I can't be an NPC

Chapter 113 New Class - Paladin!

Chapter 113 New Class - Paladin!

The atmosphere in the conference hall of the Mage Association was depressing to a bit dull.

In the past few days, everyone has been full of energy and energy.

Out of people, out of people, out of effort, trying their best to find excellent seeds, and help these new arcane knights complete the training to familiarize themselves with their professional abilities.

However... still lost.

Of course, they have many reasons——

These arcane knights are just beginners, they even learned spells;
These are not the best candidates for Arcane Knights. This kind of dual cultivation profession should have requirements for both strength and magic power;

With different combinations of spells selected from the vast number of spells in the mage table, the tactical systems that can be imagined are also completely different...

However, if you lose, you lose.

No excuses can hide this fact.

"They don't have time to learn elemental knowledge."

Suddenly someone said unwillingly.

"Carl Simulator?"

A rainbow mage shook his head mockingly, "If a profession needs to rely on a specific spell to gain an advantage, then it is this spell that is powerful, not this profession."

They are a group of truth seekers.

Maybe they are not familiar with the druid and barbarian professions, but they are too familiar with the Karl simulator that started from Sword Wind City.

This spell is too supermodel.

As long as anyone who is a supermodel can learn it, he can almost beat other professionals of the same rank.

This point has been perfectly explained in the selection contest of the Chosen One.

So right now, even if there is an arcane knight who has enough knowledge about the elements, and has also learned the Carl Simulator, and successfully defeats the opponent in battle, they will not think that this is the victory of the arcane knight.

What is being discussed now is the strength comparison between pure professions.

They can't fool themselves.

"So why don't you ask Master Li Wen?"

Suddenly someone suggested: "Perhaps our knowledge of this profession is too shallow. Master Li Wen, as the creator of Arcane Knights, should know how to maximize the advantages of this profession. Even if there is not much that can There is room for improvement, but maybe we can ask Master Li Wen if he has any other ideas? As you all know, Master Li Wen does not seem to have a bottleneck."

It's outrageous, but it seems reasonable.

"Other ideas..."

Everyone knows what this mage means——

new career.

Is it possible?

To be able to complete a sub-job under a non-job job with a fairly good strength under the premise of only a little bit of a hint, for ordinary people, it is already quite incredible.

If a person can achieve such an achievement in a lifetime, it is enough to be passed down through the ages.

Thick-skinned people can even put their own names in it.

It is almost impossible to create miracles again.

That is a brand new path system!Thought it was leeks from the backyard?
After one crop is cut, there will be another crop.

But there is still a little possibility.

Because that is Master Li Wen!

How many unimaginable things have been created by Master Li Wen since entering everyone's vision?

Including what they didn't know at the beginning, but later learned about bullying, absorbing energy, void walking, void ball, void tracking...

Why did Master Li Wen fight Void...

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that this is a person who can create miracles.

Similar people, those famous figures in today's magic system popped up in their minds - Mordencan, Bigby, Leomond...

In the future, maybe there will be another Li Wen?
Li Wenlei shower, Li Wen law ball, Li Wen's search for enemies, Li Wen's simulator... It sounds good too.

The mage's whimsy made everyone's eyes shine.

"President Lingo, you are familiar with Master Li Wen, why don't you go for a visit yourself?"

"Yeah, although it's really inappropriate to disturb Master Li Wen's study and research, presumably Master Li Wen doesn't want to see these elves and dwarves so arrogant? And if we really can't suppress them, we may indeed lose a lot The Chosen Son of the Young Heaven. That is also an incalculable loss."

"Yes, President Ringo, or you can try it. I think Master Li Wen is also a good talker."

Ringo sighed, "Okay, I'll go ask."

Even though Li Wen is still a little mage of level 7 in their eyes, these outstanding achievements made by him have made it impossible for these people to look at him with ordinary eyes.

Achievers come first.

When dealing with the truth, every mage is devout enough.

So they are more cautious when contacting.

Helen who had been sitting on the side without saying a word suddenly stood up at this moment, "I'm with you."

I don't know what that little guy has been doing at home alone since he came back from the city once.

As the city lord, even though Helen didn't want to monitor him specially, there were always various channels to vaguely know about Li Wen's movements.

It's been almost a week, and this guy has been stuck at home and hasn't gone out.

Are you not afraid of starving to death?

Of course not afraid, because there is enough bread at home.

Li Wen, who is obsessed with creating new careers, has no time to covet his appetite.

Any behavior that would distract him was subconsciously rejected by Li Wen.

Until this day, a knock on the door woke Li Wen up from his deep sleep.

Because last night, after finishing his research, he was finally able to sleep peacefully.

But now... who quarreled with him!


Li Wen impatiently opened the door with some zombie-like wandering footsteps.

Under the not-too-glare morning sun outside the door, General Quan Sheng's simple and honest smiling face looked a bit wretched.



Li Wen's voice was weak, but General Quan Sheng's voice was as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"Master! There's a fight over there!"


Li Wen's thinking is not very clear now, and he is completely unaware of which side General Quansheng is talking about.

"That village! The village! Those monsters in black robes domesticated a lot of wild beasts from the forest, and strengthened some of them with some evil means. Qin, who had disappeared for many days, fought again in order to stop their actions!"

While talking, Miss Ranger also squeezed her head in from one side.

"Go and see it too, it's very lively."


Li Wen closed the door with a "snap", then opened it again.

"Give you a task, find more helpers."

[Bobby is going to entrust you to complete the epic task - to rescue Miss Priest!Whether to accept?Please respond positively. 】

[Epic Mission - Rescue Miss Priest: The heroic Miss Priest Qin Feldren is struggling for the peaceful life of the people in the village. Please gather helpers as soon as possible to help the brave Miss Priest defeat the foreign enemies!Task rewards: a lot of soul energy, 100 justice points, non-destructive transfer to a new advanced basic profession - paladin (click to view the detailed description of the profession)! 】

Li Wen, who closed the door again, yawned and muttered in a vague tone.

"It's okay, don't disturb my sleep, you find a helper first, don't bother me if you don't have 1000 people."

The two people left alone outside the door stared wide-eyed, each looking at the task prompts that popped up on their own panels.

A new high-level basic occupation - paladin?

Click in from the link of the task, and after carefully reading the entire job description word by word, the two gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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