I can't be an NPC

Chapter 184 "The Great Furnace"

Chapter 184 "The Great Furnace"

Back home, the warm sun rushed in rashly through the gap in the curtains, leaving a long and narrow slit of light on the ground.

A warm afternoon.

The light in the Crazy Moon Continent does not distinguish between day and night, and there is no temperature. Although it lights up the world that should be dark, Li Wen still prefers the Gaia Continent.

Stretching in the sun, Li Wen turned around and closed the old wooden gate.

Go straight to the dwarf's smithy.

The dwarves are experts in forging techniques. Many well-known rare and even epic magical items on the Gaia continent are produced by them. As for the legends... at Li Wen's level, they have never heard of them, and they cannot touch them.

Therefore, to be able to forge perfect magical creations, they first need to have the ability to analyze.

Li Wen wanted to understand the fixed-point teleportation rules in the ring, so he could only see if he could get any help from the dwarves.

Li Wen is still very active in doing things like returning to the city scroll for players.

The dwarf blacksmith shop is still in full swing.

Those well-made ordinary weapons in the corner piled up into a hill, and it is estimated that the players will be crazy about it.

A good weapon requires at least dozens of gold coins, which is still a huge sum of money for most players today.

The world of professionals and civilians have always been like two disjoint parallel lines.

"Li Wen?"

A dwarf who was sitting alone on a small stool at the door, holding a bucket of malt wine and drinking it, saw Li Wen approaching, and suddenly smashed the wine bucket to the side. A few water splashes exploded on the side of the bucket.

"good afternoon."

Li Wen greeted him with a smile, and his attitude was naturally better when he asked for help.

"what's up?"

The dwarf stood up, staring at Li Wen with a pair of copper bell-like eyes, with a bit of drunken rage.

Li Wen didn't know if the other party was the dwarf who looked for him last time. In his eyes, dwarves all looked the same.

"I want to ask if you have any method to reverse analyze the internal solidification rules of magic items."

When Li Wen spoke bluntly, the dwarf frowned, "Yes!"

Before Li Wen's joy dissipated, he added.

"But not to you!"


Do you want to talk so fast?
At this time, it seemed that they heard the movement outside, and another dwarf got out from inside. The first time he saw Li Wen, the dwarf immediately turned his eyebrows coldly.

"Return my Chosen Son."

have to!Li Wen got to know each other.

"Should they go back?"

The tasks have been completed, they... oh yes, they still need to develop a different world, maybe...probably... probably, they are still waiting in Jianfeng City...

I have to find some time later to open the portal for them.

So Li Wen could only tilt his head and smile innocently.

The familiar but unknown dwarf stared at Li Wen.

"Their people are back, but their hearts haven't come back yet!"

Then he asked in a low voice, "What are you doing here?"

Another dwarf blurted out and spoke for Li Wen.

"He wants our 'The Melting Pot.'"

"The Great Melting Pot?"

The dwarf stared at Li Wen, "Master Li Wen also wants to learn forging?"

"Ah... I'm interested."

Li Wen bit the bullet and said.

I don't know if these dwarves have any difficult conditions, or like the first dwarf, there is no negotiation at all.

"So, how do you think you got our housekeeping skills?"


Li Wen hesitated for a moment before taking out the chips he had prepared for a long time.

"A mature armor forging skill, and a new sub-class that matches special armor."

Since he wanted other people's housekeeping skills, Li Wen certainly came prepared.

Currently, the Mad Moon Continent and the Gaia Continent are not yet connected, and the people of the Mad Moon Continent... can rarely find a fact from the two elves—they cannot take the initiative to come to the Gaia Continent.

Only people from the Gaia continent can go there.

This unfair situation can easily cause unfair things to happen.

Li Wen could trust players and Helen, but he couldn't trust those ambitious rulers.

He didn't want himself to be the fuse of the war and the cornerstone of the Gaia Continent invaders.

Therefore, if the matter cannot be completely under his control, Li Wen does not intend to grant the aborigines permission to go to the Land of Mad Moon.

Players can.

Where to go to work is not a part-time job?

As we all know, players can only learn to use it by themselves, and cannot teach the aboriginal occupation system.

So apart from the legendary bronze dragon, only he can move out the occupation system in the crazy moon continent that is different from the Gaia continent.

And in the dwarves of the Gaia continent, Li Wen has never seen the existence of such a special armor as the spiked armor. It should be considered a suitable bargaining chip for them.

Hearing Li Wen's words, some excited expressions could be seen on the faces of the two dwarves.

Of course, the race is different, and Li Wen is not sure, maybe it is anger?

"A new sub-position?"

The debtor dwarf fixed his eyes on Li Wen.

Fearing that they might misunderstand, Li Wen explained.

"It should be new to you, but not mine. I can just decide whether to give it to you."

Except for the sub-jobs of Sword Wing, other professions belong to the public basic knowledge in the Mad Moon Continent.

In the past, humans were afraid to let humans learn because they were afraid of the blood curse infecting professionals. Now that the blood curse has been lifted, anyone can learn those professions, even the barbarians owned by the dwarves of the Mad Moon continent—the War Crazy Subclass. There are no race restrictions. Humans are likewise allowed to learn.

However, Li Wen's words were obviously taken as bullshit.

The time they came to Jianfeng City was spent listening to "Legend of Li Wen".

To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is the fact.

What's new and not mine?

Humility is pride.

Normally, the dwarves look down on these duplicitous humans the most.

But there is no way, who let him be Li Wen?

The debtor dwarf shook his head.

Say "no" loudly, even if you're heartbroken.

Today is different!They have a change of heart!
What they thought before was really to get something new from Li Wen.

But in the past few days, they have often heard the statements of those Chosen Ones who love Bobby the most, which made them realize one thing——

What is yours is yours, and what is not yours cannot be snatched away.

The dwarves indeed abducted some of the Chosen Sons from humans and reincarnated to join their dwarves, but now?
Didn't they throw themselves back into Li Wen's arms one by one?
Is it the race that matters?
The key is Li Wen!

The wise dwarves have been the first to understand this mystery.

Now, their target...is Li Wen himself.

"Listen, who do you think we dwarves are? Do you think that a little benefit can make us give up the bottom line? You are wrong! Our "melting pot" can only be our compatriots or our friends Only then can we study! Master Li Wen, I think we are friends! Friends are supposed to be close, and I thought you would say this too. But I didn’t expect... Hey!"

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Li Wen just nodded.

It took half a minute to realize something was wrong.

What, what do you mean... I insulted you with benefits?
Originally, you planned to give it away for nothing?

What's so funny about that?


Li Wen immediately slapped the opponent's thick shoulder.

"Not sincere!"

The debt-paying dwarf twisted his neck and looked proudly to the side.

"What does it mean to be sincere?"

"Our Midsummer's Day is coming up, and on that day we'll be singing songs around the fire with all our friends, getting really drunk, and that's the beginning of another year of our friendship..."

"When will it start? Add me! I like drinking the most!"

Li Wen patted his chest.

"The Midsummer Festival can only be held in our mountain fortress..."

"It's okay! I like traveling the most. I have long wanted to see the fortress that you dwarves built on the mountains."

The deal is done.

Watching Li Wen leave, the two dwarves looked at each other and laughed.

The ulterior motives of human beings are often not pure, but time will bring the answer, and the fear is that there will be no chance of contact.

After a few laughs, the gatekeeper suddenly remembered something.

"What about the new sub-class and special armor forging skills?"

The debt-paying dwarf was taken aback for a moment, and immediately chased after him.

"Master Li Wen! Master Li Wen!"

"What's the matter?"

"What...about the new sub-class and armor forging skills you mentioned..."

"Oh~ I'm going to get it for you."

He didn't have the road book in his hand.

Originally, he was only here to ask the dwarves. If there was nothing he wanted, he wouldn't be able to ask the two elf ladies to help him find the book of the way of the war madness.

Maybe there are in the elves' treasury, but he can only see and learn from the things in the elves' treasury, but he can't take them with him.

"Oh oh...thank you! My friend!"

"You're welcome."


It's really the downfall of the two worlds.

Returning to the Land of Madness Moon again, Li Wen sighed softly after appearing in the residence of the main city of the elves.

After sending a text message to Aletta, Li Wen waited peacefully.

Not a moment later, the two elf ladies came hand in hand.

"Is there something wrong with Master Bobby?"

Aletta asked straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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