Chapter 206
"Ji Changcheng, why don't you explain it to me carefully." Yun Su got up and made a pot of tea, sat on the low table beside the bed, and filled the teacup, "It's been a long night, let's drink tea and chat for a while." good."

"Okay, let's talk." Ji Changcheng was quite interested, he didn't expect Yun Su to care about this, so he simply chatted about the clothes and sat down on the side of the short table.

He took a sip of herbal tea, and then slowly said: "The refugees in the town will risk their lives if they are in a hurry. Brother Nine, as the leader of the vendors, learned that several small food stalls were killed by refugees and beggars. After they smashed and robbed, they began to think about how to solve these troubles."

"Doesn't the government care?" Yun Su frowned, "Didn't there be yamen guards patrolling the food street before?"

"Now the refugees in Xuanzhou are fleeing everywhere, and the officers and soldiers are guarding the checkpoint outside the town to prevent more refugees from breaking in." Ji Changcheng turned the teacup in his hand, "As a result, there are fewer clerks patrolling the streets, and the number of peddlers like this is reduced. If the booth is smashed and looted, the loss is not big, so I don’t care at all.”

"No wonder Brother Nine is worried about this matter. They are all poor people begging along the street, but it is not easy for peddlers to make a living." Yun Su sighed with emotion.

Ji Changcheng took another sip of his tea, "What I'm most afraid of is that those refugees will follow suit and rob small vendors with no background and influence at mobile stalls. You have also sold pastries, and you know that these vendors' stoves with poles and tea bowls of flour are everything. rich."

"If the begging of refugees turns into looting and looting by mobs, that's an essential difference. The displaced people in Xuanzhou actually just want a place to live. They just want to have enough food and clothing. If they're desperate, they won't do harm." Yun Yun Su sighed.

"Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention people who are hungry and hungry. How can they estimate such things in order to survive." Ji Changcheng's experience has long allowed him to see through human nature.

"But before, I saw the notice saying that the imperial court had issued relief money. After so many days, it should be able to reach the government offices of various counties and counties." Yun Su asked.

Ji Changcheng smiled lightly, and put the empty teacup on the low table, "The relief of money and food is for the county government to work together to solve the food and clothing of the refugees. How many can be effective?"

At the beginning, Yun Su knew that her one hundred taels of silver bill was like a drop in the bucket, which was insignificant to the whole political situation. On the contrary, it was the power of the imperial court that could turn things around, but there were corrupt officials in all dynasties.

"Refugees are pitiful, but local officials only care about the achievements of their jurisdiction. If relief money is used to buy food to help refugees, where will the food come from?"

Ji Changcheng sneered and said, "Qi Ziheng was a county magistrate from the county magistrate. He knows the way. If all the food is given to the refugees, what will the people want to eat? What's more, they have to pay the annual tax. It may have fed the refugees and starved their own people."

Yun Su naturally understood this reason, "It was precisely because of Qi Ziheng's conservative approach that the refugees developed into mobs and began to smash and rob."

"It's the common people who are suffering. In order to avoid the tragic end, Brother Nine came up with a perfect plan for those helpless small traders." Ji Changcheng poured another cup of tea, and handed Yun Su's cup himself. past.

Yun Su thought in her heart: You Ji Changcheng came up with the perfect plan, right?
"Do you still remember Mrs. Fang who sold wontons?" Ji Changcheng asked suddenly.

"Remember, what's the matter?" Shouldn't it be "a surefire solution"?Why did you mention Mrs. Fang?

Ji Changcheng put the teapot back on the low table, looked at Yun Su: "Ms. Fang cleaned up the dexterous children among the refugees, taught them to make wontons, and asked them to help at the stalls. The reward was steaming wontons to satisfy their hunger. "

"Teaching him to fish is worse than teaching him how to fish." Yun Su looked back at Ji Changcheng with a teacup in his hand, understood what he meant, and used Aunt Fang's example to tell her the truth.

"That's right, Brother Nine said that the relief is only temporary. If we want to solve the problem fundamentally, we must give these refugees the ability to live."

Ji Changcheng laughed and said: "The shelters in the town can't accommodate them, so why can't we build a house? It's very difficult to cut down trees to build a wooden house in the hot summer, but it's easy to build a pergola with reeds and wood."

"There is a forest slope next to this town. We built awnings for those refugees to resettle, and then distributed some tasks within our ability to the refugees, such as chopping firewood and carrying poles, and other rough jobs for the strong, and mending and cleaning for women."

Yun Su also understood a little when he heard this, "Those peddlers of Brother Nine live on the slopes of the town's mountains and forests. That piece of wasteland was allocated to him by the government to plant trees. Now the arbor built there can really deceive people's eyes and ears."

"Yes." Ji Changcheng nodded.

"In this way, we can not only win the hearts of Brother Nine's merchant team, but also help these poor and down-and-out refugees. The most important thing is to prevent those small traders who have no power and power from being looted and smashed by the refugees. Everyone makes money with harmony."

Yun Su thinks that Ji Changcheng is a very talented person and has a great ability to incite people's hearts. He can solve these difficulties with a few words, no wonder Brother Nine worships him.

"Listening to your words, I really gained a lot." Yun Su praised.

"This is Brother Jiu's idea, and I also think it's wonderful, don't praise the wrong person." Ji Changcheng corrected her.

Yun Su knew who was credited for this idea, "This time Brother Jiu must have gained fame, but I'm afraid Qi Ziheng will steal this credit."

"It doesn't matter, Brother Nine, who is a chivalrous gangster, wouldn't be greedy for these false names."

Ji Changcheng paused for a moment, and then continued: "There are countless people in the world who are capable of writing and martial arts. If Qi Ziheng, the county magistrate, is smart, he would not embarrass Brother Nine, but would win over them for his own use."

"You said that, but I remembered that when Qi Ziheng was the county magistrate, he allocated that piece of wasteland to Brother Jiu to plant trees and afforestation. It can be seen that he has expectations for Brother Jiu. It's the rules." Yun Su said.

"Yes, this Qi Ziheng was able to change from the county magistrate to the county magistrate in just two years. Naturally, he has some skills. I'm afraid we will have contact in the future. It will be long in the future." Ji Changcheng suddenly stood up after speaking, "Why did you only Wearing jade bracelets instead of red hairpins? Do you not like the style I picked?"

Yun Su didn't expect such a wide range of topics, so he quickly explained, "It's already night, and I'll rest after drinking this cup of tea, why wear a hairpin ring, it's so troublesome, and I didn't say I don't like it, I'll show you how to wear it tomorrow , how are you?"

"Then I'll just wait and see." Ji Changcheng raised the corners of his lips, and Yun Su's tiny figure was reflected in his dark eyes.

The two looked at each other under the moon, with smiles in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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