I can't be an NPC

Chapter 218 Counterattack...and War

Chapter 218 Counterattack...and War
Helen, who was waiting for Li Wen's arrival in the study, said the reason directly in the first sentence when they met.

"The snake man has been rescued."

When Li Wen was busy in another world, Helen was not idle either.

It can even be said to act like the wind.

Not only did he create enough Demon Heart Mine Armor for the Jianfeng City army and hired players, but he also found his tribe controlled by the spirit sucker under the leadership of the snake man.

It's not just Li Wen who can use the player's power, Helen has also discovered the usefulness of the player.

Moreover, there are a lot of players in Sword Wind City, except for those who know how to craft stonemasons who were sent to the Moon of Madness for big development, the other players are still playing in place.

Under the players' energy-draining slash and void ball, even if the snake people dispatched their magic soldiers under the control of the illithids, it would be difficult to resist the players' violent blast.

These combat skills and spells seem to be born to restrain the snake-man magic soldiers, making them miserable.

Seeing the few remaining energy being frantically sucked away by the players, the snake man's distress for energy even broke free from the mind control of the illithid for a few moments.

"Stop! We won't fight anymore!"

Li Wen was dumbfounded after listening to Helen's description of the whole incident.

"That's it?"

Helen nodded.

"That's it."

Li Wen sighed and smacked his lips, "It really is the glory of the snake man."


"Now? You asked me to come here to talk about this?"

"Now... how should I put it, under the influence of... the snake man we captured before, those snake people in the ruins want to... surrender, but they don't want to surrender."

"Can't you lose face?"

There was a soft smile in the corner of Helen's mouth, "It's like this. Now there is a question, should we completely break their backbones; or, be a little gentle and save some face for them."

The two options definitely have their own advantages and disadvantages, and any intelligent creature getting along is essentially a kind of wrestling.

There is always one party to submit to. Of course, most of the time both parties will make certain concessions, but only to a certain extent.

Li Wen didn't dare to express his opinions casually, so he just asked.

"Did you make the decision on your own?"

After knowing each other for so long, Li Wen seldom saw who Helen discussed with, which should be major choices.

Only when we first met, I discussed it once or twice with Lingo, the president of Jianfeng City Mage Association.

"It's not pinching~"

There was a smile on Helen's brows and eyes, and she stared quietly at Li Wen in front of her, "They are them, you are you, I just want to hear your opinion alone."


Hard teasing, right?

Sex is the first hurdle for teenagers.

Li Wen moved his lips, discarded distracting thoughts, and began to think seriously.

"I personally don't think it is necessary to force them. They are not captured directly by us. Since they heard what their compatriots said, I think it must be that we have some advantages that attracted them. It's not worth it. Forcing them to kneel down, it’s good for everyone to coexist peacefully. Even if they are unwilling to cooperate, at least in the future, I don’t think they will be able to become enemies with humans again.”


Helen stared at Li Wen quietly, resting her chin with one hand, hummed softly.

"I think so too."

Li Wen averted his eyes and tried to find a topic.

"By the way, have the 'tadpoles' on them been lifted?"


Seeing Helen's puzzled look, Li Wen was taken aback for a moment. Don't the illithids on the Gaia continent call their tadpoles tadpoles?
So he explained: "Little tadpole... life factor..."

Helen narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard this, and licked her lips with her dexterous red tongue as if spitting out a letter.

"Are you expressing something?"


Do you want to play with colors?Be careful to be reported!


Helen smiled slightly, "I know about the 'tadpoles' of the illithids. But those snake people couldn't do anything about it. It is said that in the heyday of their empire, even if they rescued the people controlled by the illithids, they could only bear to kill them." .Fortunately, now you have the Devil Heart Armor that can temporarily suppress the tadpoles, as long as you keep wearing them, they won't turn into illithids, otherwise they will all be ready to commit suicide."

Li Wen raised his eyebrows and smiled wickedly.

"How about you make an announcement in town?"

Seeing Li Wen's smile, Helen also became interested and approached and asked in a low voice.

"What announcement?"

While speaking, the moist rose scent rushed straight into Li Wen's nostrils.

"An announcement to help people who have been planted with tadpoles by illithids heal their bodies for free and eliminate the existence of tadpoles."

A dangerous light began to flash in Helen's eyes, and her whole body was also pressed in a little bit.

"Are you okay?"


"You are bad."

Helen stood up gently while talking, "I knew you would always surprise me, so I'll go release the news right away."

The snake man is now like a child who is greedy for honey, wanting to get close but can't save face.

Give them a greater attraction and see how they can hold on.

Helen really didn't want to use force on them, but just like Li Wen's suggestion, seduction doesn't mean force.

Only heal the clansmen, and the foreign race wants this kind of quota... so you have to express it, right?
Li Wen thought about the news he got from the illithids in the Underdark Region of the Mad Moon Continent, so he asked Helen, "Do you know the origin of those illithids?"

"I don't know...they ran away again after rescuing the snake people. These guys slip very fast every time."

"Oh... By the way, when I came here, I saw conscription notices hanging all over the street. What's going on?"

Since neither illithids nor snake people are enough to pose an obvious threat, why conscription?

Helen raised her tender index finger and pointed in the direction of the sky.

"What the above requires is to conduct militarized training for more freelancers."

There may be little difference in individual combat effectiveness between freelancers and professionals in the army, but whether there is a tacit understanding and execution ability for large-scale cooperation on the military formation, it will have a great impact on the battle situation.


"The other two kingdoms... are not very peaceful."


It has little to do with myself.

The matter of contacting the snake man is up to Helen. Anyway, it is not too urgent to perform the anti-transformation ceremony for the snake man.

In the days to come, there should be no imminent major events, so I have to replenish my spells first.

Ever since he was promoted to level 7 and was allowed to release fourth-ring spells, Li Wen hadn't had any chance to learn high-ring spells.

As for the soul energy that grows every moment...

Li Wen glanced slightly.

Whoa!It's only been half a day, and it's already 75. In addition to the income from the arcane knights, paladins and other professions that were distributed a while ago, as well as the gains from the paladin professional skills, the inventory has reached nearly 100 million again.

There are still some follow-ups, but I am afraid that the soul energy that can be earned from the players of the first human city is not much.

Li Wen roughly calculated that a normal player can probably learn the four abilities provided by him through the personal contribution of Jiancheng.

The Lord of Elements and racial talents should be must-learn for those players who haven't learned it, and the rest can be chosen from skills such as Karl Simulator, Void Walk, Energy Slash, Bullying and so on.

Coupled with the number of tens of thousands of players, it is actually possible to calculate the soul energy they can provide for themselves in the end.

It takes 13 million to upgrade to level 120, plus an additional 50% of the Lord of Elements is 180 million.

The current half of the soul energy is obviously not enough to upgrade, so Li Wen can only save it for the time being.

When he came to the library, Li Wen began to study the four-ring spell that he planned to learn again.

No matter what kind of incidents happened in the past, improving one's knowledge and strength through learning is always the most important thing for a mage, and one should concentrate on it.


When Li Wen started to study quietly, it didn't mean that other people or forces would also be quiet.

The illithids who failed in their actions and were even found in their lair and were chased and beaten up were unwilling to remain silent.

With the matter of the Ghis people in front, they now maintain a vengeful attitude towards any race that dares to attack them. Resistance is a bad sign, and it must be extinguished as soon as possible!

And since those people in the world of eternal light and fire have discovered their existence and even dared to launch an active attack, they have nothing to hide.

Then, on the endless coastline, rows of skinny figures broke through the water and quietly landed on the uninhabited coastline.

The Crazy Moon Continent is just a whole continent where elves and dwarves live, and there are some waters around it.

The shores of these waters do not line up with the dividing line of the Underdark.

Some of the dividing line is directly on the land, while others are far away on the sea.

The elves or dwarves near the sea can sometimes even go out to sea to fish.

But now, rows of Kou Tao murlocs are standing on the shore, looking at the quiet continental plain in front of them, their eyes are filled with irritable madness in countless double convex eyes like cloudy glass beads.

They have been enslaved by spirit suckers for a long time, and their minds have long been insane, and their crazy thoughts have been immersed in their racial blood.

Together with the Kou Tao murlocs who landed on the uninhabited coastline, there are also monsters in the Underdark that have been accumulated for many years due to blood curses or simply original ones. They are all driven by the illithids and brazenly head towards the eternal fire. The world rushed past.

It seems that the flames of these civilizations are about to be extinguished.

"Quick! Go and ask the Elf for support!"


"Run! Go find the nearest dwarf tribe and tell them—a monster is coming!"


"Hold on, I've asked the King of the Hill for help, take your axes, you little ones! Smash their heads off! Hahaha! Hiccup~"


"The city wall... the magic circle carved on the city wall is invalid!"

"Then take your bows and arrows and staffs!"


Almost in full bloom.

All kinds of monsters, werewolves, vampires, and kuo-toa murlocs controlled by the mind of the illithids attacked at the same time as if they were one, and erupted in an instant like a catastrophe, catching the elves and dwarves by surprise.

Especially those human villages located not far from the coastline, almost every single one was slaughtered.

Crazy killing intent pervades the entire continent.

The howls, pains, and wailings of war cover almost everything brutally.

The elves, who were still celebrating the completion of the human city and the overall development of the mainland in a good direction, were instantly stunned by the news of the attack received from all over the place.

Fortunately, these elf councilors who always looked young and didn't seem to act very well showed the calmness and determination that a lifespan of hundreds of years should have at critical moments.

"I'm going to take charge of Brixham Province!"

"I'm going to take charge of Muros Province!"

"Give me 1000 people... Forget it! I will take my family guards to destroy the murlocs between Port Ellen and Bedia!"

Almost everyone has taken enough responsibility for themselves.

In the face of such a full-blown invasion, there is nothing for parliamentary discussion and study.

The most important thing is to quickly help the forces in various places to hold on and even launch a counterattack.

"President of the Council, the matter of the teleportation array..."

There was a congressman next to Larika asking her for instructions in a soft voice.

Those mages responsible for connecting with Master Bobby's promise to introduce the Chosen One are the backbone of the elves, and most of them are good at legion spells, which are very useful for large-scale battles.

Larika hesitated slightly, and waved her hand.

"Continue to complete the set tasks and wait for the return of the Sun King!"

As he spoke, he looked to Aletta, "Have you contacted Master Poppy yet?"

Aletta shook her head, "Not yet."

Larika frowned slightly. She has learned a lot about different worlds recently and is extremely sensitive to time. She probably knows that the so-called Gaia road should be at five or six in the morning.

So... is Master Bobby resting there?

"Then what if the Sun King...doesn't come back for a while?"

The MP on one side asked again.

The most elite legion mages can't be kept waiting.

"Ten o'clock! If the Sun King doesn't come back before ten o'clock, let them disperse to support!"



Li Wen stretched his waist, and he woke up at the appointed moment around 07:30 with something on his mind.

The morning light was bright outside the window, and those hard-working players should have been squatting in the mountains and plains outside the main cities by this time.

From the attitude of the first batch of players, it can be seen that the players should be very excited about this kind of action of developing a different world.

Opening a door, Li Wen sneaked to Croxan.

He wanted to find Croxanne to confirm the time again, and it would be great fun if the portal didn't appear when the time came.

It will damage his reputation as Master Bobby.

And obviously, Croxan is more reliable than anyone else.

The gray mist lightly condensed into agile handwriting in front of Li Wen's eyes.

"Absolutely on time."

"That's good."

Li Wen nodded.

"But...do you want to look at the sky?"

Gray Mist reminded.


While Li Wen responded, he raised his head subconsciously and looked at the sky.


March volley?

(End of this chapter)

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