I can't be an NPC

Chapter 220 The Battle of the City Lord

Chapter 220 The Battle of the City Lord
"Friendship comes first, competition comes second..."

"Good talk, good talk."

"In the future, everyone will see each other without looking up, and we will need to work together to develop this city in the future."

The three player alliances that won the final qualification to compete for the city lord were obviously not bought by the same local tyrant, and they were all reminded by the regulations issued by Li Wen, knowing that the throne of the city lord is not permanent, and everyone will inevitably have to get it from other people in the future Take over the position of the city lord.

And after this initial battle is over, each alliance can recruit its own personnel, and the number limit of the alliance is no longer limited to 200 people.

Even if the alliance leader is replaced, it is possible for the city owner to take turns.

So it's really not good for everyone if you get stuck.

Therefore, at this moment, which is the first formal meeting, they have maintained a certain degree of politeness.

Larika and other elves, who were watching secretly, nodded in satisfaction. Seeing the politeness of the Chosen One, she was able to feel a little relieved.

"It seems that these Chosen Ones are also cultural people."

Another congressman beside him sighed softly.

Li Wen said nothing.

When the leaders of the three player alliances were separately preparing to go to the waiting area where each player was located to make final preparations, the leaders of the two alliances, Fanxing and Guanghui, quietly came together, muttering in a low voice.

"It's all agreed, let's kick Jianfeng out of the game first, otherwise none of us will be able to fight him one-on-one."

"Don't worry! Fuck him first! Let's compete fairly for the position of city lord."

The two smiled at each other and separated tacitly.

Even though everyone has learned the abilities that players in Sword Wind City can learn, the idea that players in Sword Wind City should always be ahead of others has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

No one can play without first taking them away.


The elves from God's perspective opened their mouths slightly, feeling that things were beginning to develop in an unexpected direction.


As the stipulated time came, the force field wall arranged by the elves disappeared from the area where the three alliance players were waiting for the battle.

The players who had been waiting for a long time were like tigers coming out of the cage. The players who summoned the phantom horse early ran in the front and went straight to the hall of the city lord's mansion where the main flag was planted.

The three groups of people meet in front of the huge central square. In order to make room for these players, there is no aborigine in the central square or even the surrounding area.

Even those humans who have already settled in the city can only watch the show from afar under the obstruction of the elf guards.

They are all competitors, and there is no such thing as brothers on the battlefield.

"Brother! I'm sorry!"

The leader of Fanxing shouted at the leader of Jianfeng from a distance, then turned around and waved suddenly at the brothers behind him in the direction of the Jianfeng alliance.

"Brothers, smash them to death!"

The leader of the Sword Wind Alliance is an acquaintance.

Ice and Fire Six Heavens rode on the black phantom horse, and sneered at Fan Xingren.

"It's not certain who will kill whoever dies!"

When the two players are fighting in an alliance, the ballistics of spells and arrows are flying all over the sky, and various special effects such as grease, sea of ​​fire, and ice are splashing everywhere.

And the players of the Radiance Alliance next door just watched this scene from a distance, until the star lord shouted at them from a distance.

"Brother, are you still watching? Didn't you agree to carry Jianfeng away first?"

"I'm coming!"

"Can you hurry up!"

"I'm coming!"

"You fucking want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, don't you? Do you want me and Jianfeng's brother to carry you away first?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't this here?"

Tactics basically rely on shouting.

The two of them "conspired" loudly in front of the Six Heavens of Ice and Fire.

There is no official instant communication voice system in this game, nor does it allow any external voice system.

Of course, the game cannot prevent players from exchanging information, but it does not allow them to exchange information in real time, which is the only purpose.

If you want to conspire face-to-face in the game without arousing the awareness of the opponent's intelligent creatures, of course the aborigines have their experience and methods.

For example, some secret words similar to semaphore, or similar to the five-ring spell that Li Wen used before-Larry's spiritual connection.

Obviously, the players were not able to learn the secret language, nor were they qualified to learn high-level spells, which led to the current "conspiracy" situation.

Of course, even if there is no such face-to-face disclosure, the sixth heaven of ice and fire is not an idiot.

Since Sword Wind City opened their servers, they have always been a thorn in the side of players in other cities.

In particular, the players from Jianfeng City outshone others in the imperial capital trials, which aroused the dissatisfaction of almost everyone.

Bobby's attack was actually the result of the silent evolution of this unfair treatment.

Now that they finally have a chance to vent their anger, why don't these people seize the opportunity and beat them to death?
As for whether they are brothers or not...let's talk after the fight.

The Six Heavens of Ice and Fire knew their thoughts before the war, and naturally thought about the corresponding solution——

Just grab one and hit.

No matter when you are faced with a situation of few to many, as long as the opponent is not a piece of iron, it is right to grab one and hit.

The same is true of street gang fights, and this kind of alliance fight is also true.

The combined strength between them is indeed strong, so artificially create an imbalance so that the other party cannot unite.

So Ice Fire Sixth Heaven waved and shouted at the Radiance Alliance who caught up later.

"Brothers! Do it first!"

In an instant, several hurricanes and thunderstorms smashed in the direction of the Radiance Alliance.

Even if they knew the power of the Carl Simulator, so the members were scattered widely, they would not be immune to some influence.

The most important thing is to feel wronged.

Both sides hit you together, what do you mean by holding my hammer?
And... I'm both hurt, won't the peach be picked by Fan Xing's dog?

Will you fight?

The glorious lord glanced at the sixth heaven of ice and fire, his eyes were not friendly.

But there is no way, according to this situation, both himself and Jianfeng will have to be carried away, and only the world where Fanxing takes advantage has been achieved.


What opponent!Teammates are your worst enemies!

"Brothers change hands!"

"You are on a horse! I said you are not a good person!"

"You*your mother*****"

"**Your mother** had a**"

a mess.

into chaos.

Looking at the players who don't talk about martial arts once the battle starts, Larika and the other elves look very exciting.

How could the Chosen One disregard his face completely these days?
"Seeing this made me even more worried..."

Aletta looked at Li Wen's side face and muttered softly.

Li Wen shook his head, "It's not over yet..."

There is not only one road leading to the city lord's mansion in the waiting areas of the three alliances.

Besides, even if there is only one upright way, isn't there still an unorthodox way?
Up and down, climbing walls and doors.

Nobody puts eggs in a cage.

The trick played by all three alliances is to repair the plank road and secretly hide Chen Cang.

It seemed that there was a lot of momentum here, and the fight was bloody, but in fact, the real elite teams of the three alliances sneaked all the way to the City Lord's Mansion from the beginning from the irregular road in an attempt to capture the flag.

So... in front of the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, they inevitably bumped into each other again.

There was scuffle everywhere.

And the game "Gaia Continent" has a friendly saying.

Except for mages who specialize in the evocation faction, who can control their spells not to affect the characters they identify, any attack by all other professionals will cause damage if they hit their teammates firmly.

This has nothing to do with red blood and green blood, it is pure "realism".

Under this premise, in battles in this world, there will never be a situation where everyone huddles together and remote professionals smash into the crowd.

Everyone has their own small battlefield, and everyone needs to intrigue with at least two or three people.

And even in the case of attacking the enemy, you must be careful of accidental injuries from teammates behind you.

The battlefield spread out extremely, occupying almost every place that everyone could see.

Outdoor, indoor.

Roofs, steps, flower beds.

hall, kitchen, bedroom.

From time to time, white light soaring into the sky returned to the waiting areas of the three major alliances.

Just like the elite player selection contest held by the imperial capital before, this type of battle between pure players with rules and purposes is allowed by the divine authority of certain competitive rules, and death will not take up the normal accumulated five death points. The number of deaths of soul energy will be deducted every time.

As for whether they can be resurrected in the specified arena, or how many times they are allowed to resurrect, and whether there are any resurrection penalties, etc., it belongs to the "village rules".

That is to say, the aborigines who held such activities planned it themselves. As long as they can be allowed by the authority of the gods who control the rules of competition, then these rules are the iron law in the competition venue.

and so……

Li Wen smiled at Aletta.

"Did you find out? They are not monolithic, but you are the authority. The rules you set are what they must abide by, and you are the makers of the rules. They... respect authority very much."

Maybe many players have unconstrained thinking, but in terms of the underlying game thinking, they play the game strictly according to a certain "game" system.

Before they really see the truth of the world and only need a small number of individuals to have the ability to subvert the entire game world, players will not "think" to directly destroy all the foundations they need to play in the game.

Moreover, the players will never truly cooperate with each other with one heart.

Perhaps if the players really riot collectively, it will be a big trouble for the aborigines.

But this is an unfounded fact that will never happen.

The purpose of players entering this world is completely different from the purpose of real humans discovering a new world.

Players enter the game to play, to enter this world and experience the possibility of another life.

rather than conquest.

As long as the aborigines do not collectively reject players, their group would absolutely "unexpectedly" work together to subvert the foundation of this world.

Aletta nodded half understanding, but Larika remained silent, with a look of approval in her eyes.

Only then did she understand why Li Wen asked them to watch a small-scale fight between these so-called Chosen Ones.


If the chess player is afraid of the chess pieces, there are only two possibilities - either the chess player goes off the field himself, or the chess pieces grow to the point where the chess player is.

Before the personal abilities of these Chosen Ones grow up to be similar to Master Bobby or those legendary professionals, their impact on the world actually depends on how they guide themselves, the adjudicators.


No matter how long the melee is, it will eventually end.

And the battle of the city master only sets each player to have one chance to resurrect.

The size of the three alliances is only 600 people. In the real life-and-death struggle, the winner was quickly decided.

It was the Sword Wind Alliance that won the final victory.

The power of skills does not lie in the skills themselves. The longer time they have acquired the skills allows them to have a deeper personal understanding of the skills given by Poppy. This is an incomparable advantage for players in other cities who can only be greedy through videos.

It was this seemingly inconspicuous advantage that allowed them to win the final victory in the melee.

Only less than 30 Swordwind Alliance players left occupied the big flag for enough time, pulled up the main flag with a smile, and brought them back to the battle area, and completely declared the final winner of the Battle of the City Lords .

For some time to come, the owner of this city... belongs to the Sword Wind Alliance!

The ownership of the first city naturally attracted the attention of many players, and after a day of hard work, many players also chose to relax a little at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Not to mention that those players who aspire to be other city lords want to learn some experience from the first precedent, so there are countless players who are paying attention to this battle of city lords.

"It's Nima's Sword Wind Dog again!"

"I said you guys from the two alliances can't fight for it? Can't you take him away first and then you fight?"

"What is the need to secure the interior first when fighting against the outside world? The lord of the Radiance Alliance is a pure fool!"

"Everyone, please give me your opinion. What is the name of the first city?"

Amidst the heated discussions, Ice and Fire Liu Chongtian appeared in person, half showing off and half asking for advice from netizens on the forum.

Winning the position of city lord for the first time is not only the reward of the city lord himself, but the most important thing is...he has the right to name the new city!
Even if the position of city lord is taken away by others in the future, the name of this city will be immortal with the existence of this city!
Think about it, if this city becomes a floating city like the main city of elves and flies into the sky to conquer the entire multiverse in the future... the whole universe will call the name of this city!
Fuck!I'm excited just thinking about it!

"My suggestion is Bobby City! The one who enters the city is my brother Bobby!"

"What Bobby are you upstairs? I'm Bobby Jianlai."

"I'm Poppy the Knight."

"I'm your daddy Bobby."

hum √
How could Bobby pick the peaches in the city that I conquered from the Six Heavens of Ice and Fire?

Then this city is called... Song of Ice and Fire!

(End of this chapter)

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