I can't be an NPC

Chapter 133 The Moon of Madness

Chapter 133 The Moon of Madness
Really useful.

Li Wen was slightly excited.

In this one minute, he needs to clear his head, otherwise he may become delirious again due to the confrontation between two different wills...

Spell effects cannot be monitored.

Two different voices.

Affects academic research and spellcasting due to will confrontation.

This is because his magic power is high enough to be able to keep a part of his mind awake.

What about those with less magic?

Perhaps mental retardation is another solution to this phenomenon?
No wonder the orcs couldn't do anything about it.

The magic in this world is like the science in the past world, it is the only way to study the truth.

The orcs are naturally weak in magic power. Even if there are subspecies of cat people with slightly better magic talent in their group, and shamans, the career path of spellcasters that disappear with the weakening of their race, once they start to face this change , itself is the first object to be captured.

It can't be solved by itself, and outsiders can't detect it.

When this path is locked, the so-called blood moon disaster... or, in other words, the beast blood boiling disaster, naturally there is no solution.

Yes, Li Wen has now confirmed that the changes that happened to him are the chief culprit that led to the decline of the Beastman Empire - the disaster of boiling beast blood.

In other words, the disaster of the blood moon.

Is it some kind of mutation that develops directly from the individual itself?
The solution...the solution...the solution is, players!
Even Croxan's world will, acting on the environment to erode judgments, will be discovered in the confrontation with the player, and another will in his own body may also be discovered.


Modify task information.


Instructor Li Wen, these players who have been cultivating under his name for a long time will have a face-to-face trial!

All kinds of messy news came to Helen's ears one after another.

A large number of residents in the city are full of energy, performing strenuous physical exercises such as but not limited to climbing, jumping, and long-distance running in the entire city on a large scale, suspected of being possessed by the Chosen One...

In a small town not far from the city, a large number of chickens, ducks and livestock were lost within a few days, and they were suspected of being stolen by the rumored green dragon nearby...

It is not known whether these useful news are mixed with the news that Li Wen said before, which makes Helen feel a little irritated.

From the snake population, I learned that there is no follow-up news about the illithid who is said to be the overlord of the multiverse. Here, Li Wen said that the moon of madness is not far away.

The official name of the blood moon is the moon of madness.

However, the last time that the Moon of Madness reached critical mass dates back to the period of the Orc Empire more than 1000 years ago, and Helen didn't know the specific information.

Right now, the residents of the city are starting to fall ill again for unknown reasons.

I don't know if it has something to do with the crazy moon.


Helen sat alone on the throne of the city lord in the hall. The tail of the gorgeous long skirt was smoothly spread out from the steps step by step. The elbow of her right hand was resting on the handle of the chair, and her forehead was lightly pressed.

what can we do about it?

Every time Helen encounters these large-scale incidents, there is only endless confusion in her heart.

Her status level can't be said to be higher or lower, which is the most embarrassing.

I don't know how those legendary-level professionals and the high-level officials of the kingdom have responded, whether they are aware of all these changes, and whether they are ready.

Xia knows more news than ordinary civilians, so he is uneasy.

It would be great if there were no agreement restrictions, maybe more civilian geniuses like Li Wen could explore these dilemmas together.

But Helen knew that it was impossible.

Most people know how the abyss, hell, heaven mountain, etc. in the lower planes are formed.

Those things are condensed from the imagination, dreams, beliefs, worship, and other spiritual powers of all intelligent life on the main material plane.

Although there is good in it, there is more evil.

Because when thinking of those things, places like abyss and hell are born with the fear and negative emotions of intelligent creatures.

People tend to radiate endless thoughts about the fear of the unknown, so the natural standpoint of these things is the opposite of intelligent creatures.

Therefore, for the same reason, the upper echelons dare not let everyone in the entire continent know these truths about the world.

Otherwise, the moon events that only return once every few hundred to thousands of years, if they appear on the lower plane due to the association of most intelligent creatures, it will be the most fatal blow to the world.

What has been done cannot be undone, and what has not been done must be stopped.

No one dares to take such a risk to spread this kind of knowledge, even if it is only guesswork.

Moreover, those who are truly capable are naturally qualified to have access to these things that are considered secret to ordinary people, and those who cannot get in touch... In a sense, it means that he has no ability to solve them.

But Li Wen... is an exception.

However, even though Master Li Wen seemed to have more means of observing the twelve moons than himself, he couldn't disclose more information to him because of the agreement. After all, he couldn't count on others.

Alas~ Maybe it is really as the teacher said, the chaos is about to come.

I just don't know if the Chosen Ones, who have created miracles in the past, can solve the current disaster again.

With this in mind, Helen summoned guards.

"Go post some reward tasks."

Bounty - Investigate the real cause of the abnormal mental state of the residents, the culprit behind the theft of livestock, and the critical impact of the Mad Moon...

All of a sudden, the players who discovered the new bounty mission were excited.

Especially the golden legendary bounty - Moon of Madness!
The reward task issued directly by the City Lord's Mansion is naturally extraordinary.

Common, Twilight, Rare, Epic, Legendary... These are the strength ratings of magic items in Gaia.

And after completing the Moon of Madness, you will get a rare magic item that no player has ever obtained... or even if someone has obtained it, it has not been displayed.


Rare magic items are rare even for a city lord like Helen, and the necklace given to Li Wen before is one of them.

In order to make some efforts within her capacity, Helen spent all her money.

And the Green Dragon, who had changed his appearance in the city, was so angry that he almost changed color when he heard the news about himself.

He has always been the only one who blames others, when will it be someone else's turn to blame him?
Can the matter of stealing chickens and dogs be counted on him?Can the dignified green dragon suffer this grievance?

Let me see who is behind the scenes!It must be peeled and cramped to light the sky lantern!

And Li Wen didn't know anything about the reactions of other people, he just came out of the city according to the agreement with General Quan Sheng and others.

In the city, unless the aborigines strike first, players generally dare not attack the aborigines. If the person being attacked is not killed, or other aborigines witnesses see it, a reward must be offered.

And once the reward is on, as long as you are killed or caught, you must lose your soul energy and be imprisoned.

The more violent the disturbance, the heavier the fine. Only outside the city can there be room for action.

(End of this chapter)

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