Chapter 199 Beggar

Ji Changcheng held her hand, "Don't be angry, I won't ask you why you returned the things, but this matter ends here, no matter what Qi Ziheng sends in the future, I will not give the other party a chance to come in." .”

"That's about the same." Yun Su felt the warmth of his palm, and realized that the posture of the two of them was too ambiguous.

When did Ji Changcheng hug her from behind and sit on the bed?

Why are the legs sticking to the legs, and the fingers are clasped...

Yun Su's face turned red, her back was completely leaning against Ji Changcheng's arms, her heart beating like a drum.

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep!" Yun Su said vaguely, and buried her face in the pillow, not daring to look at Ji Changcheng again.

However, after the lights in the dormitory were completely dimmed, Yun Su clearly felt that Ji Changcheng, who was hugging her behind, had no intention of letting go.

Yun Su, who was full of thoughts, fell asleep in Ji Changcheng's arms in a daze.

Early the next morning, Ji Changcheng didn't go hunting because of the rain. According to his usual habit, Yunsu would sleep a little longer on rainy days, so Ji Changcheng didn't bother her.

But today Yun Su was a little abnormal, just as Ji Changcheng woke up, she also woke up.

"Will you not sleep for a while?" He asked Yunsu.

"I still have something to do today." The pair of gold bracelets that Qi Ziheng sent back will be sent back.

Ji Changcheng said 'oh', and didn't ask anything, but cared: "Go out in the rain, remember to bring an umbrella."

"Well, I'm going to the town to look for Zhuang Beijiang, and I should go and get the bonus from last month." The most important thing is that she has already thought of a way to return the jewelry that Qi Ziheng sent back.

After breakfast, Yunsu went out with an umbrella.

"Daddy, why don't you go with mother?" Ji Yihan asked curiously.

"That's right, Daddy won't go hunting in Luoyun Mountain today." How could I miss the good time alone with my mother, wouldn't it be nice to take a walk in the rain?

Ji Yize obviously noticed the minor problems between Yun Su and Ji Changcheng's husband and wife, his precocity is not just as simple as being sensible.

"Mother is looking for shopkeeper Zhuang to discuss the medicinal materials business, and father can't help."

"Then father can protect mother, and can also relieve mother's boredom." Ji Yize said: "Besides, it's raining, father doesn't have to stay at home to take care of my sister and me."

Ji Yihan nodded, "Yes, my brother is very powerful, no one would bully me without him, and my brother learned cooking from my mother."

"The wild goat that Dad hunted before can be eaten as mutton. 'Xiaohua' and 'Black Whirlwind' gnaw on the bones, and my sister and I eat meat." Ji Yize said to Ji Changcheng: "Don't worry, Dad, I've seen you You must be happy."

Under the instigation of his brother and sister, Ji Changcheng was also a little moved. He knew that Yunsu had other things to do when he went to town besides getting last month's dividend. After all, he even took the jewelry box with him.

But after hesitating again and again, Ji Changcheng went out with an umbrella. He wondered what method Yun Su would use to return the things to Qi Ziheng intact.

Relying on Juechen's light work, he quickly caught up with Yun Su, but he didn't intend to expose, he just followed Yun Su quietly.

In the light rain, Yun Su walked towards the town at a leisurely pace, and it took half an hour longer than usual to arrive at Zhuang Beijiang's medicine shop.

In addition to the bonus of detoxification and beauty pills, Yun Su also went to the restaurant to meet Gao Tingxuan's subordinates.

"This is the bank note prepared by my son, and the final settlement will be made every three months."

A bank note worth hundreds of taels was placed in front of Yun Su.

"Why didn't your son come?" Yun Su wanted to chat with Gao Tingxuan at first, but there are more and more farmers in the village who want to plant medicine fields, this is a big deal.

"My young master has been recalled to Shangdu in the capital by the master, and I will come to contact you every three months in the future. This is a letter from the young master to you."

Yun Su put away the bank note, glanced at the letter in front of her again, and did not rush to open it, but took a sip of hot tea first, "Since your son has gone to Shangdu in the capital, he probably doesn't like the letter in the backcountry. This is the market."

"This statement is wrong. Young master is a nostalgic person. The roots of his hometown are here. He won't do it."

"I hope so."

After Gao Tingxuan's subordinates left, Yun Su sat in the private room of the restaurant and continued to eat delicious pork knuckles. The window of the private room was open, and one could see the street. Bowl begging for food.

This scene reminded Yun Su of the woman rescued in the snow last year.

Perhaps it was a natural or man-made disaster, but since then, there have been more and more refugees begging in the town.

"Xiao Er, pack up the food I haven't finished eating."

This table of food was ordered by Gao Tingxuan's subordinates, Yun Su couldn't finish it, so it's better to give it to these poor refugees and beggars than to waste it.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yun Su came to the "Beggar's Alley" in the rain with the unfinished sauced beef, assorted vegetables, spring rolls, and half a sauced elbow.

This alley was originally the back alley of the food street. Restaurants and shops pour leftovers into slop buckets. In summer, the temperature is high and the smell is inevitable. Therefore, large and small swill buckets are piled up in this narrow alley.

The refugees who poured in last winter had to work hard if they had some strength, but those old and weak women and children would be miserable. The yellow-faced and muscular dental women would not want them. Even if they were sold as slaves, they would have to pick and choose. Begging in the streets with three or four-year-old dolls.

And these people often wander in this back alley in order to eat, so it is also called 'Beggar Alley'.

Because of the rain, the smelly alleys were not so strong and pungent, and the heavy eaves sheltered these refugees and beggars here with a small space to shelter from the rain.

When Yun Su came with an umbrella, there were six or seven beggars gathered in the alley, each with miserable faces, and among them was an eighty-year-old woman who was wrapping a crying baby in a worn-out rag.

The doll, who was obviously two or three years old, was skinny, without even a piece of clothing on her body, and the rags wrapped around her body were full of mud spots, and more than half of it was wet by the rain.

The old woman patted the doll's back with one hand, and with the other hand, scooped something out of the slop bucket, skimming off the watery soup, and the vegetable leaves and bone fragments that sank below were their food.

Yun Su stood at the entrance of the alley and stared blankly at this scene, her eyes turned red. As a modern person living in a peaceful and prosperous age, Yun Su couldn't help being touched, not to mention that she was a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded.

But traveling through the book to this fictional dynasty, the shock was far greater than imagined when I saw it with my own eyes.

She distributed all the food she brought to these refugees and beggars. Those childish children competed for food and did not forget to thank them.

The old woman who took care of the children knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Yun Su.

Yun Su only felt heartache, because this scene hurt her heart and almost tore her whole body apart.With a disturbed conscience, she turned around and bought more than a dozen coarse clothes in various sizes, and even bought the cheapest steamed buns.

(End of this chapter)

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