I can't be an NPC

Chapter 165 Main quest?

Chapter 165 Main quest?

The task for Ah Zhi was issued last night, and now the authority to issue tasks has been increased, and after another natural day, the qualifications for issuing tasks have been refreshed, and tasks can be issued again.

So who do you send it to?

Forget it... don't be in a hurry, just find someone who is predestined later.

You can't ask the four players Ah Zhi to come over for everything, otherwise it will be as if they are the only ones you can use.

After all, my goal is the Archangel with Ten Thousand Wings!
Before releasing the task, first prepare the task details and rewards in your heart, so as to save yourself from being carded by the goddess when you get it.

The goal of the mission is naturally to clean up the shell of Mad Moon.

If it is difficult, you have to set a time, otherwise, if the world does not resist the temptation of the legendary bronze dragon and start to act, it will be troublesome.

So, let’s go for five days… Players from a big infrastructure country can’t do all these things~
Then reward...

Cleaning workers and developing a different world are two different things, and these masons cannot be allowed to work for nothing.

Equipment... How can I have so many equipments?
Experience... This thing is not set by oneself.

Money... too vulgar.

Skills or occupations... Except for a wild hound step, I haven't got any rewards recently. The sub-job of Jian Yong is quite powerful, but the player is not an elf and can't get a job.

However, Li Wen does not plan to release the sub-class of Sword Wing on a large scale. The strength of this class feels much stronger than the normal mage sub-class. Moreover, for the elves in the world of Mad Moon, this class seems to be of great importance to them. special meaning.

Then...give them a first-hand development right.

The qualifications of the portal can also be sold as value~
Ok, deal……

When the mind is settled, a certain message will be known to those gods who hold authority.

The god responsible for the relevant authority... That's right, it's Wojin, my goddess of wealth again!
"Brothers and sisters are broken! Something big happened!"

As soon as Li Wen's mind was settled, he heard the long-lost god chat group meeting in his mind.

The happiest female voice sounded very recognizable.

Deep female voice: "What's wrong, Sister Wojin?"

A calm male voice: "I'm not bad, don't talk nonsense."

The male voice gritted his teeth and held his breath: "I don't have time to explain, come and help me, I can't beat this Void Demon, it's so strong, damn it!"

Woking: "I just don't know where a contract popped up, I don't know how to rate it."

A gentle male voice: "What contract? Tell me."

Wojin: "The difficulty is not too high, and the rewards are not too high, but it has a great impact on the world and high authority. How should this be determined?"


Wojin: "Waiting? Are you guys talking? Waiting online, it's very urgent."

Li Wen had a weird expression on his face.

If...probably...possibly, the goddess is talking about the mission she just prepared?

Very high authority?

Why don't you just throw it away?

Then next time, there will be a tile on the city wall, and the business of building elevators on the moon will not take off?

In order to verify whether it was his own mission, Li Wen tried to add a suffix to the mission in his mind.

"Mission - clean up the filth (main line)."

Almost the moment Li Wen had such an idea, the voice of the goddess came to mind, and Li Wen couldn't even tell whether she was in sync with him.

Wojin: "Oh, it's okay, I have an idea, let's slip away."

[Decree of the Gods: You cannot use prefixes or suffixes when issuing commissions! 】

Li Wen was silent for a moment.

Give you an idea and suppress me, right?

Regardless, it looks like the mission is settled.

And... a task that has a great impact on the world?
The task of connecting and developing a different world may really have a great impact.


Li Wen went directly to the place where he interacted with the players who were investigating the abnormal situation of the residents before going to the Moon of Madness space, and slightly modified the mission message.

My bobby is back hot again!
Players who have inquired about the news recently can come to hand in the task again.

After all, time was tight before, and only a thousand players had obtained the racial trait——Wild Hound Pace, which was obviously not the true level of strength of this group of players.

And after a few days of trials, the value of this new feature to players has also been developed and widely disseminated.

From Li Wen's understanding, a natural ability that can save one's life at a critical moment should be useful.

As for the information about the blood frenzy obtained from those players before, Li Wen, who has been busy with other things, has no time to convert them into actual abilities, and it didn't work when he went to the space of the frenzied moon. .

However, when you are free now, you can try to complete them and provide players with more choices.

The task information has just been revised, obviously no one will come so soon.

Li Wen didn't wait, but began to carefully check the spell information in his voice that was contributed by Ah Zhi on the Moon of Madness.

Eleven ring spells - Longevity.

In the voice of the heart, there is actually the vast and smoky spell model of this spell, and there is even the personal understanding of the great arcanist about this spell.

It's just that the spells of the eleventh ring are obviously not qualified for Li Wen, who is currently only level 12, to learn. When Li Wen checked the memories related to learning, his eyes were dazzled. He could clearly see the detailed structures that make up the spell models, but But his head was groggy, completely unable to understand the function of every tiny structure.

It's all in vain.

Instead, I have a general understanding of the effects of spells.

Immortality is not a good spell.

Yes, it is often said that magic has no good or evil, and power has no good or evil...but longevity seems to be inherently evil.

Its function is to absorb the vitality of others to delay the aging time of oneself at the current stage of life.

For example, if the current caster is 40 years old, after casting a spell, the life span of the current sign that is positively related to it can be increased according to the number of lives that are wiped out by the spell within the range of the spell.

That is to say, the body function of 40 years old continues to live for a period of magic promotion. After the effect of the magic disappears, the body will continue to age, and it will start to develop normally at the age of 41 and 42.

Of course, after the spell time is over, if the caster wants more time, he has to find a place with enough life to cast the spell again.

Longevity can be superimposed infinitely to achieve longevity in a certain sense.

But it is only to delay aging, not absolute immortality. There is no real longevity in the world.

You will also get sick after using longevity, and you will die if your neck is chopped off.

And every time a spell is cast, it means the sacrifice of a large number of lives, and the sacrificed lives also have life level or body type requirements.

A nest of ants, cockroaches, or flowers and trees can't provide any meaning for this spell at all.

After those sacrificed lives are killed by the longevity technique, not even a little residue will remain, let alone the soul, which is truly eliminated between the heaven and the earth.

This kind of spell seems to be inherently evil.

Even if he could learn this spell one day in the future, Li Wen would probably put it on the shelf.

Compared with this, the world weaving technique, eternal light and other eleven-ring spells cast by the great arcanist, as well as the construction technology of floating cities and floating ships, are what Li Wen wants... Unfortunately, they don't.

Li Wen, who was waiting, ushered in the first...group of players.

These people bear sledgehammers on their shoulders, full of wild breath, and the leader is even a dwarf.

(End of this chapter)

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