Chapter 188 The Uninvited Qi Ziheng
Ji Changcheng looked at Yun Su silently, seeing her neck flushed and anxious to explain, his heart felt inexplicably warm.

Originally, his good mood was greatly reduced because of Qi Ziheng's arrival, but now he is in an unprecedented good mood, even though he didn't rest all night, he is still in good spirits.

"Ji Changcheng, come here." Yun Su managed to get rid of Ji Yihan, a 'curious baby', and dragged the people around him to the kitchen.

"what happened?"

Yun Su said softly: "In the future, no matter how happy I am, don't let me drink anymore. It's too embarrassing. You know that I'm crazy about drinking. You just need to touch my sleeping hole, so that Yihan won't see something she shouldn't see." .”

"Then I'll pay more attention next time." Just don't let others see.

Yun Su frowned and said, "What do you think Yihan is thinking? Why does she have to have a younger brother? It's been so long, why is she still thinking about it?"

"I don't know."

"Of course you don't know." Yun Su frowned and cast a glance at him, "If Cuilan and her newly-married husband-in-law have a baby, Fat Girl's temperament will definitely show off with Yihan, and we two will suffer."

"No." Ji Changcheng said: "When you were drunk last night, I talked with Cuilan's husband-in-law. He said that he should raise Fatty well, and loving her is enough."

Yun Su didn't expect that Ji Changcheng, with his usually cold and reticent face, would talk about these topics with Cuilan's new husband-in-law.

"Reorganizing a family is like this. No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, the child's thoughts must also be taken into consideration." Yun Su said with emotion.

"Reorganize the family?" Ji Changcheng actually misses Yun Su's way of speaking. In addition to sounding fresh, he also uses precise words.

Yun Su stuck out her tongue, and she spoke modern dialect again excitedly, "I made a metaphor, the words don't convey the meaning."

"It's okay, I understand."

While chatting in the kitchen, the two tacitly started to light the stove and prepare to cook.

The whole morning passed like this, and the speed of time flow was really embarrassing.

"After Qi Ziheng came to the village, I saw that the village head, Zhou Fugui, was very kind. You said that if Qi Ziheng knew that I planted the medicine field first, would he find all kinds of reasons to make trouble?" Yun Su said while cutting potatoes. Then the topic turned to Qi Ziheng.

Ji Changcheng said indifferently: "It's okay, I won't go hunting for a few days, I will accompany you."

"You don't go hunting anymore?" Yun Su was a little surprised and looked up at him.

"Be careful, you have a knife in your hand." Ji Changcheng reminded.

Yun Su let out an 'oh', and then lowered her head again to cut vegetables, but there was a little ripple in her heart.

"Put your heart in your stomach." Ji Changcheng really wanted to tell Yun Su that with his ability, he could follow him everywhere and make people ignore his existence, but he would also be able to take action in time in case of any emergency .

Relying on his powerful inner breath is enough to make people chill.

But these details, Ji Changcheng will not tell Yun Su.

At noon that day, when Yunsu's family was eating under the big banyan tree, the village chief Zhou Fugui brought Qi Ziheng by air, causing the dogs in the yard to bark.

"Yunsu, it seems that we came at a good time, just in time for your family's dinner." Zhou Fugui greeted with a smile, "Quickly stop your dog from barking, and scare Lord Qi again."

Qi Ziheng would not be frightened by the barking of the dog, his eyes skipped over the dining table at Yunsu's house, hot and sour potato shreds, crucian carp tofu, cowpea fried sausage, and cold kelp shreds.

Tsk tsk, the combination of meat and vegetables, the food is not bad, and the smell will make you appetite.

As expected of marrying a hunter, he eats meat every day. It seems that his appetite is easy to satisfy, so he can give up the idea of ​​giving food to please Yunsu first.

"Village Chief, why are you and Master Qi here?" Yun Su's face changed slightly, and he stood up and asked.

Ji Changcheng gave his son next to him a look.

The youngest, Ji Yihan, looked at Qi Ziheng curiously. She has lived in the village for so many years, and she rarely sees such a handsome man, whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to her father Ji Changcheng.

"Yihan, are you full? Didn't you say you wanted my brother to take Xiao Hua and 'Black Whirlwind' to play by the river? Let's go, brother is going out to digest food now." Ji Yize took his sister's arm.

Yun Su knows that Yi Ze is precocious and mature, she is not worried that the arrival of Qi Ziheng and Zhou Fugui will scare Yi Ze, on the contrary, she is more worried about Yi Han.

"Yihan, go play with your brother." Yun Su pulled Ji Yihan up and gave her a few copper coins, "I'll go buy a watermelon from your Empress Cuilan when I get back."

"Okay." Ji Yihan was young, so he diverted his attention when he heard playing, not to mention that he could buy watermelon to eat, so he hurriedly followed his brother to the kennel to fetch Xiaohua and 'Black Whirlwind'.

After the children went out, Qi Ziheng praised: "Although they are adopted children, they seem to be quite sensible."

Before he finished speaking, he sat down skillfully, and even sat between Yun Su and Ji Changcheng.

He looked at Ji Changcheng politely, "We met again, didn't you go hunting in the mountains today? I heard from the village chief that you usually go out early and return late to hunt in Luoyun Mountain."

"I have some work to do at home. I'll go hunting after I've been busy these days."

Ji Changcheng spoke slowly, the chopsticks were still very stable, and he picked up the thorny crucian carp for Yunsu, his face was still expressionless, as if he didn't mind Qi Ziheng's horizontal fork.

To be honest, although Yun Su knew that Qi Ziheng would come to her, she didn't expect it to be so soon, and she showed up at the meal time.

Although she appeared very calm on the surface, she was actually greatly shocked.

On the contrary, it was Ji Changcheng who was unexpectedly calm, his flashing expression contained disgust and plans, but he was able to cover up his emotions seamlessly in the blink of an eye.

Would such a Ji Changcheng hide his emotions like this when facing her?

"Lord Qi, I personally arranged a banquet for you. Since Yunsu hasn't finished eating, why don't we go back to eat first, and let Yunsu go over and talk later." As the village head, Zhou Fugui naturally tried his best to please For Qi Ziheng, food, clothing and housing are the most basic.

"Village chief, don't be so extravagant and wasteful. I just like Yunsu's daily meal. Besides, I came to Yunsu's house to better understand the affairs of the medicine field." Qi Ziheng politely declined Zhou Fugui's banquet.

Zhou Fugui smiled and agreed, he was naturally happy to be able to save a lot of money.

Qi Ziheng looked at Yunsu: "I think there are some dishes, Yunsu don't mind adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks for me?"

"Yun Su, why don't you go to the kitchen and cook a few more dishes? Master Qi condescends to eat at your house, and you haven't taken the initiative to entertain him." Zhou Fugui said domineeringly.

Qi Ziheng glanced sharply at Zhou Fugui, "Be polite to Yunsu, what are you talking about condescending, without Yunsu, the medicine fields in your village would not be taken seriously, and I would not come to this remote village."

(End of this chapter)

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