Surrounded by the foreign space arranged by Lin Qingyu, all additional interference from the Chaotic Source Space was isolated.

Now, Lin Qingyu finally has a time and space where he can make a stable breakthrough.

Lin Qingyu didn't waste time.After all, he is in the Hunyuan Space after all, and the foreign way represented by the foreign space is after all an outsider.

The defense built by Lin Qingyu with the help of foreign space is more like a huge reservoir, storing the interference from the chaotic source space as water.

However, the amount of interference that can be stored in foreign space is not infinite.

Lin Qingyu needs to completely complete the transformation and stabilize himself before the storage reaches the limit.

This is not a difficult thing for him.

After all, he had been preparing for this breakthrough for a long time and had already considered all possibilities.

Countless secret patterns were floating around his body, constantly being combined, iterated, and optimized, and then turned into secret pattern arrays and integrated into the huge source of power that he had induced.

Finally, evolution and iteration reached their limit, and the original power connected to Lin Qingyu's life essence reached an almost perfect level.

Almost perfect, but there are still a few shortcomings.

The size of this source of power over there has not reached the limit that Lin Qingyu imagined.

Of course, the total amount of this new origin formed by gathering the origin power of tens of thousands of source worlds is comparable to a real source world, but in Lin Qingyu's view, it is not enough.

If he were to fuse it directly now, he would be able to gain the strength of the Eternal Lord level, but he would still be a step away from the lord level.

Fortunately, Lin Qingyu has enough resources to make up for this front line.

With a thought, a large number of broken world origins were taken out by Lin Qingyu from the foreign space.

Although these origins are incomplete, they are extremely large in number, and together they are even worth several origin worlds!

Lin Qingyu's gains in the ruins area.

The origins contained in the world vortexes in the ruins area are not actually the origins of a single source world.

With the help of these sources, Lin Qingyu can naturally make his breakthrough reach a truly flawless level.

These origins have long been processed by Lin Qingyu in the foreign space.

As soon as he raised his hand, these origins merged into the group of super origins that were constantly iterating according to his will.

The huge size made the super origin evolve more quickly, and finally allowed it to break through the final hurdle.

The origin used for breakthrough has been evolved!

"Very good. Now, it's time for me to break through."

With that said, Lin Qingyu "loosen" the formation net blocking the origin of this mass, allowing the origin that should have been integrated with him to enter his life essence.

Thus, the transition of life began.

This kind of jump is not weaker than the life level jump brought about by using force to break the law.

This is natural. After all, the reason why Lin Qingyu has made such sufficient preparations is to make himself a lord in one step!
Of course, he already had the strength of the world-class Hunyuan life level before he truly broke through, so in terms of strength, it cannot actually be regarded as reaching the sky in one step. At most, it can be regarded as a relatively large breakthrough in the realm.

While making an early breakthrough, Lin Qingyu's perception and deduction abilities were also improved.

Things that were once incomprehensible and whose existence could only be deduced through theories and models have become eye-catching sights that can be "seen" intuitively.

Problems that were once complicated and took a long time to deduce the conclusion have become half as simple as four arithmetic operations after breakthroughs.

Normally, a strong person who has reached Lin Qingyu's level should be able to explore the entire Hunyuan Space with a single thought. Only a few special places or the layout of strong people of the same level can block Lin Qingyu's vision.

However, Lin Qingyu now has not extended his perception to the entire Chaotic Source Space.

Of course, this is not because there is a problem with Lin Qingyu's breakthrough, but it is how it should be.

After all, he is still surrounded by the alien space formation that he has arranged himself.

The foreign formation that can isolate the Hunyuan space interference can also temporarily isolate Lin Qingyu's own perception.

At the same time, there is another thing that is isolated by this foreign space.

That is the induction and invitation of the eternal place.

Lin Qingyu's strength has reached the lord level, so he should receive an invitation from the Eternal Land and get a seat in that special world.

But now he doesn't.

This is also the result of Lin Qingyu's deliberate design.

After all, a new powerful person invited by the Eternal Land has appeared on the cultivator side. This will undoubtedly arouse the vigilance of the Hunyuan Life Group. Lin Qingyu does not intend to expose his existence so early.

In addition, he is also wary of the existence of the Eternal Land organization.

Although the lords have all joined this organization, it means that it is at least not negative, or at least it will not be too harmful.

However, Lin Qingyu was still not ready to join in directly.

Now that the practitioners are hostile and coveted by most of the powerful people in the Chaotic Source Space, it is a good thing to leave some trump cards.

After such thoughts flashed through his mind, Lin Qingyu immediately took action.

Secret lines continued to appear around him and then combined.

Subsequently, these secret patterns were integrated into the foreign space surrounding him under his control.

Before breaking through Hunyuan, Lin Qingyu's use of foreign spaces was already extremely subtle and mysterious.

But after breaking through Hunyuan, he discovered that the foreign space actually had great potential that could be developed.

With the imprint of Lin Qingyu's secret pattern, the foreign space that originally served as a temporary separation wall and a "reservoir" to store interference from the Hunyuan space has undergone new changes.

Its essence is being improved. It has slightly improved from the level of world-class Hunyuan life perfection, and has become an exotic space worthy of stepping into the ancestor level of Hunyuan life.

At the same time, its operating mode has also been changed. Compared with its previous form, it has become more "open".

Originally, this alien space could only accumulate the interference from Chaotic Source Space and could not release it. It could only allow this huge interference to continue to increase.

Just like a pool of stagnant water, or a barrier lake on a high mountain, sooner or later it will be washed away by the accumulation of chaotic source space.

Under Lin Qingyu's transformation, this foreign space became "living water".It has a cycle, which can not only store the interference of the Chaotic Source Space, but also release it.

This means that this space is no longer a temporary separation wall, but can exist outside Lin Qingyu's body for a long time, similar to a clone or a weapon-like assistance.

Moreover, the existence of this foreign space now is not just as simple as isolating the interference of Chaotic Source Space.

It can also actively interfere with the Chaotic Source Space.

As for the upper limit of interference, it is probably equivalent to the level of a Chaotic Origin Life Ancestor.

The most important thing is that the power that this foreign space can exert on the outside is essentially using the power and interference of the Hunyuan Space. This use is not included in Lin Qingyu's own life essence.

In other words, Lin Qingyu, who controls this foreign space, has gained the combat power of an ancestor of Hunyuan life out of thin air.

His body is already at the lord level, and adding another ancestor's combat power can only be the icing on the cake.

But even if it is the icing on the cake, it is actually getting stronger!
Now, Lin Qingyu's combat power is not weak even among the cultivator lords.

In addition, this foreign space also has the ability to cover up Lin Qingyu's existence and eliminate some of his unnecessary interference.

Now, the lords are unwilling to invest their efforts in the blockade area because the operation of the boundary fusion network within the blockade area has reached a critical moment.

Although their power entering it will not stop the Fusion Network, it will interfere to a certain extent and slow down the progress of the source world's integration.

Similarly, it is the same for other powerful people at the ancestor level of Hunyuan Life entering here.

However, Lin Qingyu is different. Encased in this foreign space outside his body, his influence on the outside world is minimized according to his wishes!
Even if he moves around freely within the blockade, it will not have any impact on the integration process of the source world within the blockade.

In addition, the coat formed by the foreign space also allows Lin Qingyu to suppress countless source worlds to a certain extent.

He can exert more power in the source world than the source world allows without being rejected by the source world.

Of course, you can't use your full strength, but you can still reach the ancestor level. This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

The depression space outside his body has been completely stabilized, but Lin Qingyu still has things to complete.

Through this foreign space, Lin Qingyu's consciousness spread directly to the many source worlds that were imprinted and inspired by him.

Most of these source worlds are not his hometown, but after leaving the imprint, these source worlds have become no different from his body.

However, Lin Qingyu could not take all these source worlds into his own hands.

On the one hand, it is because these source worlds are not very helpful to him.

The source world can have an impact on practitioners mainly in three aspects.

The first is that the source world itself is extremely exquisite, and the supreme rules can also be used as objects of understanding for world-class Chaotic Source beings.

The second is that the source world is huge, and its total energy is even more than the ancestor-level Chaotic Source beings or lords.This can provide practitioners with a stable enough base so that they don't have to worry about being targeted or killed by enemies in the Chaotic Source Space.

The third is that the source world has extremely strong recovery capabilities.Hunyuan strong men can indeed absorb the power of Hunyuan in the Chaotic Source space to replenish their own consumption, but even the lords cannot absorb power as fast as the source world.

However, these benefits are of little help to Lin Qingyu.

In the Law Enlightenment Room, Source World could not give him much help, because Lin Qingyu had understood about half of the original paths of Source World to the level of the ultimate realm before the breakthrough.After the breakthrough, his comprehension speed has increased a lot, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he can understand the origin of almost all the source worlds.

As for the combination of the origins, Lin Qingyu already knew it.In fact, if he wanted to, he could create a source world on his own like Yuan did.

As for the total amount of energy and energy recovery, he doesn't need it too much.

His total body energy is several times greater than that of a single Origin World, and his recovery ability is dozens of times that of those Source Worlds controlled by practitioners, and his flexibility far exceeds that of ordinary Origin Worlds.

It can be said that he himself is an enhanced version of the super source world who can perfectly control all his power.

Every strong person standing at the top of Hunyuan Space has his or her own strengths.

But what Lin Qingyu is good at now is actually the extremely huge amount of energy and the speed of energy recovery.

He doesn't need to rely on other fancy abilities, just relying on his huge energy, he can fight the lord.

Of course, besides not being of much help to him, Lin Qingyu also had other reasons for not intending to directly control tens of thousands of source worlds.

This was something he discovered only after he achieved Hunyuan.

If he directly occupied these tens of thousands of source worlds, Lin Qingyu would probably lose perfect control over his power again.

The source world is also part of the power of the Chaotic Source Space. If it occupies too much of the Source World, its own power is likely to be interfered with by the Chaotic Source Space again.

"Speaking of which, although the lords are preparing to integrate all the source worlds in the blockade area, they have no intention of refining this source world themselves.

Not only did he not plan to refine it personally, he also did not let an individual refine it. He only gave the origin of the super source world to many practitioners as an opportunity.

Even the most special and precious opportunity in the plan is just to become the spokesperson of this super origin world and gain the same combat power as the lord with the help of its huge size.Instead of completely refining this source world.

Maybe they have deduced something and feel that it is impossible for a single practitioner to control such a huge source world. They can ask about it then. "

Lin Qingyu's strength is now at the same level as the lords, and he is naturally qualified to talk on an equal footing.

However, before going to find the lords, he had one more thing to do.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Qingyu took the initiative to loosen the refining of those normal source worlds.

Although the imprint he left behind is still in the origin of those source worlds, now those source worlds are no longer his half.

However, in addition to the normal source world, there are actually many abnormal source worlds inside the ruins area.

The proportion of source worlds eroded by Chaotic Source life does not exceed one thousandth, but there are hundreds of thousands of source worlds in the ruins area!

Even if it is one thousandth, the total number of source worlds that have been eroded exceeds one hundred.

Ten thousand source worlds as a half body are not something Lin Qingyu can bear now, but a collection of hundreds of source worlds can serve as Lin Qingyu's home base.

With the help of the world-melting network that the lords had laid out long ago, and Lin Qingyu's own foreign ways, he began to move these source worlds that were extremely dilapidated and close to collapse.

Moved them one by one to the vicinity of the origin continent.

Lin Qingyu's own size far exceeds that of a source world, so it is not difficult for him to move a source world.

After all the source worlds targeted by Lin Qingyu arrived at his designated location, which was near the origin continent, a huge network of secret patterns spread out with the origin continent as the core, covering these broken source worlds. (End of chapter)

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