The evolution of this ant is unscientific

Chapter 90 The Name of the Human Cosmic Alliance

Chapter 90 The Name of the Human Cosmic Alliance

"What idea?"

Ivan is curious about the sudden inflection point of the chip's thinking, which is a symbol of every large-scale change in the situation.

"You said that it is possible for you to gather the heads of all regions together and form a coalition."

"At the same time that that coalition was formed."

"Damn it, are you a devil?! You can even think of such an idea!"

"No way, I am at most a beautiful girl with wisdom and great staff, and you are the devil."

"Then let's do it, let's do this."

Ivan and Chip once again launched a grand plan to affect the changing situation.

Before the big plan landed, the undead knights raging far away in the first district were enthusiastically counting their newly acquired skeleton warriors.

"One hundred thousand, one million, two million."

"Tsk tsk, there are 200 million people in just one city?"

"The population of this world is really rich!"

The undead knight said with a sigh, but he has experienced the shortage of corpses.

In that undead plane, every powerful fourth-level existence will compete for those unowned bones.

But there are countless unowned corpses that can be produced every day, how can it be like here?
Such a large population is simply fresh material for activities.

"Not to mention, the proportion of success is greater than [-]%, and it is easier to summon than those humans in the old magic world."

The necromancer is the leader in charge of summoning the undead, so he naturally knows how many new skeleton warriors and undead hounds he has summoned.

"The next city?"

Excited by the harvest he had just obtained, the undead knight waved the great bone sword in his hand and pointed it not far from Chengzi County.In that direction, there is Fengli County.

"Okay! Just use the next city to try high-level undead summoning, and try to see the ratio of skeleton archers and skeleton knights."

The necromancer was also very excited. It was the first time he had encountered a world as rich and dense as the population.

It's like throwing the Federals into a world full of gold, not to mention how crazy it would be.


The undead knight stepped forward, driving his mount to take the lead in the charge.

Following him step by step is a group of brand new skeleton warriors who have just been summoned.

Unlike those old skeletal warriors who walk with a limp, these new warriors run.

And the speed has completely kept up with the speed of the undead knight's mount, which is simply amazing.

"Tsk tsk, looking at it this way, it won't take long to reach 1000 million."

The necromancer was also running, though still limping.But he is very happy, he is about to witness the rise of a new army of tens of millions of undead in this strange world.

That is a powerful army that can't be taken out casually even if they are sewn together. If they can bring back one from this expedition. The necromancer has already begun to imagine how he will be commended!
"Is it really that bad?"

Hosia, who led the army back to the Federation from the Silvermoon Fortress, was sitting on a golden throne at the Central Command of the New World Dominion Area above the large area of ​​the original 100-112 area.

He never imagined that what he thought would be a great opportunity to seize the Federation would turn into such a chaotic situation.

First of all, it is known that various newly declared independent organizations robbed the old federal heritage. He led his subordinates to destroy a large area of ​​​​the third world, and at the mouth of the coast that has always been known as the Cape of Far Looking Established its own headquarters.

This part was good news for him after returning to Blue Star, but then he encountered an unexpected problem.

Gene Warrior!

That's right, those genetic warriors like Superman are now rampant among various independent new forces.

Some new forces call them genetic warriors, and some organizations call them mutants and supernatural beings, and some even call those genetic warriors unrestrained and named them after that.

These genetic warriors sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, popping up out of nowhere, without knowing where they were born.

Oh, no, there are rumors that it is a remnant of the biological living experiment program that the old Federation once went through, and it is also a variant of the Federation people brought about by some mysterious cosmic substances.

Whatever it is, it's the devil's stuff.

How does this allow his cosmic forces to suppress those ghosts in terms of strength?
Continue to rely on the weapons you brought from Silvermoon Fortress?
Or those starships that are not easy to move in the atmosphere?

But that's not the worst part.

After all, no matter how powerful the genetic soldiers are, they can be dealt with with powerful sniper rifles and power armor.

What is difficult to deal with is those mysterious, or otherworldly evil spirits named evil ghosts.

An evil ghost whose whole body is made up of bones. It has the ability to kill people and summon them into new evil spirits.

This is simply the natural enemy of mankind, the nemesis, a terrible disaster that wants to wipe out all mankind and the entire federation.

"Leader, don't be upset."

"As far as I know, whenever there is such a large-scale disaster that plagues all human beings in history, human beings can unite together and burst out new miracles."

"So, our top priority is to defend the current territory, rather than continue to expand to face those evil spirits."

What Hosia's adjutant said made sense. The greatest talent of human beings is not only creativity, but also adaptability.The more critical the moment, the more this huge talent potential will be stimulated.


"A message was received."

At this juncture of the negotiation, a message popped up on Housia's watch.

"Huh? Who actually bypassed the wave and intercepted it? Can you contact me directly?"

Hosia suddenly raised his head with shock in his eyes.

"Maybe it's another force?"

The adjutant wasn't sure, but guessed anyway.

"Hello, this is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Truth."

"I am the super cute, invincible and beautiful girl Chip."

"After the unanimous consent of the whole country, we officially issued an appeal to the outside world."

"At the moment of life and death when all human beings in the Federation are facing the mysterious invasion, we should put aside our past suspicions, let go of our desire to fight for the legacy of the Federation, and unite together to fight against the terrifying devils who came from other worlds."

"The entire Federation is a community of destiny with the same historical and cultural background and a sense of humanistic identity. None of us can do without each other, and no one can do without each other."

"And now, this community of destiny is facing the danger of being destroyed. Can you stay out of it?"

"Let's come to the Kingdom of Truth to hold a new joint meeting!"

"In the name of the new Human Cosmic Alliance, we call on everyone to continue to jointly manage this huge human home planet."

Hosia read the message carefully.

At first he thought it was a declaration of war, or a rebuke, but he didn't expect it to be such a call for alliance.

This kind of practice of not asking how the territory you have won now, but only calling on you to bring your own forces to join the alliance, made Hosia a little more fond of the Kingdom of Truth that sent the message.

What are the new rulers most afraid of?
Not enemies, not civil strife, not nothing.

It's about not standing upright, and the authority is not recognized.

Now that other forces come to invite him, it means that he is recognized as the ruler of a certain force.

This is a good meeting gift.

Especially in today's chaotic situation, it is possible not to take the opportunity to annex the surrounding areas, but to call for an alliance instead.

This mind.
(End of this chapter)

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