Chapter 192 Ji Changcheng pretends to be drunk

"Qi Ziheng can't drink as much as I do. He should be drunk, otherwise he wouldn't lose his composure. As for the topic mentioned, it's also the past of the previous dynasty. People in the officialdom like to set an example to others." Ji Changcheng also deliberately stretched Ended the sound.

"Then what do you think of this prodigy from the Ji family?"

In fact, Yun Su didn't know that Ji Changcheng was pretending to be drunk, and she felt uncomfortable when she heard these compliments and ridicule from Qi Ziheng tonight.

Although in Yun Su's view, these are all paper figures, but now she came through the book, these paper figures are flesh and blood, and she can see that Ji Changcheng's mood is still affected by those words.

"How else can I look at it? In order to stabilize the imperial power, the emperor naturally took a special fancy to these humerus ministers. In the past, they called them brothers and won them over with loyalty. When the time is right, they will draw their swords to face each other."

Ji Changcheng sniffed the cold fragrance from Yun Su's body, and said slowly, "Why did you think of asking this?"

Yun Su said truthfully: "I like to read dramas and scripts. It is said that since ancient times, being with a king is like being with a tiger. What's more, the factions and factions within the royal family are inherently intricate."

As a person who has received a university education in the 21st century, Yun Su has learned a lot about the loyalty and courage of the master from the history class, and these are all basic common sense.

"You describe it very accurately." Ji Changcheng sighed: "Yun Su, you also said before that there are no permanent enemies and friends. In many cases, those who benefit together become friends. If you benefit, you will cooperate, and if you are unfavorable, you will divide. Do I separate?"

Yun Su has never dared to take it lightly since the day she came through the book. In order to protect herself, she spared no effort to figure out various ways to make money and improve the lives of herself and her children.

She never imagined that she would follow Ji Changcheng, the leading hero, to become a family member of an important official with power.

But when Ji Changcheng asked her this question after he was drunk, he stopped her.

She subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Ji Changcheng, but was touched by his stolen gaze, and there was an unprecedented tenderness in those deep eyes.

"I think you are also completely drunk. We are husband and wife and we have an agreement. I still rely on you to protect me. Why should I separate from you?" Yun Su said half-truthfully, "We each take what we need, Wouldn't it be nice to have the best of both worlds?"

Ji Changcheng hoped that he was really drunk, he had a full view of Yun Su's dodging eyes.

"As long as you don't leave, it doesn't matter if you each get what you need, or coexist for mutual benefit, I will enjoy it..."

Yun Su heard his softly spoken words clearly, and was a little touched in her heart.

After returning home, Ji Yihan's siblings saw their mother struggling to help their drunken father into the main room, so they hurried forward to help.

"Mother, how much wine did Daddy drink?"

"Yeah, people who practice martial arts are so drunk, I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable in the second half of the night."

Both brothers and sisters looked nervous and worried.

"I'm going to make a hangover medicinal tea, you can help him take off his coat first, and help him to the back room." Yun Su ordered.

After drinking the hangover tea, Yun Su let the two children go back to the room to rest, "What time is it, you two go back to rest, mother will take good care of him."

"Then it's hard work, mother." The brother and sister said in unison, and when they left, they glanced at Ji Changcheng who was on the bed uneasy.

In the middle of the night, Ji Changcheng was drunk, and the bitterness of sober tea permeated the whole room, but it was far from the bitterness in his heart.

"Yunsu..." All kinds of emotions rushed into his heart. He was not unmoved by Qi Ziheng's words. At this time, he held Yunsu's hand and leaned sideways on her shoulder. For the first time, he took the initiative to Yunsu.

Yun Su, who was lying on her side, tensed up, and then quickly relaxed, allowing Ji Changcheng to hold her hand, and put her free arm on Ji Changcheng's back, and patted her lightly.

"Ji Changcheng, if I'm drunk you'll let me be drunk, but now that you're drunk too, I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman."

Yun Su's words combined with intimate comforting gestures dissipated the depression that was stuck in Ji Changcheng's chest...

In the next few days, Qi Ziheng will find all kinds of reasons and excuses to create opportunities to be alone with Yunsu. It is impossible for the heads of the Liu and Chen households to block Qi Ziheng for Yunsu every time, not to mention that the village chief Zhou Fugui also Qi Ziheng followed suit.

Therefore, Qi Ziheng got his wish this day, he was able to be alone with Yun Su for a while, and even tried some tricks to send Ji Changcheng away.

Yun Su didn't like to be alone with Qi Ziheng, anyone who wanted to be alone would find excuses to refuse.

"Master Qi, I have also summed up the planting methods of the medicine field that you asked me to sort out before, and I went out without other things." Yun Su's attitude was cold and distant, and after putting down the bound booklet in his hand, he turned around I'm leaving.

"Yun Su is leaving in such a hurry, is there something wrong?" Qi Ziheng suddenly blocked Yun Su's way.

Tsk, this pervert is too difficult today.

Yun Su's eyes darkened, and she looked at Qi Ziheng, "Master Qi, my husband-in-law is in a hurry to find the children because the children have gone out and haven't come home. I can't wait as a mother. I will leave all the things that need to be sorted to Master Qi." Can you let me go?"

"My guards are accompanying Ji Changcheng to find the children, and there is no rush." ​​Qi Ziheng picked up the booklet, "Yun Su, who do you think is better, Ji Changcheng or me?" , if it wasn't for Yunlian, you would have married me back then."

Damn, this Qi Ziheng is too narcissistic, where does he have the courage to compare with Ji Changcheng, the hero?

Yun Su rolled her eyes. She didn't want to answer such a mentally handicapped question at all. As a book transmigrator, she really wanted to spoil it, and watched Ji Changcheng, a leading man, reach the pinnacle of power with his own eyes. It is equipped with rubbing under the feet.

However, Yun Su could only think about it.

"Master Qi, why did you think of asking this question?" Yun Su smiled dryly.

"I'm just curious about your answer." Qi Ziheng also smiled at Yun Su, but his smile was particularly dazzling, "As long as you answer, you can leave. Naturally, I won't force you to stay."

Yun Su bit the bullet and said against his will: "Lord Qi, you are of course one of the best in terms of looks and talents, but Ji Changcheng is my husband-in-law, and he is the most suitable for a vulgar village woman like me."

"You say that because you think Ji Changcheng is better than me, right?"

Tsk, Yun Su obviously complimented Qi Ziheng.

"Yun Su, anyone with a little discernment will praise me for being better than Ji Changcheng, right?"

Qi Ziheng was aroused by the damned desire to win, "If you hadn't married Ji Changcheng, you wouldn't have become a so-called village woman. Why did you elevate Ji Changcheng and belittle me?"

(End of this chapter)

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