I can't be an NPC

Chapter 16 "What is something you only know after you become a mage"

Chapter 16 "What is something you only know after you become a mage"

After he really came into contact with the first-level spells, Li Wencai understood why he in the past couldn't understand or imitate any one of the first-level spells even though he had enough magic power and was familiar with those zero-level spells.

There is a lock.

Li Wen didn't know how to describe this feeling.

But it was some kind of strange feeling.

It seems that after he became a level 2 mage...or a level 1 mage, some kind of lock on him was suddenly opened.

To put it in a little legal terms——

His profound knowledge of the professional system made him more in-depth in the process of understanding these extraordinary factors.

But in fact, he is still him.

The current Li Wen looks at the model of the first-ring spell, and Li Wen who looked at the model of the first-ring spell a few days ago, there is not much difference in the understanding of the model.

After all, the structure of any spell model is rigorous and rigid.

They are the only solutions among countless possibilities, and they are limited there.

With a slight change, it is no longer a spell, or it is no longer a specific spell.

It's there, as complex as it is, unchanged from time immemorial.

As long as they can clearly see their structure, it shouldn't happen that Li Wen, who has not taken office, cannot copy them, and Li Wen, who has become a level 1 or level 2 mage, immediately has the ability to copy them.

Yet it is so.

In the past, when Li Wen looked at the spell model of the first ring, it was like a hazy film, which made him inexplicably unable to understand and copy it.

But now, after becoming an official mage, that layer of membrane has disappeared.

Today's Li Wen can easily understand and learn any kind of first-ring spells.

However, he was unable to learn any second-ring spells...

Because I haven't reached level 3 yet?
Level 1 unlocks the first ring, level 3 unlocks the second ring, level 5 unlocks the third ring, level 7 unlocks the fourth ring...

What a strict and strict rule.

The Gaia continent has come here for thousands of years.

So weird!

Zhen Jibai is too weird!

In retrospect, Icacia thunderstorms were heresy.

A second-ring spell created by an ordinary person?

Arabian Nights.

Fortunately, in order to reap the players, I forcibly dropped to the 0 ring before I got the association certification, otherwise I don't know what kind of uproar it will cause.


It seems to be an extremely interesting thing to subvert this rule~
Back home, Li Wen began to guide spells.

In any case, the meal should be eaten bite by bite, and the things should be done one by one.

Now he still has to work hard to protect himself from being corroded by void energy.

Li Wen began to guide the magic elements around him to form a protective wall made of magic elements around him.

Any external attack needs their permission before it wants to hurt Li Wen.

With the help of the professional characteristic - arcane defense, Li Wen did this easily, as if instinctively.

Sensing the invisible magic shield around him, Li Wen felt sincerely at ease.

Now, he is also a bloody bull with as much as 18 points of blood!

Then, Li Wen took out the silver and iron powder he had prepared earlier as the casting materials, and began to guide a ring of spells - protection from good and evil.

Protection from good and evil: During the maintenance of the spell, the target you touch and designate can get a large number of protection judgments against specific sources, and can isolate most of the negative status from specific sources.Release time: focus.Duration: Up to 10 minutes.Cooldown: None.Casting Range: Reach.

This is a spell that requires concentration, that is, continuous casting.

People are not single-threaded creatures, and they can also do some other simple things while staying focused on casting spells.

The specific ability to double-purpose is related to the individual's magic power attribute.

Li Wen's 18-point magic power attribute is probably well-known among mages below the third level, so he can be a little distracted.

Through the memory of the legendary planeswalker, Li Wen once again came to that dark purple world.

In fact, this is a unique spiritual perspective. If it is not the master of the memory, even if Li Wen goes to that place in person, he can only see nothingness.

Nothingness without even the concept of darkness.

Now, under the protection of a warm shield around him, it is difficult for the malice transmitted from the memory of others to have any influence on Li Wen.

The faint purple energy stream flows mightily in the void, like a great river.

Occasionally, the ripples that rolled up sensed the gaze of the living creatures and rushed towards them one after another, but were blocked by the pale white barrier.

Li Wen stared at its flow, and time also passed by.

Each cast lasts 10 minutes, with half an hour passing in the blink of an eye.

A level 2 mage can release three first-ring spells, and then needs a mental relaxation to recover naturally.


"Good morning!"

The girl's voice is full of youthful vitality.

"Not going to level up?"

Li Wen was a little surprised to see the girl here.

"Do what you promised first~"

Ah Zhi, who turned around to look for cleaning tools, muttered in a low voice.

"The main reason is that there are too many people in the morning to grab the monster..."

The two chatted while cleaning.

"Hey, don't you think it's strange that those goblins seem to be endless?"

Ah Zhi also wants to know how the people in the game world view their world.

Li Wen glanced at her.

"Have you heard of extraordinary fertility?"

Ah Zhi was taken aback.

Turning to the eyes, it turned into a pair of crooked insect eyes.

"Huh~ Disgusting."

Ah Zhi seemed to be a chatterbox, and asked again after a while.

"Hey~ Do you know where I can learn the skills of warriors? It seems that there are very few skills of warriors in this world..."

"Aren't you already a battle master?"

As far as Li Wen knows, this is already the development route with the most skills among fighters.

Ah Zhi waved her hand.

"I'm okay, but the warrior route my friend chose seems to be able to cut flat."

"Hmm... the warrior skills are a little less."

Ah Zhi was in high spirits.

"So, is there a career path where you can cast spells and chop at the same time?"

In addition to pursuing intensity, players often need fun.

Even if they can cut a piece of sky by simply cutting flat, it is not interesting to them.

"Maybe not……"

Ah Zhi was deflated visibly with the naked eye.

"Well... I have asked many people, but they all said no."

Li Wen paused to wipe the shelves, and suddenly realized a problem.

The choice of more skills is not unique to mages.

Compared with mages with many spells, fighters and rangers often need more choices.

Is it possible to combine void energy to make billions of innovations for each profession?
(End of this chapter)

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