I can't be an NPC

Chapter 147 The Great Army

Chapter 147 The Great Army
After eating and drinking enough, in order to prevent being disturbed by others and being unable to fall asleep due to the bright light ball in the sky, Li Wen arranged another Leomont hut, which once again shocked the indigenous people for 100 years.

The next day, early in the morning, Li Wen arrived outside the city early in accordance with the agreement.

There is no change in the sun, moon and sky in this world, but there is also a way to record time.

Of course, it doesn't mean that every resident is so sensitive to time that it seems perverted. There is also a huge bell in the elf city.

Li Wen found the hanging clock to confirm the time, and then rushed out of the city.

Sure enough, Li Wen, who was an hour earlier, had no opponent.

After Li Wen waited in peace for a while, the guards in the city drove out.

Wearing a uniform standard light green leather armor, the elf team walking out of the city with their heads held high and their chests held high, looked heroic and extraordinary under the eternal brilliance of the sky.

The gemwork attached to their longswords and longbows makes their weapons not only aesthetically pleasing, but also potentially violent and life-snatching.

And even though most of these elf guards were slender and tall, they were quite powerful with a certain firm will.

No matter which world they are in, these teams that protect most ordinary people are always extremely reliable.

And after the unified guard lined up, scattered figures gathered in twos and threes one after another.

The dwarf in spiked armor with a double ax in his hands swayed, his face was flushed, and if he got close, he could even smell the smell of alcohol.

The vigorous ranger with double knives or longbow on his back is alone, dotted alone on the periphery of the assembled brigade, watching everything around him with cold eyes.

Freelancers without any organization, even if they want to help the mainland to kill the enemy and relieve their worries, it is obviously unrealistic to expect them to be so uniform.

But fortunately, there are so many people.

The elf lieutenant who led the team was used to this, and it was just a routine encirclement and suppression operation, and he didn't plan to ask these freelancers much.

As long as they act according to the agreement and don't add trouble to the operation itself, it will be a disservice.

However, as a matter of routine, the stern-faced lieutenant of the Sun Elf still shuttled through the crowd, planning some suitable targets to act with some teams in the guard.

The main targets are some rangers who use bows and arrows, they can provide powerful long-range support for other teammates.

Or some priests who can provide buffs to teammates and provide healing abilities are also quite popular.

Naturally, Li Wen, who arrived early, at least showed his willingness to cooperate, and naturally fell into the eyes of the lieutenant immediately.

"You go and report to the officers of the second team, and act with them."

After receiving the instructions, Li Wen obediently followed the instructions.

The person in charge of receiving Li Wen was also a sun elf, with a serious face and cherishing words like gold.

After seeing Li Wen, he just asked briefly.




After slightly frowning, the squad leader didn't say anything, just turned his head behind him, "Join the team."

The entire collection allocation process is very fast, and everyone knows what they should do after multiple actions.

Even if you have never participated in freelance work, you have heard a lot about it.

As dozens of elf mages surrounded the army and chanted spells in a strange tone, the mysterious magic energy enveloped every member of the army like a breeze.

Li Wen also felt that he was as light as a swallow, and his actions seemed to be aided by the wind.

Warband Magic - Rush Martial Arts.

Since combat is the main theme of this continent most of the time, people here are better at war group magic that can directly affect large-scale battles than researching the principles that can change and create profound magic.

Here, practicality... or in other words, spells that can directly affect combat such as attack, acceleration, and movement are more popular than those functional spells.

For example, spells such as Leomeng's Hut and Phantom Horse are completely unheard of here.

This is the news that Li Wen carefully inquired about yesterday when he was wandering the city alone after listening to Linton's words.

As the magic of the warband took effect, the golden oak banners were unfurled high, shaking violently in the constant skylight, and the army finally moved in.

So no one cared about a little human mage like Li Wen anymore.

Only the elf guards who were braided together whispered inside.

One of them approached Li Wen and punched Li Wen with his elbow.

"Are you really a mage?"


So the pot exploded slightly.

"Don't make a move later, just watch us kill indiscriminately."

"It's best to stay away from me, I'm afraid you won't be able to control the magic power and blow up my area."

"Why can't you think about signing up as a mage?"

The chief is strict with his words, but these ordinary elves below are quite active.

Li Wen didn't care, he just smiled, seemingly simple and honest.

"I want to challenge my weakness~"

The attitude of the Japanese elf at the time of registration had already made Li Wen aware of the problem, so when he was wandering around the city, he also inquired about the news.

The areas where monsters gather are places where the magic elements are disordered. When operating in such places, the spells cast by professional mages are often distorted by the chaotic magic power into an incomprehensible appearance.

At least it will fail to cast, and at worst it will be distorted and counterattacked.

It will explode.

But it doesn't matter, Li Wen is ready.

As long as my teammates are around, I won't suffer.

In the worst case, just use the level 10 feature of your own protection faction-projection defense to beat the soy sauce, it's not a big problem.


With the help of hasty marching tactics, the entire encirclement and suppression army arrived not far from the target area in just over two hours.

The reason for stopping is because the accompanying mage needs to cast more warband magic.

Group Armor.

Group acceleration.

After the release of the two large spells, the complexions of the accompanying mages weakened visibly.

But there is no big problem, after all, the next battle will not be the mage's home field.

In a piece of hilly terrain, the tall monsters exuding a fierce aura are either wandering around comfortably, or fighting with each other in friendship.

In this strange place, there seems to be some kind of magical law that makes them forget their territorial consciousness and coexist harmoniously.

However, the entry of the army of elves is the beginning of breaking this harmony.

The dwarf warrior in heavy plate armor rushed into the herd of beasts with a shield, and behind him was a sun elf in leather armor who was shooting a series of arrows at the target with a refined longbow.

Near them, there was an elf priest wearing a flail and wearing plate armor shouting slogans, chanting loudly from time to time, for the charging warriors to maintain the advantage as much as possible when killing the enemy.

The dwarf barbarian in chain armor held a double axe, laughed and showed a ferocity crazier than the blood-cursed human, and entangled with a huge ape-like monster without hesitation.

His companion, a half-elf ranger wearing scale armor and flying like the wind with two scimitars, looked for opportunities for the enemy's lack of defense under the characteristics of different terrains.

Warriors, Rangers, Priests, Barbarians... These professions all show their unique skills on the battlefield.

Seeing the flickering light of the knife and the sound of breaking wind as the heavy ax was swung, Li Wen was terrified.

Although he is a level 12 mage, under such chaos, it is difficult for him to survive for a long time with his own strength.

Before becoming a legend, except for those well-prepared high-level mages, the strength of other individuals seemed too weak in the face of the crowd.

And even for legendary professionals, facing this situation, they still have to look at their professional characteristics and personal abilities to decide how to deal with it.

Under the cover of those freelancers, the elf guards formed into columns and marched deeper into the interior.

The entire magically disordered area is huge, and since they are here, of course they need to be cleaned up thoroughly.

In the middle of the crowd, watching the battle not far away, Li Wen's hands were itchy.

After concentrating his mind and quietly playing a trick at a feline monster—the Flame Arrow, Li Wen was a little surprised to find——

Casting spells in this terrain doesn't seem to be as difficult as they say?

(End of this chapter)

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