I can't be an NPC

Chapter 170 Broken!loss!

Chapter 170 Broken!loss!
"My lord, look..."

The stonemason who was ordered to perform looked at Li Wen with an excited expression.

"Master Bobby, I'll show you a three-hammer and one-field."

Bang bang bang!
The three hammers went down, and the ground cracked.

He picked and pulled it twice, revealing the true color of the off-white frantic moon below.

Under everyone's gaze, some crystal-like substances seemed to grow from the inside, slowly covering a shallow layer on the surface of the gray-white frenzied moon.

If you don't pay attention, you can't even find it.

The growth of these substantive ambitions does not always maintain a constant speed, sometimes it rises a little, and sometimes it does not stand still.

Li Wen stretched out his hand and stroked it lightly, then stood up and nodded, "I know about this matter, if you continue, it will be resolved soon."

With that said, Li Wen opened the door, and stepped out lightly, leaving the surface of Mad Moon.

Only a group of masons were left looking at each other.

"So casual?"

"It seems that everything is within Lord Bobby's expectations."

"But doesn't it mean that you have nothing to do when you clean up and live at the same time?"

"What didn't you do? The rubbish is more than a foot thick, so you can't knock the surface first? It's okay to polish the exposed surface? Didn't you buy all the tools? Go and go! Hurry up! Everything is good. Do it! Bobby-sama won’t treat everyone badly. I just heard that Bobby-sama has unlocked all three human talents. Those who just ask for news for him can get so many benefits, will they treat us badly? ? The layout is open!"

"Good Le!"


Li Wen stepped out of the portal and returned to the place where Gaia Continent just disappeared.

The players haven't dispersed yet.

Even if you have already turned in the mission once, you want to turn in a few more missions to increase your favorability. Maybe it will be useful if you change it in the future?
Li Wen just handed out rewards mechanically, and at the same time held low expectations, wanting to see if any player would meet the protagonist again.

Unfortunately not.

Until a player with a look of excitement and a bit of arrogance came to Li Wen.

"I found the green boy."

He said.

Who are you?

Li Wen looked at the other party with confused eyes.

Green boy?

After contacting, Li Wencai found out the origin of the other party from his memory.

The peak magic power of 20 points makes him almost have a vivid memory for most things, but he has seen too many people and needs reaction time.

It was the player who met the green dragon yesterday.

Who told him to go to the Green Dragon?

Oh... It seems that he asked casually where the green dragon is.

So Li Wen raised his eyebrows, "Where is it?"

"It's still in that town, but life is pretty good, and it has become a local tyrant. My lord, does he have a grudge against you? I'll help you!"

Without saying a few words, the player seemed to have forgotten his cool and arrogant personality, revealing his dog-licking nature.

Li Wen looked him up and down, then shook his head.

"You probably aren't his opponent."

And I didn't intend to find him...

This thought flashed by, and Li Wen hesitated for a moment, but didn't say it.

It seems... It's not that I can't ask him for news.

As a giant dragon, maybe the green dragon has a more thorough understanding of the legendary bronze dragon.

After all, even if the current blood frenzy crisis is resolved, the matter of disrupting the plan of the legendary bronze dragon will not pass.

I don't want to take the initiative to trouble it, but I can't guarantee that one day this matter will be exposed. It is always good to learn more about potential opponents.


"Bobby ran away with someone, woo woo woo!"


Li Wen followed this player named "Food Magician" all the way to Snow Eagle Town.

On the adjacent plains outside Jianfeng City, there are still several smaller-scale human gathering places.

During the previous demon tide, as long as they were not on the attack route of the monsters, almost no monsters would come to trouble the residents of these scattered villages and towns.

Those brainless monsters only know to look for the most human-like places, and ignore other places unless they are right in front of them.

When Li Wen arrived here, he happened to find that there was a big feast in the town.

Although the face had changed, Li Wen recognized the green curly-haired man with a familiar demeanor that was worth a lot of money just by looking at it.

The way green dragons intervene in human gathering places is often this subtle way of buying people's hearts and developing their power.

On the high stone platform, the green dragon raised its legs unrestrainedly, drank the fine wine brought in by the townspeople, and gnawed on the chicken legs.

Seeing this, Li Wen shook his robe immediately, squeezed away from the crowd with a smile, and got close to the humanoid green dragon who was being flattered and arrogant.

"Sir, long time no see."


The tone sounded less deferential and harsh.

The green dragon who was stabbed by Li Wen's words looked at Li Wen, so he squinted his eyes.

"It's you?"

Li Wen smiled and nodded.

"it's me."

"You are not afraid of death?"

"You're joking again, I can always run if I can't beat it, let alone someone behind me."


"Helen, the lord of the city. Behind every successful man there is always a woman who silently supports her."


The green dragon dismissed it, put the wine glass on the table in front of him, and asked frivolously, "What's the matter?"

Li Wen definitely didn't come here with hostility, otherwise the city lord and her army would be following behind him.

Moreover, a third-tier mage is not in the original state, and the green dragon does not have the confidence to do instant fallacies.

When there is no need to become a mortal enemy, it is not impossible to chat casually.

Seeing this, the townspeople who came to please the Green Dragon also left with interest.

Li Wen sat down honestly and bluntly.

"I want to ask you, are you familiar with Glixis?"

Since the Legendary Bronze Dragon is so active, its fellow clansmen should all know this star clan.

Sure enough, upon hearing this familiar name, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Green Dragon's mouth.

"That old thing...Of course he knows, what's wrong?"

"I want to ask you something about him."

The green dragon squinted at Li Wen, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.


Then he hooked his fingers, "What good do I have?"

Damn it, I have long heard that dragons like shiny things, but do you think I look like a rich man?
After hesitating for a while, Li Wen took out from his arms what might be the only jewel-like thing on his body——

Materialized Ambition Fragments spawned on Mad Moon.

The garbage on the entire surface of the moon is a troublesome thing to deal with afterwards.

And after all, the source is special, Li Wen wondered if he could turn waste into treasure, so he came out with such a few samples and prepared to have someone identify it.

Now give it to the other party, and I don’t know if the other party knows the goods.

If he doesn't like it, will he save a sum of appraisal fees?

After all, Green Dragon's tasting ability is still trustworthy.

This wave is called pushing the boat with the current.

The green dragon took it casually, with some disdain in his eyes.

What a broken thing, it looks like a pile of impurities mixed with some red crystal ingredients.

But forget it, whoever made you a cheap guy is a bit cute, and your strength is good, so it's not impossible to say a few words to you.

The green dragon who was about to reluctantly accept it was suddenly taken aback.

He felt that some kind of divine sense that had been dead for many years was attacking him.

Heart hurt!

This strange crystalline thing seems to launch a force field, causing some kind of spiritually damaging radiation to the creatures within the range.

It's just that the degree and frequency are not high. If it is not sensitive enough, it will be difficult to detect it.

"Where did you get this thing?"

The Green Dragon looked a little more serious.

Any mineral with special ability means unique value.

Longsheng is alive, isn't he only looking for wealth and freshness?

Li Wen smiled and rubbed his hands together.

"Hand rubbed it out."

Such a rare thing should be quite rare.

Seeing the expression on Li Wen's face, the Green Dragon changed his mind and began asking for prices.

"You give me another piece the size of a human head, and I promise to know everything about the bronze dragon Glixis, and I swear in the name of the dragon mother Tiamat!"

Li Wen insisted, "Deal!"

Green Dragon's heart skipped a beat.

Broken, lost!
(End of this chapter)

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