Chapter 185 The Arrival of Qi Ziheng
Yun Su snuggled into Ji Changcheng's arms and fell asleep like this. She didn't remember things clearly after being drunk, but it didn't mean she completely forgot.

When she opened her eyes again, the first thing she heard was the chirping of birds, and it was very lively. When Yun Su sat up, she found that she was wearing yesterday's dress, and there was still the jar of candied fruit beside her pillow.

"Why is the candied fruit jar on the bed?" Yun Su rubbed her eyes and asked suspiciously.

But soon a few images appeared in her mind, and she also remembered why the candied fruit jar was on the bedside. She blushed and buried her face in the pillow suddenly, feeling depressed and annoyed at the same time. Rolling and venting...

Yunsu, oh Yunsu, every time you drink, you go crazy with alcohol! !
It took her half an hour to adjust her mood before she changed her clothes and walked out of the room. She thought that Ji Changcheng should not be at home to hunt at this hour, but when she arrived in the yard, she saw Ji Changcheng teaching Ji Yize how to box.

Ji Yihan, who was combing a double ring bun, followed behind and gestured, with a serious and serious expression.

Yun Su paused, and complained in confusion: Why didn't Ji Changcheng go hunting? It couldn't be because he was worried about me, right?

"Mother, are you awake? Do you feel better? Daddy made sober tea, as well as millet porridge and cold salad. Go and eat some." Ji Yize put away his fist and walked towards Yunsu.

Ji Changcheng on the side also looked up at Yun Su with a faint smile in his eyes.

What are you laughing laughing?

Yun Su clasped her fingers with a guilty conscience, looked away from Ji Changcheng, and said to Ji Yize: "Last night, I ate too much wine. I didn't wake up until now. I don't feel hungry. You and Daddy should fight." , I'll go to the medicine field to have a look."

Ji Changcheng had already guessed that Yun Su would react like this after waking up. Yun Su would always slowly recall the intimacy and ambiguity after being drunk last night. Anyone would be shy and awkward, let alone their relationship just budding stage.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Ji Changcheng asked Yun Su.

Yun Su shook her head like a rattle, "No, you stay at home with the children, and I'll come back after turning around."

After she finished speaking, she left the house as if fleeing, even her breathing was a little short.

"Yun Su, what's wrong with you? Your cheeks are flushed, you must be warm." A passer-by asked kindly.

"Yeah, the weather is sultry after Lixia, and the sun is scorching hot before noon. Next time you go out, it will be better to wear a straw hat."

Yunsu chatted with the neighbors passing by, thanked them for their kindness and walked towards Yaotian.

The excuse is to come and see the medicine field, but the herbs in the medicine field don't need her to take care of them at all. The roots and leaves are luxuriant, and the rows of lush growth are gratifying.

Yunsu found a small rake and a small hoe in front of the fence of the medicine field, and strolled around the ridge of the medicine field, taking a walk and relaxing.

Except for the medicine field in the shade on the hillside, the medicine field given to Yunsu by Liu and Chen's family as a reward is at the fork of the official road in the east of the village. To Ji Changcheng, I always feel awkward.

Being hugged by Ji Changcheng to sleep all night, she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment when she thought of that scene.

When she came to the medicine field at the fork in the east of the village, Yun Su was full of wild thoughts and didn't even notice that someone was riding a horse at the fork of the official road. When she walked sideways towards the field ridge, the horseman suddenly reined in .

'Woo' the horse rider called out, and the galloping horse breathed out its nose, raised its hooves lightly, and soon stopped on the spot.

Yun Su's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound, and when she heard the sound, she raised her head and stepped on the air.

Seeing that Yun Su was about to fall into the medicine field, the thought that popped into her mind at this moment was "it's all my fault that Ji Changcheng distracted me." Out of instinct, she didn't want to fall too embarrassingly, so she supported her body with her arms and threw herself While facing the medicine field, he bent down and shrunk his head.

But in the blink of an eye, Yunsu's waist was hugged by someone, and his body lightened, and there was a shallow laugh of Ningyu hitting the stone in his ears, and before Yunsu could react, his feet landed firmly on the ground.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, I never thought it would be like this when we meet again."

The man's voice was familiar, and Yunsu immediately realized who was the one who surprised her by riding the horse.

Qi Ziheng, this pervert, is really here! !

Yun Su turned around hastily and pushed away the arm that was on her lower back.

When he looked up at the person coming, Qi Ziheng who caught his eyes looked like a dog.

I have to admit that Qi Ziheng's skin is not bad, but it is still a bit worse than Ji Changcheng.The only good thing is that the clothes are of excellent quality, maybe because of the officialdom, the clothes are exquisite.

The summer gown with cloudy and narrow sleeves is blue and white with dark patterns of water and clouds. There is a green stone jade pendant obliquely tied around the waist. The crystal clear hollow pattern is an auspicious double-ring jade pendant.

The hem of the robe was embroidered with patterns embroidered with gold thread. The summer wind blew past the face, and the robe fluttered with the wind, as if injecting a bit of aura into the pattern.

Yun Su thought if Ji Changcheng wore such a brocade robe and jade pendant, what would it look like?

Ji Changcheng is not as scholarly as Qi Ziheng, he is a dull and cold black jade, dark in color, but with an obsidian-like halo.

Warm as jade.

Mingming Ji Changcheng has nothing to do with the word 'warm and moist as jade', but Yunsu just wants to use this word to describe him.

Only after getting along for a long time, did she feel Ji Changcheng's gentle side.

This idea took root in Yunsu's heart, so that when she saw Qi Ziheng's face, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Qi County Prime Minister." Yun Su's voice was a little alienated, and his gaze was also a little cold.

She took two steps back, patted off the broken grass leaves on the skirt, and saluted Qi Ziheng.

Qi Ziheng obviously noticed the change in Yun Su's attitude, and secretly wondered, the soft and tender eyes that he looked at just now, why did they suddenly change?

He didn't know Yun Su's thoughts at all just now, so he naturally had no way of knowing the reason.

"Get up, we don't need to be so polite, Yunlian asked me to say hello to you on her behalf." Qi Ziheng took a step forward, trying to help Yunsu up.

Yun Su got up before his arm touched her, "Is sister Yun Lian so kind?"

A man's mouth, a liar.

Yun Lian, the black lotus, would be fine if she didn't harm her. Obviously, Qi Ziheng hasn't seen the true face of his wife yet.

"Yunsu, do you have any misunderstanding about Yunlian? It's normal for you sisters to have some minor conflicts. After all, you seldom interact with each other after you get married." Qi Ziheng saw Yunsu's flashing sneer, but turned a blind eye.

"What the Qi County Prime Minister said is exactly right. Since we are not in touch with each other, it is natural to be polite. What's more, my lord is in Liudaohehuai Village for official business, so how can I talk about private affairs." Yun Su said meaningfully: "I am a housewife , don’t waste your time.”

(End of this chapter)

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