I can't be an NPC

Chapter 136 Wild Hound Pace

Chapter 136 Wild Hound Pace
After obtaining the specific conditions that can represent the body to a certain extent, Li Wen rushed to the temple without stopping.

Now that you know that the problem is inside your body, the problem is actually not difficult to solve.

The magic system on the Gaia continent is actually omnipotent. If it is said that facing an opponent of the world's will level like the Moon of Corruption, it may be powerless, but in the face of the changes in one's body, there are now a hundred kinds of magic systems. The solution.

Whether it is depicting a large magic circle, such as a large and long-lasting magic circle for calming the mind.

Or alchemy potion, to forcibly stabilize the structure of the body.

After all, there is a solution.


"What are you doing?"

On the square surrounded by all the temples, Li Wen found many people wearing mage and priest robes, carving something on the holy stone slabs.

The square occupies quite a large area, so priests and mages in twos and threes cooperating with each other can be seen every ten steps.

After getting closer, you can find that there are many strange characters like tadpoles densely carved on the ground.

Not only the mage's language, but also a kind of divine language that seems to be specially used by some gods to communicate with believers. This must be the priest's credit.

And the strange characters outlined by the ink made of special materials emit a faint gleam even in this day.

Li Wen casually grabbed a pastor who was holding a scroll in his hand and studying it carefully, frowning slightly and looking kindly, Li Wen asked curiously.

"what are these?"

The pastor glanced at Li Wen, and explained with a smile: "This is an order from the city lord. Let us work with the mages of the Mage Association to set up such a magic circle."

Li Wen looked at the blueprint of the magic circle drawn by the other party, and it was difficult to tell what effect it had after a glance or two.

"What magic circle?"

"It is said that it can soothe the mind, but I don't know the specifics."

"Okay, thank you."

Li Wench nodded at the other party, stepped aside and stopped disturbing the other party's work.

A magic circle to soothe the mind?
Could it be that Helen came up with a way to deal with the blood moon after listening to her own opinion?

That is to say, you can't figure out everything by yourself. There are so many strong people in the human world, it's unlikely that there is no information about the blood moon and no countermeasures.

If so, you can wait for it to change.

Anyway, the critical time of these moons is only a few years at most, at worst, after spending these few years in the magic circle, Renren will pass.

According to the lessons learned from the orc empire, not everyone will be affected by the blood moon, and the remaining people can still maintain the normal operation of human society.

Even if the situation gets worse, there are still players and wage earners. As long as there are rewards, it might be okay to entrust them to farm and raise pigs, right?

Li Wen, who was in a slightly relaxed mood, thought of the blood in his body providing him with some kind of detailed information about his talent, and his mood suddenly became happier.

Maybe you can use this blood moon to get some new gadgets. Last time, Croxanne was the will of the world as a whole. Her knowledge was too high-end for Li Wen, and it was too early.

And the things provided by the blood moon body emerging from the individual body, maybe it can be used right now?

The construction of the magic circle took time, and Li Wen didn't wait, and went straight home.

Half of his thinking is now caught in confrontation, and he has no time to study, but maybe he can make some other attempts.

Such as creation.

Creation doesn't necessarily have to be the delicate work of spells and paths. When creating new combat skills, it's more casual.

As long as the theory is feasible and supported by rules, combat techniques are much easier to create than spells.

Think about the agility I showed when I faced Ah Zhi's siege at that time, if I could turn it into a permanent combat skill...

Turtle, don't even dare to think about it.

I am not afraid of the high output of mages, but I am afraid that mages will go out of position.

Moreover, Li Wen now has a lot of soul energy in stock.

After the last squandering of 450 million, with the spread of Arcane Knights and Paladins, more than 50 follow-up soul energy has been credited in the past two days.

Upgrading is definitely not enough, but it's okay to use it for experimentation, and it doesn't feel too bad to smash Li Wen.

After all, the potential of the two new professions is still there, and with the three spell soft food agreements of the paladins, there will be a lot of money in the future. This is why Li Wen didn't consider retaining soul energy last time and put it all on the level. .

Now, with a total of 57 soul energy, Li Wen can try boldly.

Try to rely purely on the instinct of the body, whether it is possible to use the energy of the soul to display the instinctive talent that came from the blood in a more solid and stable form.

Li Wen carefully controlled the indulgence of the body, and at a conscious and controlled level, slowly relaxed the guard against the body's instinctive impulse, allowing it to gradually take over the body.

At the same time, Li Wen also immersed his limited consciousness into the "ancient instinct" he saw in his heart.

At this moment, Li Wen's eyes began to skip countless flashing pictures.

The strange thing is that he was able to clearly see every flashing picture in this quick flash——

Primitive humans wearing animal skins carefully ate the bone marrow residues left by other creatures on the barren prairie.

He and the beast stabbed by the wooden javelin won the final victory in the long run.

A thunderstorm sparked a ground fire, and the flames allowed humans to eat cooked meat for the first time.

The elder who subconsciously guided the magic element to send out the first fireball was revered as a god by the tribe.

Occasionally, the divine words she heard filled the girl with panic.

Fear of death, ignorance of reproduction, exploration of magical power, hatred and blood of alien races.

Dragons, snakemen, orcs, lizardmen, elves, and dwarves appear in turn.

Fight, flee, magic, faith.

A bloodline that can be passed down to this day is the most accidental one among countless miracles in the past.

All creatures, environments, and rules in the world have left a significant impact on the blood.

Everything that happened in the past is recorded in the blood.

At a certain moment, Li Wen's eyes returned to clarity.

The distortion of time and space returns to reality in an instant, and time seems to have passed only one breath.

As Julian said, there is indeed power in the blood.

Human beings have memories, and all the inheritances it has carried so far are preserved in the blood.

Most of these inheritances have been hidden, and only a small number of people have the slightest possibility to show the different talents inherent in each individual when they occasionally encounter fatal dangers.

Of course, while showing talent, it is also the beginning of awakening wild instinct.

And what Li Wen's body is best at... is pulling.

The kind of dragging with the injured prey for a long time, the enemy chasing and fleeing, the enemy fleeing and chasing, and finally exhausting the other party.

Li Wen, who came back to his senses, found that the "background" information in his mind had been scrolled through a long list.

[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 0.11%. 】


[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 3.38%. 】


[Your blood thinks you are too stupid, and has used your knowledge of space movement and teleportation. 】

[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 42.74%. 】


【…The completion rate of this attempt is 61.21%, is paying 1000 points of soul energy to provide a correct direction adjustment? 】

【payment successful. 】

[Your blood thinks you are a fool, and uses your knowledge of racial characteristics. 】

【…The completion rate of this attempt is 87.33%, is paying 1000 points of soul energy to provide a correct direction adjustment? 】

【payment successful. 】


【payment successful. 】


【…The completion rate of this attempt is 99.96%. You need to pay 1994 points of soul energy to endow the race—"human" with new characteristics. Do you want to pay? 】

[Although your blood is not satisfied, you chose to respect your idiot opinion. 】


Cursed by his own blood.

Li Wen said silently in his heart with a dark face: "Pay."

[The endowment is completed. 】

[You have endowed the "human" race with a brand new racial talent. As its creator, you can name it, and when you use it, it changes from 2 times/increasing exhaustion level to 3 times/increasing exhaustion level.At the same time, you can assign it to any "human" individual in some publicly recognized ritual. 】

Name it?
just call...

"Wild Hound Pace..."

(End of this chapter)

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