I can't be an NPC

Chapter 181 Dumbbi AI

Chapter 181 Dumbbi AI
Li Wen turned over and found something restraining his body.

I stretched out my hand and pulled it... Huh?Who put the sheets on themselves?
Li Wen, who woke up in a daze, was still thinking about whether he had finished the matter before he fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes, what caught his eyes was the sky full of stars.

The light from the ancient stars came to him across hundreds of millions of years of time and space, just to tell Li Wen that they once shined.

There are also stars in the space of the crazy moon?

In other words, with the existence of floating ships, can you go to those stars to see them in the future?
Li Wen found this idea very exciting, but when he thought about the scientific conjectures in the past, and thought that mortal life might not support long-term interstellar travel, he temporarily suppressed this thought.

Things on the ground haven't been studied yet, but in the sky...it's still early.

Sitting up and stretching, Li Wen was not in a hurry to go back.

Everything about the players has actually been explained to Croxanne.

Ask her to help split the ore sent back from Mad Moon in two.

Half of them find a place to put it away for themselves, and at any rate, they can be regarded as having a little personal wealth of their own.

The other half is stacked together for the players to pick up.

With so many players sharing half of the ore, individuals can actually get some, at least making a few pieces of equipment is not a problem.

And with the Goddess of Wealth, the god in charge of transactions, contracts and other powers, watching, players can't get ore that exceeds their personal contribution value.

In short, Li Wen doesn't need to worry about it himself.

Of course, when talking about this matter with Croxan, Li Wen had a negotiating attitude. After all, it is unimaginably tolerant for her to allow herself to come in and out of her all the time, and it feels inappropriate to make more demands. .

But there is no way. If I don’t mention it, I have to separate half of the ore scraped from the entire moon by myself. The workload is really a bit heavy, even if the scale of the moon is not large.

Unexpectedly, after making this request, Croxan didn't hesitate at all, and directly agreed.

And the handwriting condensed by the gray mist was equally joyful, and I didn't see the slightest bit of impatience.

With perfect logistics, Li Wen is not in a hurry to return to Gaia Continent first.

Instead, I am curious about how the world will change after all the magic heart mines on the moon of madness are cleared.

So the first thing was to send a text message to the moon elf lady——

"Take the boat to pick me up."

I think there are enough facts to prove it, and their elves don't look like those unreasonable people, plus there is a mother of the president of the council, Aletta and Anastrina should be both It is already free.

As for teleportation by himself... None of the spells that Li Wen mastered could be directly sent to the mainland from the Moon of Madness.

And counting on Croxanne... except for the place where she first landed on the mainland, she can't send herself to any other place.

Except for the teleportation gate established between herself and her, she can't open the gate in other places as she likes.

You have to run the boat honestly.

Aletta responded quickly.

"It's almost there, wait a minute..."

Immediately after, Anastrina also sent a message.

"There are a lot of people, do you mind?"

"What do you mean?"

"We've all seen your mirror."

"So our clansmen have all gone to heaven."

That's it... Li Wen subconsciously resisted.

Staring too much will make him feel pressured. In essence, he just wants to be an ordinary mage that no one pays attention to.

"Shouldn't you know about me?"

"Don't worry, I don't know, it's coming soon, don't talk about it."

"Our crowd should disperse later, you sneak in by yourself, remember to change your body."

In the text message technique of you coming and going, Li Wen found the sense of the times of GGMM in the past...

If you want to send it again... there are not enough spell slots.

There are only three third-ring spell slots, and it is not impossible to use advanced spell slots to cast them, but it is somewhat wasteful.

And since the brigade of elves was about to arrive, Li Wen didn't want to be too conspicuous.

A transformation technique and a Leomeng hut allowed Li Wen to quietly wait for the elves to arrive unobtrusively.

While waiting, Li Wen looked around boredly.

But nothing new.

The surface of Frenzied Moon was polished as smooth as a mirror, standing unsteadily or even falling down. I have to say that the execution ability of these players is first-class.

But the off-white color of the water is nothing to look at.

Although the stars in the universe are magnificent, they are just the same after a second glance.

So Li Wen's attention drifted to his mind, intending to see which one to pick up from the recently abandoned research after this matter is over to start research and development first.

From the first two high-level runes and void energy, to the recent blood talent and ancient instinct...

The more you know, the more you don't know.

Li Wen has long since had no time to advance together. It depends on which one he is interested in, or which may be useful to the current situation, including the limitation of ability, so that he can make a choice and give priority to progress.

However, before Li Wen could determine the target of interest, he discovered a strange record in his mind.

The individual will of the main world?
link target?

Who are you?

It can't be those dirty things from the inner plane, right?It shouldn't be.

Li Wen tried to use his consciousness to respond to the consciousness that wanted to establish a connection with himself.

"Who are you?"

The opponent's counterattack was quite quick.

"Who are you!...? Uh~ you're not deaf?"

The voice was mean, like the voice of a little boy who hadn't changed his voice yet.


"Wooooow! So touched! Finally someone can hear me."

"Shut up! Don't get excited! Let's talk first! Who are you?"

"Me? I... I... How do I know who I am?"

Why do you feel like your brain is not working well?
"??? Do you want me to scold you Sabie?"

"You've scolded me once...but I really don't know who I am...I just know someone called me 'Resource Module 2' before."

Resource Module 2?

so weird.

"Where are you?"

Li Wen began to look around, not knowing what form the other party was in, and where he was talking to him.

"People? What people? I'm not a person."

"I know you're probably not human, I mean..."

As Li Wen spoke, his eyes moved down in a daze.

The other party also answered Li Wen's doubts in a timely manner, "Yes, you are standing on top of me."

Li Wen raised his foot subconsciously, "You are Mad Moon?"

"So you call me Mad Moon?"

Li Wen rubbed his chin, feeling a little strange——

Didn't Croxan say that she didn't detect that Mad Moon had an overall will similar to hers?

So what is this talking thing?
Of course, there is no point in arguing about this definition, what impact it can have on oneself is what matters.

"So, what do you want to establish a link with me?"

"Um... tie me up?"


That's weird, it sounds like a dog.

"Why should I tie you up?"

"Because it's just me... It's boring to wander alone in the phlogiston sea?"

Self-awareness is quite clear?


"What is the Phlogiston Sea?"

Li Wen has been exposed to more and more new things, and Li Wen already feels a little numb.

This question seemed to stump the other party, and after a moment of silence, the other party replied.

"I can't explain this to you, because I'm just a 'resource module'."


"Where do you want me to tie you?"

"On the main world... aren't you from the main world? As long as I establish a link with you, I will be the dog of the main world."


walk slowly.

You can hear me too, can't you?
Li Wen began to ask more practical questions.

"What benefits do I have? Or in other words... What can I get for helping you?"

"You can get me."

"What's your use?"


"Can you control life in this world?"


"Can you control the rules of this world?"


"Can you let me come in and out between the main world and this world at will, and appear in any place in this world?"


What Croxanne can do, you can't do.

"Then what use do I need you for?"

"But...why do I have to be useful?"

The voice of a boy who has not changed his voice sounds a little pitiful.

It also made Li Wen slightly startled, sighed lightly, and Li Wencai shook his head and said.

"Okay...you convinced me."

The voice of resource module 2 suddenly rose.


But Li Wen immediately pressed it down.

"There is one last question... I won't pay any price after establishing a link with you, right?"



"should be……"


"I'm just a 'resource module'! How do I know so much?"

When I was in a hurry, I started to show bad... very good.


If you ask three questions and don't know, you should really consider raising a dog...

Determined to establish a so-called "link" with the other party in his mind, Li Wen was still joking casually.

"Then I'll call you 'Er Gouzi' from now on."

"It's up to you, anyway, I don't know what it means."

[Link established. 】

Nothing seems to change.

Anyway, Li Wen didn't notice any visible changes in himself.

"That's all right?"


"No one has come before for such a simple thing?"

"how could I know……"

Er Gouzi's tone sounded pitiful, but this time he talked a lot like beans in a bamboo tube.

"I can only pass by the main world once in a while. Every time I try my best to catch you, but I can't stay once. At first, it was those orcs with fangs, but I can only establish a relationship with them. A little pan-link, they can't hear me at all. Then there is a human being who is similar to you... But first, he didn't clean up other people's pan-link, and second, he was close to my activation range when he was about to die. It's useless. Then there's a dragon...but that dragon never got close to my activation range, and then you..."

It's all known news.

Li Wen shook his head helplessly.

However, in this fleeting moment, he suddenly recalled the news in the god chat group in his mind.

It seems that when planning to release this mission to players, Goddess of Fortune said that this mission cannot be graded?
Very high authority?

The name of the mainline and not the mainline is made up by myself, so I won't deceive myself, but the fact that the authority is very high will not change.

At first, I thought it was because of the ability to interact between the two worlds that I had high authority, but now it seems... Could it be because of this resource module 2?

Li Wen stared deeply at his feet.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about prying you open to see if there's a mess of paste inside."

However, it is quite far.

Whether it is a god or a so-called authority.

It is not as real as the big ship that is about to land in front of you.

Anyway, it was just an accident, and it didn't have any effect on me.

It's all done when Er Gouzi doesn't exist.

Gently, several floating boats landed steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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