I can't be an NPC

Chapter 230 Dwarf Fortress

Chapter 230 Dwarf Fortress
"call out!"

"call out!"

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

The sharp sound of breaking through the air and the vibrations from the carriage woke Li Wen, who was leaning on the carriage and drowsy, to wake up vigilantly.

From yesterday afternoon to this morning, his brain kept running at high speed. After leaving the city, he leaned on the carriage of the carriage and fell asleep.

And now...


This word that seemed far away from him jumped out of Li Wen's mind.

This world is really not safe. It is rare for him to leave Jianfeng City and go out for a trip, and he will be attacked.

However, he was not panicked at all. Today was different from the past. Today, Li Wen dared to play tricks in the face of the dragon. After all, he could still run if he couldn't beat him. There was no reason to be afraid of some possible bandits.

Moreover, the dwarves around them are not for nothing. Although the outfits and equipment of this dwarves look ordinary, this is the characteristic of dwarves. Don't forget that this is the envoy of dwarves who are in charge of envoys to the human kingdom.

They don't care too much about ceremonial guards, and for them, practicality always comes first.

So even the ordinary-looking carriage they were riding in was made of high-quality black iron wood for its dark material.

Not only does it have an excellent protective effect against physical damage such as blows, punctures, and slashes, but it may not be able to leave any marks even if it is hit by the fireball technique of the third ring.

Now being shot on the outer wall by an attack that seems to be an arrow, there is no other performance except for a little dull sound coming from the carriage itself.

Sudden attack, the dwarf's reaction is also extremely fast.

Instead of showing the slightest panic, these dwarves quickly got out of the carriage with excited expressions, pulled out their respective weapons from the hidden compartments around the carriage, and rushed towards the incoming enemies screaming.

Li Wen also opened the heavy car curtain and looked outside, only to see some half-orcs with important parts of their bodies wrapped in simple animal skins, holding their simple and inferior weapons made by themselves, crazily moving towards the short hills from the hillsides on both sides. People rushed down.

There are about twenty or so, and they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers alone.

On the ground around the carriage, there were a few wooden javelins randomly scattered, and it seemed that these things made a sound similar to bows and arrows.

The battle was almost one-sided.

Facing the well-made heavy swords and axes of the dwarves, the unstandard weapons made by the orcs almost shattered at the touch of a touch.

No one in this world puts their level on their foreheads or on their bodies, except for those characters who are almost unknown to everyone or whose clothes are not simple to look at, most of the normal professionals need to first Only by playing can you know the level of the level.

And unless it's a truly endless war or a battle of belief that must be fought, it's perfectly normal to run away if you can't win.

Seeing that the idea was difficult to handle, those half-orcs shouted in an unknown language and dispersed in an instant.

The figures of half-orcs running away ran everywhere, but hovered in the shadows not far away, staring at the carriage and the dwarves with fierce eyes.

Seeing that the fleeing half-orcs still refused to disperse, a dwarf whose name Li Wen didn't know took out a hand ax from his waist, and threw the ax at one of the half-orcs who didn't like it.

The whistling sound of the spinning ax was crazy, and the orc who saw the situation was not good and ran away was completely seen through the course of action by the dwarf.

Throwing the throwing ax in a certain arc, it precisely hit the back of the fleeing orc's heart.

He fell to the ground and died on the spot.

Then the dwarf walked slowly towards the corpse, pulled out his hand ax and put it back at his waist.

A dwarf next to Li Wen was afraid that Li Wen would misunderstand that their dwarves are bloodthirsty, so he explained softly: "These half-orcs don't take their lives for their lives. They won't give up as long as they have a chance. Some human beings Kindness can sometimes become a weapon to harm compatriots..."


Li Wen nodded without any fluctuation.

"But it's strange that half-orc robbers rarely appear in this hinterland under normal circumstances?"

This is the junction of the human and dwarf territory. Although it is located at the border, it is actually far away from the area where the half-orcs are active. Normally, those barbarians among the half-orcs would not appear in this position.

Although half-orc robbers and half-orcs are both half-orcs, in fact, due to their different positions, the contradictions between the two kinds of half-orcs themselves are very great, and they cannot be confused.

One is bearish about the current status of half-orcs. Although their brains are bad and their tempers are violent, they still maintain a mutually beneficial trade relationship with humans, elves, and dwarves, just like the individuals Li Wen saw in the market. Same.

The other one thinks all day long about restoring the glory of the orc empire, and only uses swords and blood and fire.

The dwarves know this well because they border on the wilderness where the orcs live and are often invaded by those wild orcs.

"Maybe it's just a lost team..."

A dwarf finally defines them.

The carriage set sail again, and sure enough, the journey was quiet this time, which shows that there are still few barbarians who are not open-eyed.

Sitting in the rickety car, Li Wen couldn't fall asleep after being woken up once.

So he simply began to study the understanding about psionic energy he had obtained from the spirit suckers in the dark area.

Yes, Li Wen changed direction again.

Before obtaining more spells beyond the fifth ring, the research on "mystery" will inevitably come to a standstill.

As for using...

Li Wen hasn't figured out how to use it yet.

Most of the existing spell systems are the optimal solution. This sentence is not just talking. In the long-term development of spells, all spells that are likely to be effective have been explored by countless senior mages. .

It's not that Li Wen just took a five-ring spell and stuffed a "mysterious lock" structure into it to raise the fifth ring to the sixth ring.

And even if it barely rises from the low ring to the sixth ring, it may still be left over by others.

At that time, either it will not be recognized as a brand new spell by the association because of the similarity, or it will be a useless innovative spell that is actually useless.

The existing system has almost been developed to the extreme. It’s not just talking. Mystery has existed for a long time, and so have spells. There is no reason to wait for Li Wenlai to develop new spells on the basis of the existing system.

Besides, Li Wen is not interested in walking on the same path as ordinary mages in Gaia.

Just like Carl's simulator, subversion is his pursuit.

It's just that he doesn't have a clue for now.

Li Wen actually doesn't lack soul energy now,

Although the second batch of city builders had a large number of players, their quality was not good and bad, and they lacked the sense of urgency of the task, so they definitely couldn't compete with the first batch of players in terms of city building progress.

The so-called city building was even regarded by them as some kind of weekly task for clocking in. If you are interested, you can do two, and if you are not interested, you can leave it alone.

There are not many cities that have really built cities for NPCs to settle in, so players who are qualified to learn skills are naturally only part of the million-strong army.

Just a part of it has brought Li Wen's soul energy inventory to an unprecedented 410 million. If it is used to upgrade, it can even be raised to level 14 in one go.

You must know that the further you go, the more difficult it is to upgrade your career level.

How many aborigines have stayed at the level of second- and third-tier professionals all their lives, and level 14 is almost a ceiling that ordinary people can't reach in their lifetime.

Now as long as Li Wen wants to, he can be promoted to this level in an instant.

It's just that Li Wen is not in a hurry.

The battle is not very close to him, and it is good to keep some soul energy on him for emergencies. Maybe one day an idea pops up, and a lot of soul energy needs to be poured into it?
Now he doesn't lack soul energy, what he lacks is a goal to work hard for.

Direction is very important, a snake can't do without a head.

Li Wen didn't know what abilities he needed next, or what other people's needs were, so he couldn't talk about innovation.

Creating something out of nothing, innovating something that has never existed before, is never easy.

The beginning is difficult, the middle is difficult, and success is even more difficult.

So since there is no goal to work hard for, it is better to find another way, maybe you can find some inspiration or direction.

The new psionic system is a very good research topic.

Different from the previous paladin profession, it comes from Qin, a human being who uses his own perception to use the power of psychic power. He can only strengthen himself and protect his friends within a limited range with a strong heart.

And there is no such freedom as when a master like a spirit sucker uses psychic power.

Judging from the inner voice of the spirit sucker who doesn't know if he is considered to be the strongest among the spirit suckers, for them, the power of psionic energy is everything in their world.

Human mages use the power of magic to explore the truth of this world, and they use the power of the mind to manipulate everything in this world.

Even imitating spells with the power of the mind.

Judging from the inner voice of the spirit suckers, they are actually not restricted by the spell slots of normal mage professionals.

The way they use magic power is completely different from that of humans, and it seems... not restricted by the magic net.

A normal mage borrows the Goddess's orderly magic net and casts specific spells according to the prescribed formula. It is a step-by-step derivation according to the formula to achieve the desired effect.

And the spells released by those spirit suckers are more like they want to achieve such an effect, so there is a process of using psionic energy to imitate human spells.

In other words, they don't seem to be restricted by the magic net adjusted by the goddess. Even in the chaotic environment of magic elements, they can still perfectly cast spell effects.

Li Wenduan sat in the swaying carriage, his mind was completely silent in the exploration of spiritual energy, and he completely forgot about the surrounding environment.


Seeing Li Wen's appearance, several dwarves hissed each other.

The dwarf's spellcasting talent is not outstanding, and there is only one spellcaster among these few dwarves.

They didn't understand what Li Wen was doing, but it was definitely right not to disturb a mage who was in meditation.

The sun moved westward slowly in the sky, and before Li Wen knew it, the carriage tick-tocked and stopped before reaching a certain place.

"Master Li Wen?"

"Master Li Wen?"

A dwarf called softly in Li Wen's ear.

Li Wen gently opened his eyes.

A dwarf lifted up the heavy car curtain for Li Wen, and the scene in front of him came into Li Wen's eyes from the space exposed by the small half car curtain.

The kingdom of the dwarves is full of ancient and solemn atmosphere. The huge fortress built on the mountain presents a dark tone as a whole, and the cold steel creations are displayed on the towering city walls.

And in front of the dark and towering city wall, there is a bottomless abyss that is eerie and cold from bottom to top.

But at this moment, as if to welcome Li Wen's arrival, the huge black iron city gate that seemed to be built for a giant was slowly lowered under the friction of countless gears and iron chains.


The heavy city gate...or the suspension bridge finally landed gently on the other side of the castle fortress, in front of Li Wen.

Even so, the vibration of the ground under his feet was still transmitted to Li Wen's feet along the carriage.

Li Wen pushed aside the curtain on the other side of the carriage and stepped out of the carriage, so the panoramic view of the entire fortress came into his eyes.

From the open city gate, you can see the scenery inside the city, the magnificent hall carved out of the rocks, the sound of the pickaxe echoing in the mine shaft somewhere, the lingering sound of the hammer in front of the burning furnace...

The dwarf fortress hit Li Wen's mind instantly with an unbelievable shock.

"Master Li Wen, please come in."

(End of this chapter)

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