I can't be an NPC

Chapter 131 Longevity?

Chapter 131 Longevity?

The cemetery at night is even more silent, so there is no need to say more about the courtyard next to the cemetery.

The swaying and dim light coming out of the blurred glass is, in a sense, even more terrifying than the cemetery.

There is only one house in the courtyard, which is divided into two parts, Julian and the old man with dead souls each occupy half.

The two didn't go straight to the room of the old man with dead spirits. After all, they weren't very familiar with each other, and they only knew each other through Julian as a medium.

So Irene took Li Wen to find Julian first, and after a while, Julian's mental outlook changed a lot.

From her body, I can't see the skinny, paranoid crazy research weirdo when we first met.

Wearing a long black dress and sitting quietly on a chair, she looks like a noblewoman from a famous family that has been passed down for more than a hundred years.

The temperament is quiet and elegant.


Irene smiled at Li Wen and explained: "My master's wish has been fulfilled, and now she has realized the fact that she doesn't have much talent. Instead of pursuing those false things, it's better to enjoy the rest of her life."

Julian's wise and old eyes swept across Li Wen's body, and there was no longing for talent in his eyes, but only a kind of clear blessing.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

Eileen moved closer to Julian.

"Master, you are the one. Why don't you go to bed so late? Didn't you say you should take a good rest and take care of your body?"

Julian smiled kindly and shook his head slightly.

"I'm listening to my inner voice."

Li Wen pulled up a chair and sat across from her, and asked curiously, "What's the sound?"

"The sound of life."

Li Wen showed interest, "Huh?"

Seeing that Li Wen had forgotten her original intention and seemed to be about to say something incomprehensible to her master again, Irene hurriedly winked at Li Wen behind Julian.

Li Wen pretended not to see it.

Julian looked at the unclean moonlight outside the window, and his dark pupils were slightly lost in thought.

"I don't know if it's because I'm old, I've been thinking about some messy things these two days..."

"for example?"

"For example, does our blood contain most of our life force?"

Coming to this different world, it is a fact that some creatures do have strange vitality and power in their blood.

Li Wen didn't dare to say what kind of DNA a human life is purely composed of. This kind of similar knowledge should be studied by the mages of the necromantic faction.

Now how did Julian suddenly think of this?
"Any other ideas?"

"You say that if you can live forever, what should people do to make sense?"

There was no emotion in Julian's tone, only a calmness like water.

Could it be that she wants to switch to the Necromancer faction when she gets older?
Or was it because he lived with that undead old man all day long and was spoiled by what he heard and saw?
Irene listened behind the master, only feeling creepy.

That's why she found Li Wen.

Such a master always made her feel strange and afraid.

It's still the crazy academic lunatic from before that is more likable and familiar.

In the past few days, not only the dead old man, but also the master seemed to be a little bit wrong, so she had been waiting in the library for several days without knowing where Li Wen lived.

Li Wen ignored Irene's small eyes, just looked at Julian's face and asked.

"So you want to live forever?"

As far as he knows, people who have reached a high level of cultivation, or some strange high-level spell effects, can give people a longer life.

But Changsheng... I have never heard of it.

As long as it is a living thing, it cannot escape the hurdle of death.

Even elves with an average age of 800 years will die one day.

Maybe become a god.

But the clergy is limited, becoming a god is almost impossible in this era... especially after the Arcane event that almost destroyed the entire era.

Normal people generally don't put their minds on longevity.

It's fine for a while, but right now...Julian doesn't look like he's talking purely when he's talking.

Something must have happened to them that they didn't understand.

But in front of him, facing Li Wen's question, Julian was slightly taken aback, and shook his head in confusion.

"do not know."

The more I heard it, the weirder it became.

Li Wen couldn't bear Irene's crazy performance behind Julian, so he asked them why they came here.

"I heard from Irene that the old man bought a lot of chickens and ducks, bled them and refused to eat them, and threw them all together. Instead of letting those corpses rot, why not let him give me some?"

Julian glanced in the direction of the next door.

"Go find him yourself, it's not that you don't know him."

Eileen even noticed that something was wrong, and she had no reason not to notice.

It's weird...

Li Wen and Irene exited Julian's room, and Irene was a little confused.

"What should I do……"

Li Wen pouted at the old man's door.

"Go to him directly."

The old Necromancer didn't seem to have changed much. When he saw Li Wen and Irene coming to look for him late at night, he just muttered some unpleasant words.

However... a strong smell of blood and a little smell of decaying corpses in the room made both Irene and Li Wen frowned for an instant.


Before she finished speaking, Irene "vomited" and couldn't help but turned around and fled outside.

"Cowards who dare not face the truth..."

The old man made a contemptuous sound.

Li Wen was not much better. He took a rough look at the old man's room and found that it was no different from the past, except... beside his workbench, he seemed to throw a few corpses of chickens and ducks casually.

"I heard that you bought a lot of chickens and ducks and didn't eat them. After you killed them, you piled them there. Why don't you give me some and let me go back and make soup for my mother?"

"Oh... take whatever you want, it's all piled up in the yard outside. Get it yourself."


After a last glance at the old man's house, he found nothing strange, and the old man didn't show any signs of guilt.

Randomly picking up two corpses piled up in a hill in the yard, Li Wen and Irene left the yard.

"Did you find anything wrong?"

Li Wen broke the corpses of the chickens and ducks in his hands, and found that the fatal wounds were all on the neck.

Looking at the traces, Li Wen raised his eyebrows, and suddenly sent the neck of the dead chicken and duck to Irene, "Come and try it."

Irene walked away in disgust, "I don't want it."

"Forget it..."

"Then what did you find out?"

Li Wen opened his eyes and said nonsense, "No."


Irene responded, but didn't take it too seriously.

Rather than worrying about Master, or finding an excuse to find Li Wen, Irene didn't know which one was more important.

Then he turned to talk about other things in a low voice.

"I just heard...you are going to take the chicken and duck back to make soup for your mother? I...I can make soup too..."

Li Wen curled his lips, and replied, "I don't have a mother."

Back home, Li Wen only felt like ants were crawling on his body.

So weird.

It's so weird.

The wounds on the chicken and duck corpses cannot be said to be very similar to the marks left by human teeth, but they can only be said to be exactly the same.

Combined with Julian's words...


Julian's words!
Li Wen knew something was wrong.

Looking back, it can be seen from the content and tone of the speech that Julian seems to be sure that she can live forever, as long as she wants...

(End of this chapter)

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