Chapter 148 Five Years
Immersed in cultivation, time always flies very fast.

It has been five years since Lin Qingyu came back from Hongyue King and began to retreat to practice secret techniques.

In the past five years, he didn't leave his residence, didn't go to the bridge, and didn't even enter his virtual universe manor to ask Hongyue King for advice.

This is actually a bit abnormal, after all, in the past five years, most geniuses will communicate with other people, and occasionally go to the bridge to confirm their own feelings.

Even Luo Feng broke through the third floor of Tongtian Bridge during this period, and worshiped King Zhenyan as his teacher.

This also caused a lot of shock in Chaos City. After all, as Lin Qingyu's fellow townsman, Luo Feng also attracted attention after Lin Qingyu showed such excellent talent.

And Luo Feng's talent and understanding, although not as good as Lin Qingyu's, can still rank first in most of the talent competitions in the past.

However, besides Luo Feng and Lin Qingyu, there was another person who also sparked extensive discussions.

That was Berland.

In the past five years, Bolan didn't know what was going on, and he couldn't retreat directly like Lin Qingyu.

He even started retreating a little earlier than Lin Qingyu. Not long after Lin Qingyu broke through the bridge on the seventh floor, he entered the retreat state and never came out.

Bran's silence surprised the top executives of the virtual universe company. Many of them have read Bran's information and know that although he is indifferent, he has always been very proud in his heart.

Seeing that Bolan had been retreating, some of the venerables who were optimistic about him, as well as the venerable Nine Swords who presided over this genius battle, were a little anxious.

In Chaos City, two majestic, majestic and imposing immortal gods are standing in the sky.

One of the Immortals is an ape-man in golden battle armor with piercing eyes that seem to be able to see through the void.This is Luo Feng's master Zhenyan King.

The other immortal god was wearing a white battle robe, with a slightly thin figure, pale complexion, two curved horns on his head, and his eyes were closed. He didn't look as sharp as King Zhenyan.But the faintly distorted space around him showed that he was not simple.

In the distance, a curved spaceship with a dark blue body appeared high in the sky.

"Zhen Yan, Hitomi Nan!" A crisp voice sounded, and a beautiful woman with flowing purple hair in a dark blue battle suit stepped out of the spaceship, and then the spaceship disappeared immediately.

"Haha, Longyu, you came here quite early this time." King Zhenyan laughed boldly.

"Longyu, long time no see." King Tongnan also smiled.

Seeing the two old comrades-in-arms, King Longyu also showed a smile, "You two are always cultivating in the Chaos City, and you rarely even enter the virtual universe, but I have been in the original universe, so the chances of meeting each other are naturally rare gone."

"Go, come to my place, let's talk slowly." King Tongnan said enthusiastically.

Soon, the three of them turned into three beams of light and came to King Tongnan's mansion.

The mansion of King Tongnan is a strange building, half black and half white, light and darkness seem to blend together in harmony here.

The three Immortal Kings were sitting together, toasting and drinking.

"Haha, these five-color stars are really good, Longyu, I have been in your light this time, and the blind Tongnan has only given me a drink once in the city of Chaos for hundreds of millions of years." King Zhenyan said with a smile.

"This wine is very expensive. Zhen Yanyou drank [-] Hunyuan from me in just one sip." King Tongnan said.

Seeing King Zhenyan and King Tongnan bickering, King Longyu also smiled slightly.

"Longyu, why did you come this time?" King Tongnan turned to King Longyu and asked.

"This time, I am following the order of the venerable to check the progress of this group of geniuses. The venerable ordered me that if any genius encounters difficulties or goes astray, then I will find a way to give advice." King Longyu said, "This time I may stay in Chaos City for a while."

After King Tongnan heard King Longyu's words, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he immediately picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

"The venerable ordered it specially? The venerable Nine Swords attaches so much importance to this genius?" King Zhenyan didn't deliberately pay attention to King Tongnan's small movements, but he was surprised by the importance that the venerable Nine Swords paid.

The Venerable presides over the Genius Battle, and the geniuses in the Genius Battle will become under the command of the Venerable after they become immortal, but generally speaking, the Venerable will bring these geniuses with him when he comes to Chaos City and leaves Chaos City.

Even if it is important, at most the geniuses will send their subordinates to inspect it after they have comprehended for a period of time.

But this group of geniuses have just been here for five years, and they sent people to inspect them and order them to point them out. The degree of attention obviously exceeded the normal level.

"There are two reasons. One is that the level of the talent competition this time is indeed very good, ranking among the best among the last [-] talent competitions. The other is that the growth of the geniuses this time involves a certain bet made by the venerables." Long Yu Wang said.

"Gamble?" King Zhenyan frowned.

"Well, I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but the only thing I know is that the higher the achievements of this class of geniuses, the happier the Venerables will be." King Longyu said, "Originally this bet was kept secret, but because of a certain In order to make us pay more attention to cultivating talents because of his personal birth, he raised this bet with us."

"Born out of nowhere? Could it be that Lin Qingyu?" King Tongnan asked, "Did the lineage of the Lord of the Nine Refining Palace also participate in this bet?"

"Yes." King Longyu nodded and said, "This bet is very involved, and even some venerables are planning to spend time recruiting a few disciples from this batch of geniuses in order to fight against Lin Qingyu who turned out to be born."

"Such an exaggeration?" King Zhenyan asked in surprise.

"Lin Qingyu's performance can be regarded as the top level of the human race. No matter from which point of view, it is normal for the Venerables to value him." King Longyu said, "The Venerable asked me to come to Chaos City this time. , specifically asked me to pay attention to the cultivation progress of two people. One of them is Lin Qingyu."

"Lin Qingyu? He's been in seclusion recently, and he hasn't even crossed the Tongtian Bridge. I remember that the one from Jiulian's lineage in Chaos City is Hongyue King, she should know." Tongnan King said.

"Yes." King Longyu nodded. She had a good relationship with King Hongyue, so Venerable Nine Swords would send her over.

"As for Bolan, he has been in seclusion all the time, and he never went to the sky bridge. He just passed the second floor when he came to Chaos City. With his talent, he should be able to pass the third floor to learn a teacher soon, but He has never tried to break through." King Zhenyan said.

He accepted Luo Feng as his disciple, so he paid a lot of attention to the geniuses in this talent competition.

"Well, His Majesty specifically asked me to pay attention to his cultivation situation, and he was also worried about whether something went wrong with Bran's cultivation." King Longyu said.

"Indeed, Bolan's temperament is too arrogant, but this year there is an extremely heaven-defying Lin Qingyu. Lin Qingyu's performance is enough to shatter all the pride of this year's geniuses." King Tongnan said, "The most feared It was Bolan who was hit by Lin Qingyu to the point of being completely devastated."

They were very dazzling at first, but they have seen many geniuses who have fallen due to setbacks.

Although understanding is an important factor for becoming a strong person, it is definitely not the only factor.

At this moment, King Zhenyan frowned and said: "Interesting, Bafen sent me a message, and it seems that Bolan has left the customs to break through the overpass."

(End of this chapter)

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