After spending a while, Lin Qingyu optimized his formation, and successfully incorporated the newly captured four high-level Chaotic Source beings into the operation of the formation.

Currently, there are millions of low-level Chaotic-source beings and six high-level Chaotic-source beings in the formation to support and strengthen the formation, and the power of the formation is completely controlled by Lin Qingyu.

With the help of the formation, Lin Qingyu is not afraid of a battle even if he encounters a strong man with a perfect life in the high-level Hunyuan.

"However, this formation has not reached its limit." Lin Qingyu said to himself feeling the operation of the formation.

This formation can allow him to suppress the Chaotic Yuan in the later stage of the high-level Chaotic Yuan's life, and can compete with some high-level Chaotic Yuan's life that is not so powerful.

But in Lin Qingyu's plan, this formation is to deal with world-class chaotic source beings.

Therefore, he still needs to continue to strengthen this formation.

There are two ways to strengthen the formation. The first is to understand more paths and continuously create secondary formations.The second is to capture more chaotic source life to fill the formation, until the limit of the formation.

"Fortunately, there are not many other things in the blockade area, and there are many man-made worlds that seal Hunyuan life." Lin Qingyu was very happy.

In fact, he has a huge gap in Hunyuan life right now.

After all, many of his projects now require Hunyuan Life as experimental materials.

Such as the creation of special exotic space, the operation of formations, and the enlightenment of various paths, etc.

Especially the operation of Lin Qingyu's formations.

You must know that there is almost no Chaotic Source power in the blockade area, such as those Chaotic Source level formations that can match the high Chaotic Source life, either use Chaotic Source Crystal Jade, or rely on the source of the world.

Therefore, most of the formations are fixed, on the one hand to stabilize the operation of the formation, and on the other hand to obtain a steady stream of energy supplements.

Especially those formations that rely on the origin of the world.Inside the source of the world, the power of the source can be used to keep the energy in an infinite cycle, but once it leaves the scope of the source, the part of the energy that leaves is difficult to recover.

Lin Qingyu's use of chaotic source life to fill the formation is also considered a unique pioneering work.

On the one hand, it is to allow the mystery of the formation to be blessed at the Chaotic Source level, and on the other hand, it is also to allow one's own formation to get enough energy.

Before the chaotic source life inside the formation was completely drained and died, Lin Qingyu didn't have to worry about the lack of energy in the formation.

However, within the tolerance range of the formation, it is a natural agreement to capture as many chaotic sources of life as possible to fill the formation.

"When the number of natural Chaotic Source Beings at the early stage of the High Chaotic Source Life reaches ten, then the Chaotic Source Life at the middle stage of the High Chaotic Source Life can be suppressed. After the number of the High Chaotic Source Life at the middle stage reaches a certain number, the later stage of the High Chaotic Source Life can be suppressed. Already." Lin Qingyu continued to deduce the structure of the formation.

According to his calculations, if he continues to capture like this, when the formation suppresses a certain number of high-level Chaotic Source beings in the late stage, then he can use this formation to fight against world-class Chaotic Source life outside the source world.

If it is possible to suppress a high-level chaotic source life to perfection, Lin Qingyu can try to suppress even a world-class chaotic source life with a strong bloodline.

Of course, it is only limited to the initial life stage of the world-class Chaotic Source.And this is the current theoretical upper limit of this formation.

After all, for a practitioner like him who has not jumped out of the cage, fighting outside the source world and fighting inside the source world are two different concepts.

In the source world, his combat power will increase a lot.

If Lin Qingyu's formation is really completed, in the source world, as long as the ancestor of Hunyuan life doesn't do it himself, Lin Qingyu can suppress or even kill it.

"The Lord of Glory really helped me a lot." Lin Qingyu was a little thankful.

Without the map given by the Lord of Radiance, it would be really difficult for him to find these man-made worlds where a large number of low-level chaotic life forms are imprisoned.

"However, this can be regarded as eliminating hidden dangers for each source world in the blockade." After Lin Qingyu made certain arrangements in this artificial world, he controlled the foreign space and left the source world.

Now the blockade area has not really been unblocked, so the Hunyuan life group in those artificial worlds has not yet been able to come out.

But sooner or later, the dark blockade will be released. By then, these chaotic source life groups locked in the artificial world may cause a lot of trouble to other source worlds.

Although if you want to leave that artificial world, you need at least the power of a high-level Hunyuan life in the middle stage, but there are so many artificial worlds, maybe some of the leaders of the Hunyuan life group have successfully broken through.

You must know that the high-level chaotic source life, with a higher bloodline level, has the possibility of completely destroying the world without a main source.

If there is a problem in the source world, the strength of the practitioner will naturally be damaged.

Of course, in addition to the source world, the artificial world is also very important.

After all, the man-made world itself was built as a fortress and base for the practitioners.

This is also the reason why Lin Qingyu has to arrange some formations in this source world after capturing the low-level chaotic source life in this artificial world.

He will go to various source worlds and man-made worlds, and at that time, those source worlds with more powerful people can send practitioners to these man-made worlds to defend.

For example, now Lin Qingyu's avatar is in direct contact with the notification Guangyao.

"What! You said you want me to send people to artificial world No. 1769?" The Lord of Radiance was surprised after hearing Lin Qingyu's words, "There are more than a million low-level Chaotic Source beings sealed there! After such a long time, those The leader of the ethnic group is only short of energy from the real high-level chaos source life.

I know that you are very strong, strong enough to kill the high-level Chaotic Source beings that have just broken through, but when the low-level Chaotic Source beings in that world go crazy, you might be able to pile up ten high-level Chaotic Source beings.

The most important thing is that the man-made world is not the source world. In the source world, you can still mend the source and supplement the suppression power to suppress the high-level Chaotic-source life, but the source of that man-made world is too weak, and the low-level Chaotic-source life is fine. There is definitely no way to suppress the digital advanced Chaotic Source beings.It's too dangerous to send people there now! "

After hearing Lin Qingyu's request, the Lord of Glory immediately spoke like a cannonball.

"Stop, stop, stop for a moment." Lin Qingyu raised his hand to let the Lord of Glory pause his explanation, "Safety is not a problem, there is no chaotic source life in that man-made world, no matter whether it is a low chaotic source life or a high chaotic source life , all gone."

"You said... what?" Hearing Lin Qingyu's words, the Guangyao Lord didn't react immediately.

"I mean, there is no Chaotic Source life in the artificial world I let you go to." Lin Qingyu said, "I cleaned up that artificial world, and caught all the low-level Chaotic Source life groups in that artificial world. gone."

"How is this possible! That's more than a million Chaotic Source beings!" The Lord of Radiance exclaimed.

"If you don't believe it, I'll take your clone to see it." Lin Qingyu said.

"This... good! I'll send a clone, take me there to have a look." The Lord of Glory gritted his teeth and agreed directly.

Lin Qingyu didn't hesitate, opened the alien space and left the source world with the clone of the Lord of Radiance, and went to the man-made world where he captured Chaotic Source life before.

In Lin Qingyu's foreign space, the Lord of Radiance can also contact the deity in the source world.

It didn't take much time for Lin Qingyu to enter this man-made world with the Lord of Radiance.

"Your Excellency Lin Qingyu... You really didn't take me to the wrong place? Is this really Artificial World No. 1769?"

Perceiving the empty man-made world where only Lin Qingyu's formations were operating, the Lord of Radiance asked, with great doubts in his voice.

After all, this world is really too clean, and I really can't imagine that this was a world where more than a million Chaotic Source beings lived
"There is no doubt that this is indeed Artificial World No. 1769." Lin Qingyu said.

"Your Excellency Lin Qingyu, are you the incarnation of some lord?" The Lord of Glory looked at Lin Qingyu and asked cautiously.

"Haha, that's not true." Lin Qingyu said, "However, it is not difficult for me to become a world-class chaotic source life form. If it is possible, I naturally want to become a lord."

"I understand." The Lord of Radiance nodded, "Your Excellency Lin Qingyu, I hope to follow you."

"Follow me?" Lin Qingyu nodded after hearing the words of Lord Guangyao, "Yes."

Hearing Lin Qingyu's answer, the Lord of Glory was overjoyed, and directly swore to become Lin Qingyu's follower.

At Lin Qingyu's level, even if he does not become a lord in the future, it is not a problem to become a world-class Hunyuan life consummation.At that time, there will be many followers who want to follow Lin Qingyu.

Of course, the Lord of Radiance actually has a chance to become a world-class chaotic source life form.

Normally speaking, if it's just an ordinary Hunyuan's life consummation, then there's no need for him to follow in such a hurry.

But the area where Lin Qingyu is currently located is extremely special, he is now inside the blockade area.

And a large number of source worlds in the blockade will eventually merge into a super world.

In the process of integration, the practitioners in the blockade area are very likely to become the spokesperson for the origin of this super world.

The blessings that this spokesperson's identity can obtain alone are enough to make the ultimate realm surpass several levels and directly reach the level of rivaling the lord.

If the spokesperson is a lord-level existence, then after receiving the blessing, he might be the number one powerhouse in Chaotic Source Space!
At that time, even the world-class Hunyuan powerhouse with consummation of life will come back and actively follow.

If Lin Qingyu succeeds, then the Lord of Glory who is now Lin Qingyu's follower will make a lot of money.

Even if Lin Qingyu fails to become the number one powerhouse in Chaotic Source Space, it will be easy for him to achieve world-class Chaotic Source Life Consummation with his current accumulation.The Lord of Glory will not suffer either.

After all, in the eyes of the Lord of Radiance, he has the hope of becoming a world-class chaotic source, but it is really not easy to become a world-class chaotic source with life consummation.

In that case, it is not a bad thing to follow Lin Qingyu who is almost destined to become a world-class Hunyuan life consummation.

"Guangyao, you pick some practitioners who have avatars in your world, and I'll bring them here to garrison. By the way, build and complete the formation." Lin Qingyu said and handed a stored treasure to the Lord of Guangyao, " In this storage space are the array diagrams I prepared and the materials used to arrange the arrays."

Lin Qingyu did leave some arrangements in this man-made world, but he has limited time, and the methods left behind are relatively basic, so it is a good choice for the Lord of Radiance to send someone to perfect them.

"Okay." The Lord of Glory said after taking the storage equipment given by Lin Qingyu.

His actions were very fast. As soon as Lin Qingyu gave an order, the avatar in Guangyao Continent began to gather suitable practitioners.

Because of the inheritance of the Lord of Glory, all the practitioners in the Glory Continent who can comprehend the Dao of the Void to the high level of the Chaos Realm have cultivated clones.

After the convocation was completed, Lin Qingyu brought this group of practitioners to this man-made world.

After leaving a solid foreign space to help them maintain the connection between the clones, they left.

Lin Qingyu's formation has not really reached its peak, and he still needs to continue hunting different low-level and high-level Chaotic Source beings.

Even if the formation he carried with him reaches the theoretical limit, Lin Qingyu currently still has several source worlds including Origin Continent.He is going to arrange suitable formations in those source worlds.

Calculated in this way, Lin Qingyu's material gap, especially the gap of living high-level Hunyuan life is indeed very huge.

Fortunately, low-level chaotic source life forms are as common as bugs in the entire chaotic source space.

Even when the lords established the blockade area, due to various reasons, they did not have time to kill all the chaotic source life forms in this area. They only killed the leading batch of high-level chaotic source life forms and world-class chaotic source life forms. , those low-level Chaotic Source beings are all blocked in some artificial worlds.

With the map provided by the Lord of Glory, Lin Qingyu can find the man-made worlds one by one, slowly capture the low-level Chaotic Source life, and strengthen his own strength.

Without spending too much time, Lin Qingyu, who left the man-made world No. 1769, came to a new man-made world.

This world is similar to the previous man-made world. Although it is not stable perceptually, it can still maintain the basic order and law operation, and there is no sign of the chaotic source life group inside.

For Lin Qingyu, this artificial world is a perfect hunting ground.

After controlling the alien space and entering it, Lin Qingyu made a little investigation, and found that there is no such powerful advanced chaotic source life in this artificial world.

The distribution of low-level chaotic source life groups in the entire artificial world is no different from Lin Qingyu's last artificial world.

Therefore, Lin Qingyu didn't intend to take it easy, and directly controlled the formation to cover the entire man-made world, and then began to capture various low-level chaotic source life groups in this man-made world.

It didn't take too much time for the low-level Hunyuan life group in this artificial world to be hunted down by Lin Qingyu.

After finishing, Lin Qingyu continued to hunt in the next man-made world. (end of this chapter)

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