"

"Of course I want to!"

"Then don't urge mother to go out, it's only three or five days away in a month, not to mention mother has changed a lot now, dad may not be willing to let mother show her face." Ji Yize said in a low voice.

Yun Su was stunned when he heard the words.

When she retreated to recuperate and recuperate her body, she lived alone in the back room. Because of the need for acupuncture, Ji Changcheng offered to live with his son Ji Yize.

It just so happens that it's the New Year's Eve again, and there are many things at home, Ji Changcheng has to get up early and return late, and he is afraid of disturbing Yun Su's rest.

I don't know what Ji Changcheng will think when he sees her now.
Yun Su raised her eyelids and looked at the figure outside the wind curtain.

Would Ji Changcheng really be reluctant to show her in public?
During this period of time, Yunsu used acupoints to sculpt her body, combined with herbal diet to nourish qi and blood, and nourish the lost organs. Her body has indeed lost a lot of weight, especially her oval face has thinned into an oval face.

But she adjusted her body for herself. Whoever is going to have a baby with Ji Changcheng, this little doll who is only in his early teens will learn the same thing from whom.

At this time, Ji Changcheng saw Ji Yize coming out from the door, and looked at him suspiciously: "What's the matter, where is your sister? Aren't you going to town together?

"Yihan, your father is waiting for you, hurry up and play." Yun Su reminded, she wished Ji Changcheng would take these two 'nonsense' siblings away quickly.

Ji Changcheng heard the meaning conveyed by Yun Su, and rarely showed a smile, "It's getting late, we should set off, today Daddy will take you brothers and sisters to the town to play, come back early after watching the lanterns at night, don't let mother wait Too long."

After Yun Su sent Ji Changcheng and the children away, she prepared some snacks, cakes, melon seeds, peanuts and other nuts, and after drinking herbal tea, she sat by the stove and read the books for entertainment while eating.

Different from the appearance before the retreat and recuperation, Yun Su's appearance and figure at this time are even better than before.The bright face is white and tender, the moon is covered by light clouds, and the makeup is elegant.

Holding the peach blossom face with one hand, she sat in front of Xiao Fang, her long black hair was casually rolled up, her eyes were like stars, and her posture was pleasant.With a slim figure and expression, he lost the look of the elders who had just faced the children, and regained a bit of the nature of modern people.

But only Yun Su knew that when she was quiet, she was as quiet as a virgin, but when there was no one around, her true nature would be revealed.As a book transmigrator, she couldn't be herself after all.

Now that there is no one else at home, she dared to relax a little bit. She was pleasantly surprised by the ledger, and the abacus made a 'cracking' sound. The medicinal material business she made a living earned a lot. In two years, 2000 taels, this benefit is not great. It's low.

The public account is 1000 taels, and the private account is 1000 taels.Yun Su, as a scholar, has top-notch accounting skills. After all, her family is from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners. She was forced by her grandfather to take an accounting certificate. She is responsible for the tax accounts of the family clinic.

Therefore, after she traveled through time, making false accounts in front of Ji Changcheng, an ancient man, was Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts, a piece of cake.

If she really reconciles with Ji Changcheng, apart from her own personal account of [-] silver, the rest can be divided, and according to Ji Changcheng's temperament, she will not care about this little silver.

But is the family fortune of 2000 taels enough for her to make a living alone in this empty dynasty here?
Yun Su has a skill, but where can she go without Ji Changcheng?It would be fine if she was a man through the book, it would be all up to him to go to heaven and earth.

But she is a woman, and it is even more difficult to find a job to support herself. Apart from embroidery houses and brothels, which medical center would dare to accept a medical girl like her?
Kong has a whole body of medical and pharmacological skills, if she reveals this too much, she may also incur grievances and grievances, and by then she will not even have Ji Changcheng as a way out.

In this superficial feudal society, the status of women is very low, without someone to rely on, it may be difficult to move forward.

Thinking of this, Yun Su suddenly felt that the melon seeds in her hand were no longer fragrant, so she took a sip of tea and put away her 'Yin Yang' ledger.

The "cracking" sound of the charcoal fire in the stove was clearly discernible, and Yunsu was lying on a recliner covered with white fox fur, thinking about her future life.

Living in seclusion in the mountains to open up wasteland and grow medicine fields is also a way out, but the life is extremely poor. To buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, you have to go over mountains and mountains. After all, there is no salesman in their village.

As a modern person, Yun Su naturally did not give up the pursuit of basic material life. She wanted to make money to live a good life, and she also wanted to travel and play in the great rivers and mountains in this book if she had the conditions.

Therefore, she still needs to work hard. It is best to buy a village with a beautiful scenery, and then work hard to open a small medical clinic for women to treat diseases, so everything will be fine.

But the ideal is very full, the reality is too skinny, Yun Su feels that her plan may be difficult to realize.

Buying Zhuangzi requires money, and her 2000 taels are enough, but how can Zhuangzi buy it?What excuse did she find to see Zhuangzi, and it was too dangerous to play tricks under the nose of the big hero Ji Changcheng.

Trust this thing to be unfaithful once, but not to use it a hundred times, she can't take risks.

As for the small medical clinic, don’t even count on it. Opening a shop in the ancient times requires a government document, which is similar to a business license in modern life. Yun Su has to spend money to find someone from the county government to do it, so you can’t get around the county magistrate. .

Tsk tsk, why is the county magistrate Qi Ziheng!

But it would be even more difficult to start again in another place.Apart from Zhuang Beijiang, the businessman Yun Su dealt with, Gao Tingxuan, the young master, was also from Shangdu in the capital, so she couldn't get too close to the people in the capital.

She doesn't have connections, and she doesn't even have a market.She still doesn't have a channel to buy Zhuangzi, she has nothing and no advantages, and she left Ji Changcheng, fearing that it will be difficult to get along well.

Rationality told Yun Su to take his time, because he couldn't become fat if he ate in one bite.

Tsk, the matter with Ji Changcheng and Li has not yet been figured out. Is it too early to think about this, but she must be self-reliant!

Yun Su pondered these things alone, the stove was burning brightly, and in the chilly spring season, she fell asleep in a daze in the warm room.

When Ji Changcheng brought his brother and sister home, the night was getting dark, and Yun Su had already eaten enough and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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