Chapter 494
After obtaining the permission of the Lord of the Cang Kingdom, Lin Qingyu stepped out into the boundless fantasy sea.

At the moment when Lin Qingyu entered the boundless fantasy sea, countless illusions rushed towards him like meteorites crashing into the earth.

This illusion is not the same as the soul-like secret methods used by those soul masters.

The illusion created by the soul-type secret method is more inclined to induce and invade the ability. If calculated by the way of the virtual world, it should be regarded as the two veins of obsession and desire.

This type of illusion often has a very obvious purpose, so it is difficult to break free from this type of illusion, even if you realize that you are in an illusion, you may get lost.

And the illusion of the boundless fantasy sea is to stuff endless information directly into the mind of the entrant.

Without this information, there is no good or evil, and there is no goal. It is only extremely large in number. As long as you do not lose consciousness due to the impact of this huge information, you can slowly process it. Even if you cannot process all the information, you can forcefully reject it. part.

These hallucinations are not so much illusions as the information instilled in Lin Qingyu in the form of hallucinations, somewhat similar to the information model in his will space.

"Well, it's a good thing that my will strength has reached the level of the will to become a saint, and I have also realized the state where my heart is the heart of heaven, otherwise I will really lose my mind for a while." Lin Qingyu sighed after enduring the huge impact of information.

The vast imaginary sea was originally a dangerous place at the level of the gods of the universe. If it hadn't been occupied and transformed by the lord of Cangguo, ordinary people who came to explore the chaotic realm would have a high possibility of falling.

This huge information shock is the first danger of the boundless fantasy sea.

However, Lin Qingyu was very experienced in processing information. After a brief surprise, he quickly processed the information in the boundless fantasy sea, and then rejected some useless information that was not necessary to browse.

"That's right, just this huge information shock can sharpen my will a lot. It's really worthy of the boundless fantasy sea." Lin Qingyu smiled.

There are many ways to sharpen your will. In addition to the most common way to fight against pain, it is also a way to bear the impact of information and adapt.

"Go ahead."

Lin Qingyu is only on the outer layer of the boundless fantasy sea, and the impact of information he has endured is not the strongest. Although it has already played a certain role in sharpening his will, he still plans to go deeper.

The further you go into the depths of the boundless fantasy sea, the stronger the impact of information will be, and the better the effect of sharpening your will will be.

Moreover, in addition to the sharpening effect of information impact on the will in the boundless fantasy sea, there are other opportunities and benefits. Most of these opportunities are located in the depths of the boundless fantasy sea. Lin Qingyu intends to experience it.

After making the decision to go deep into the boundless fantasy sea, Lin Qingyu did not hesitate, and walked towards the depths of the boundless fantasy sea in the direction he felt.

According to the public information, the boundless fantasy sea is roughly divided into four layers, the origin, the core, the inner layer, and the outer layer.

Although it is divided into four layers, the distribution pattern of these four layers is not a standard circle structure from inside to outside.

Because the boundless fantasy sea itself does not have a fixed form.

The most important thing to judge which area of ​​the boundless fantasy sea you are in is to look at the impact of information in this area.

The impact of information in the outer layer requires at least the will of the eternal true god to resist, and most areas must have the level of will to become a saint to act.

If you want to act in the inner layer, you must at least have the level of will to transform into a holy limit, and many areas require the will of the god king.

As for the core land, without the will of the god king, it would be difficult to move an inch.

As for the origin of the Boundless Illusory Sea, there is not much public information. It is the most critical area to control the Boundless Illusory Sea. It is said that the king of the paper-like Cangguo and very few cosmic gods have entered it.

Lin Qingyu kept walking like in the depths of the boundless illusory sea, and when he reached a certain area, he suddenly stopped.

"The flow of time around here is a bit special. Is it the magic time domain? What a magical experience."

The magic time domain is a special phenomenon in the boundless fantasy sea.

People who enter the phantom time domain will perceive the speed of time to flow faster, but this speed of time flow is different from the normal situation.

The normal speed of time flow is to use time to affect time together to produce time acceleration to the effect.

But no one in the magic time domain will fluctuate in the way of time.

Not only that, but if you comprehend the laws in the magic time domain, the efficiency will be lower than the normal time acceleration.

It's as if the time acceleration in the phantom time is unreal, so these areas are named phantom time.

Of course, if you don't comprehend the law and just sharpen your will, then the effect will be similar to the effect obtained by accelerating time.

There was once a cosmic god who was one of time and entered the vast fantasy sea to study the magic time domain.

He did not publish all his research, so most of the cultivators on Origin Continent do not know the principle of magic time domain, but the cosmic god said when chatting with friends that the principle of magic time domain to accelerate time is not Way of Time.

Lin Qingyu still has a lot of interest in the magic time domain. On the one hand, speeding up time can speed up the speed of sharpening his will. On the other hand, he feels that the magic time domain may be related to the road involved in the boundless fantasy sea.

When actively accepting the impact of information in the magic time domain, Lin Qingyu opened up the will space to record various changes in the magic time domain.

When Lin Qingyu stayed in the magic time domain, the time acceleration multiple in the magic time domain was slowly decreasing.

"Sure enough, as stated in the public information on Origin Continent, the time acceleration of the Magic Time Domain is extremely unstable. As long as someone enters the Magic Time Domain, the time acceleration will immediately begin to decrease. Eventually it will decrease to the normal speed of time passing. "Lin Qingyu analyzed the information in the magic time domain, and at the same time verified the information about the boundless fantasy sea on the continent of origin.

After analyzing for a while, Lin Qingyu suddenly frowned, because he noticed a sense of familiarity in the information model in the magic time domain.

So he re-analyzed the information model in the will space, and then his eyes lit up, he laughed and said: "So that's the way, the principle of the magic time domain is like this."

With the help of the will space, he quickly successfully analyzed the principle of the phantom time domain.

Just as the cosmic god said, the time acceleration in the magic time domain is indeed not a manifestation of time, and even the magic time domain is not a real time acceleration at all.

Because, the entire magic time domain is essentially a special cluster of information covered on the boundless fantasy sea.

This kind of information cluster and the environment that can simulate reality almost [-]% not only that, but it will also actively change.Moreover, the whole process of its changes can be perceived by the powerful who enter the information cluster.

To be precise, the process of the strong man entering the magic time domain to perceive the magic time domain is the process of the information in the magic time domain entering the consciousness of the strong man.

Different from the information that is forcibly inserted in other areas of the Boundless Illusory Sea, the information in the Magic Time Domain is too real, exactly the same as the information normally perceived by the strong.

And the influx of huge information also makes people who enter the Magic Time Realm subjectively feel that time has sped up.

At the same time, the information that constitutes the magic time domain is limited, and after all of it flows into the consciousness of the practitioner in it, the magic time domain itself will disappear, which is why the time flow rate of the magic time domain will continue to decrease.

As for why Lin Qingyu feels familiar with the magic time domain, because this thing is very similar to the information model in the will space.

Of course, the degree of realism of the information model is higher than that of the magic time domain.

The law of comprehension in the magic time domain, the progress speed will not be faster than the normal perception, after all, the magic time domain is not real in the final analysis.But the understanding of the law of promotion in the will space is a real promotion, and there is no problem.

"It seems that I need to find a few magic time domains." Lin Qingyu laughed.

The Boundless Illusory Sea itself uses the shock of information to sharpen its will.

But information is also different from information. With the same amount of information, the information in the magic time domain has a better effect on sharpening the will than information in other areas.

Because in the magic time domain, we can not only perceive the impact of information, but also experience the passage of time subjectively.

It is really not good to use it to comprehend the law, but it is still very efficient if it is used to sharpen the will.

The number of magic time domains is indeed not small in the boundless fantasy sea. In addition, Lin Qingyu has noticed the essence of magic time domains, so it is very easy to find them.

The main purpose of Lin Qingyu's coming to the boundless fantasy sea is to improve his willpower. In this regard, the magic time domain can indeed bring him a lot of help.

In [-] million years, Lin Qingyu found tens of thousands of magic time domains in the outer layer of the boundless fantasy sea.

Counting the subjective time acceleration in the magic time domain, Lin Qingyu feels that trillions of years have passed.

During this process, Lin Qingyu's will also made great progress.

Although it has not reached the level of the Cosmic God, it has reached the true extreme of Chaos Ruler, and it is only a thin line away from the will of the Cosmic God.

However, after reaching the level of will to become a sage, the outer layer of the vast imaginary sea is less helpful to Lin Qingyu, and the effect of the magic time domain is the same.

The realism of the magic time domain is very high, but after all, it is not like the information model of the will space that can perfectly simulate everything, and the auxiliary effect naturally has a limit.

"It seems that we have to go to the inner area of ​​the boundless fantasy sea."

While talking to himself, Lin Qingyu walked towards the area where the impact of information was greater.

The information impact of the inner area is much higher than that of the outer area, and it naturally has a stronger effect on sharpening Lin Qingyu's will.

Moreover, the stronger the impact of information, the higher the authenticity of the magic time domain born in the inner layer. After all, if the authenticity is not high, it cannot withstand the information impact of the inner layer at all.

The magic time domain in the inner layer should still have a lot of effect on the current Lin Qingyu.

Lin Qingyu entered the inner layer, found the inner version of the magic time domain, and then used the magic time domain to improve his will as he did in the outer layer.

Compared with the outer layer, the number of magic time domains in the inner layer is much smaller, but the quality of the magic time domains is much higher.

After Lin Qingyu absorbed several magic time domains, Lin Qingyu could feel that the magic time domains had helped his will a lot.

However, there is indeed a considerable bottleneck between the will of the ruler of chaos and the will of the god king, so Lin Qingyu has not been able to directly break through now.

Fortunately, he could sense that the bottleneck that prevented his will from producing a qualitative change had begun to loosen.

Now if Lin Qingyu wants to go further, he needs an opportunity.

Of course, if he can't find this opportunity, as long as he perseveres in honing, spending time can always make his will break through to a higher level.

Lin Qingyu stayed in the inner layer of the boundless fantasy sea for a long time, during which time he kept looking for the magic time domain to use.

However, what makes Lin Qingyu feel a little pity is that there are many areas in the inner area that he can't go to at all, because without the will of the god-king level, even if he enters those areas, he will be rushed to unconsciousness by the huge information shock.

Completely losing consciousness in the inner area of ​​the boundless fantasy sea, it is not possible to fall, but there is a high probability that the king of Cang Kingdom can only come to fish for people.

Just when Lin Qingyu finished absorbing a magic time domain and was about to leave to find the next one, he suddenly felt a different fluctuation coming from the boundless fantasy sea.

"Huh? What is this fluctuation?" Lin Qingyu was a little curious, so he followed the fluctuation.

Soon, he came to the source of the fluctuations following the continuous fluctuations.

"Oh! It's actually a wave of falsehood?"

The source of these fluctuations is not a static object, but a surging tide.

The waves were overwhelming, engulfing a large amount of water on the vast illusory sea, rushing forward with a momentum that seemed irresistible.

With the surge of the tide, countless huge illusory spaces are generated, and then continue to expand, rushing straight to the sky, but before the only illusory space left is out of the scope of the wave, the next wave hits, and these newly born illusory spaces The space turned into broken waves again under the beating of the waves.

The wave of reality is a special phenomenon produced in the core of the boundless fantasy sea, and it is said to be related to the origin of the boundless fantasy sea.

However, although the virtual and real waves are generated in the core area, their appearance area is not limited to the core area.

Both the inner and outer regions of the vast imaginary sea may encounter virtual and real waves, but the intensity of the virtual and real waves is different.

The wave of virtual reality that Lin Qingyu encountered in the inner area seemed to be surging, but it was relatively mild compared to the real monstrous waves in the core.

But in the outer region, the wave of virtual reality is even more peaceful.

Of course, although the power will be weakened, the impact of the virtual and real wave on the entire boundless fantasy sea is still huge.

In fact, the wave after wave that Lin Qingyu saw at the junction of the boundless fantasy sea and the boundless city's illusory space, continuously producing small illusory spaces, is part of the aftermath of the wave of emptiness and reality.

Lin Qingyu observed the surging wave of virtual reality from a distance, and found that besides the illusory space, there were also a large number of phantom time domains generated in the wave, and then they were swept away by the wave the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qingyu frowned and thought, "Maybe this wave of falsehood is an opportunity for me to go further?"

According to the information, although the wave of virtual reality is dangerous, it does have a strong effect of sharpening the will.

And the danger of the wave of falsehood is not something he can't resist.

"Maybe I can give it a try." Lin Qingyu kept up with this wave of fiction.

As the wave advances, the wave itself is weakened.

And Lin Qingyu has been paying attention to the state of the virtual reality wave.

Finally, after the wave of virtual reality was weakened to a certain extent, Lin Qingyu did not hesitate, and directly leaned over and rushed into the wave of virtual reality.

(End of this chapter)

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