Chapter 253 Mr. Zhou

"The money in this purse is used for consultation fees and overnight meals. I hope my benefactor will not shirk it." The man looked at Yun Su.

Not waiting for Yunsu to react.

Ji Changcheng accepted the purse unceremoniously, opened it face to face, and found that it contained hundreds of taels of silver notes and a few pieces of silver.

"Our husband and wife are kind enough to save people. The board and lodging expenses plus the medicinal materials for internal and external use and the doctor's consultation fee will charge you a tael of silver a day, isn't it too much?" Ji Changcheng will take out a tael of silver.

Yun Su noticed that Ji Changcheng's attitude was weird, but she also felt that a tael of silver a day was really not too much. After all, three meals a day plus decoction and medicine, a set of procedures was a waste of energy and time.

"Of course it's not too much." The man responded with a gentle smile, with an expression of "as it should be" in his eyes.

Ji Changcheng took a piece or two of silver, put the rest back into his purse and handed it to the other party.

"I accepted the one or two taels of money from last night. From today until you fully recover, we husband and wife will take a few moments to settle the matter on the day you leave." Ji Changcheng repeated his orders.

Just as Yun Su was about to speak, Ji Yize's calling came from outside: "Mother, lunch is ready, everyone is waiting for you to eat!"

"Yes, master, I have to go to work in the medicine field in the afternoon!" Wei Kang's voice came one after another.

Yun Su agreed, "Okay, come right away."

She turned to look at Ji Changcheng: "Let's go, let's go out to eat."

"You go first, I'll pack up the things on the tray and give it to this young master, I'll find you later." While Ji Changcheng was speaking, he packed all the things on the tray into a long and thin cloth bag.

Yun Su opened her mouth, but swallowed back the words. She didn't know how to express it, but she felt that Ji Changcheng had inexplicable hostility towards this young master.

Is it just because of jealousy?

Yun Su didn't want to think about it, so she left first.

When she was sitting down to eat, she saw Ji Yize prepared a chicken shredded white porridge alone, obviously for that young master.

It didn't take long for Ji Changcheng to come out. He was not in a hurry to eat, but brought the shredded chicken porridge to the back room.

"Master, is there a patient at your home?" Huang Qian, who was a man of few words, asked suddenly.

Yun Su didn't hide it either, "Yes, I saved a comatose patient, injured his head, and don't remember anything."

"Master is so kind." Yang Jinxia slurred while eating.

"Eat well." Yun Su didn't intend to continue this topic.

There are some things that are too much to say and wrong, so it's better to just point them out, not to mention that the son with a good status is going to stay for a long time, obviously he can't hide it from the prospective apprentices who come and go every day.

During the hour of rest after dinner, Yunsu asked Ji Changcheng to help deliver the herbs picked in the morning to the shoots in the backyard.

She followed closely behind.

Ji Changcheng knew that Yun Su had something to talk to him alone, after putting away the medicinal materials, he said calmly, "What do you want to say?"

Yun Su didn't hide it, and asked curiously: "Before I came back, did you have any unpleasant things with that Mr. Zhou?"

Ji Changcheng: "Why do you ask that?"

"I always feel that your attitude towards him is not right. You used to be indifferent to strangers." Yun Su moved a small stool and motioned Ji Changcheng to sit down and chat slowly.

"That's because you wouldn't take a strange man home casually before, and you're still a young man with a jewel ring and an agate hair crown."

After Ji Changcheng finished speaking, he snorted, "He can't even remember his name, so you might as well just call Mr. Shangzhou."

"It was he who said that there was a word Zhou in his name." Yun Su frowned, "but this is not the most important thing."

"Then what's important?" Ji Changcheng asked back.

Yun Su said solemnly: "I'm actually a little worried about whether this Mr. Zhou is a wealthy noble who was hunted down, otherwise why did he get hurt so badly?"

"What is yours?" Ji Changcheng asked.

Yun Su explained: "Look, if you encounter bad guys on the way, you should only rob money, not kill your life. But this Mr. Zhou has a precious jade pendant, a gemstone ring, and several hundred taels of silver bills, so it can be seen that he is not Robbery."

She paused for a moment, and said in a solemn tone: "They want Mr. Zhou's life!!"

"Your analysis is quite right."

"Ji Changcheng, I'm a little scared now." Yun Su murmured: "I finally understand why you were so angry last night."

Ji Changcheng laughed 'heh', and looked at Yun Su: "Since you're scared now, why do you want him to stay in our house to recuperate? Are you not afraid that the chaser will find our house?"

He sat down next to Yun Su, and continued: "Is it because you are afraid that Mr. Zhou will drag his sick and disabled body to die outside and can't bear it?"

"I'm a doctor after all. I've saved everyone, so it's not appropriate to drive them out again?"

Yun Su looked up at Ji Changcheng, "Although I know that Mr. Zhou's identity is unusual, but someone wanted to kill him and seriously injured him like that. I must think he is dead."

"Otherwise, why would you leave the blood-stabbed Lahu on the way, so we shouldn't be able to find our family."

Ji Changcheng smiled and said nothing.

"What are you laughing at?" Yun Su asked dissatisfied.

"I'm laughing at you." Ji Changcheng said frankly: "Call you stupid, your previous analysis is quite right, call you smart, your later analysis is wrong."

Yun Su asked humbly: "Where did I make a mistake in my analysis?"

"You said that the person who chased and killed Mr. Zhou wanted his life. At least you have to confirm that the person is really dead before you stop?" Ji Changcheng said: "You all know that this person was seriously injured and lost blood. Wouldn't people know about it?"

Yun Su felt that Ji Changcheng's analysis was right.

Her frown got deeper and deeper, and the corners of her lips curled up a little unhappy, "Then what's going on? When you say that, I'm confused again."

"It's better to be a little confused to be a human being."

Ji Changcheng nodded Yunsu's forehead with his fingers: "Don't think about it, since you have agreed to let him stay here, let's help him recover from his injuries. He can't get out of bed at the moment, and no one knows what he looks like, no As for causing trouble."

Yun Su's hanging heart fell to the ground, and she nodded to Ji Changcheng: "You are right."

"Will his amnesia really recover if he is treated with medication later?" Ji Changcheng asked.

Yun Su thought about it seriously, "According to my understanding, after the blood clot on the back of his head is absorbed, he should be able to recover his memory, but how much he can recover will vary from person to person."

The corner of Ji Changcheng's mouth curled up, "I'd like to see how much he can remember..."

His tone and expression made Yun Su feel very strange.

In the next few days, there was nothing special, Yunsu took care of the medicine field step by step, and would check Mr. Zhou's pulse to check his condition when he had time.

(End of this chapter)

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