I can't be an NPC

Chapter 232 The bride is married and the groom is not me

Chapter 232 The bride is married and the groom is not me
The players are not afraid of anything, no matter what the occasion is.

The most important thing is to show your face in front of Bobby and leave an impression on others.

Broto on the side stared dumbfounded at all this, feeling incomprehensible.

It's not that these Chosen Ones are so virtuous and aloof. When they first came to their fortress, they greeted people as soon as they caught them. The enthusiasm was unimaginable.

But as time goes by, after learning who is good for them and who is not good for them, these Chosen Ones began to selectively please.

Until now, everyone has known that they are just some ordinary people who are mercenary. Even though they were reincarnated from the original human beings to dwarves, they didn't even inherit the advantages of dwarves.

If it weren't for the interaction with them to obtain a certain amount of soul energy rewards, and their own uniqueness also has the value of attracting attention, the dwarves might have regretted making this decision.

But right now, is this Poppy they are talking about a well-known strong man in the human world?
Let Jiang Zi, the chosen son of the day, lick it up?

"No time, climb."

Li Wen didn't want to talk to these players for the time being.

And he knows very well that he must not give a good face to the players.

With the slightest chance, they will fight snakes and follow sticks, and they have to cut off their thoughts with a single sentence.


"Bobby-sama, if you need help, just tell me! We are always here!"

Players who saw no chances did not forget to say a few good words.

After all, there is everything you need to lick a dog until the end. Haven't you seen how nourishing the lives of those people in Jianfeng City?
At a level that Li Wen didn't know, the only dwarf spellcaster beside him used a communication technique to avoid Li Wen in front of Broto who was blocking the way, and said, "Did you see, this is the one we dug back to confront the Chosen One." The son's special weapon, let it go if you have nothing to do, don't look for excitement here."

At the same time, on the surface, the debt-paying dwarf also pointed to the spiked armor on the opponent's body righteously.

"Do you know where the craft of the spiked armor on your body came from? It was also given by our Master Bobby! Master Bobby is a good friend of our dwarves! Good brother! Of course he can enter!"

Broto was a little stunned by the attack of one light and one dark hand and the flattery of the Chosen One, he touched his forehead in doubt, and gave a dumbfounded response.


When he was answering, it seemed that the human in front of him who looked a little cute and was not much taller than their dwarves handed over the scroll that recorded the armor forging process and road information in his mind. Scenes for your own companions.

It was next to a burning stove, sweating compatriots nervously wiped their thick black and ash-covered palms, and took over from this human hand a brand-new way that had unique meaning for their dwarves. The book of journey.

As a gift in return, the compatriots also took out a book with the words "The Great Melting Pot" written in dwarf characters and gave it back.


Um?When did my associative ability get so good.

Broto, who retreated to the side, was a little puzzled. Do you usually have imagination?

Big wine barrels, green grass, rushing stream...

This is already the most vivid picture he can associate with the content of other people's narration.

Why is the picture so vivid this time?
Hmm~ By the way, why did I think of "The Melting Pot"?
They wouldn't really trade out "The Melting Pot" for this thing, would they?


Looking at the back of Adric leading the human being in, Broto wanted to ask something, but was too embarrassed to speak out.

He stretched out his hand, but finally put it down helplessly.


Another dwarf beside him asked softly.

Broto shook his head.


In any case, as long as the opponent stays in the fortress, there is always time to figure it out.

Let it go aside...

Li Wen glanced at the opponent's movements, seeing that there was no violent physical collision, he was a little disappointed.

Didn't it mean that dwarves have a bad temper?A "what do you look at" can do it...

A group of people stepped into the Auditorium of Moradin's Forge.

There are also some other dwarves in the casting auditorium, and this place is not an exclusive place for returning from the outside world.

Even in ordinary times, there are some dwarves who like to stay here and feel the will and blessing of the sage Moradin.

There was also a dwarf singer in the corner who uttered a melodious, heroic but somewhat tragic singing voice, which Li Wen heard from the outside.

He couldn't understand what the other party was singing, and he could only be sure that the other party was using dwarf language.

Today's Li Wen can of course master more languages, but if he doesn't spend his time learning, naturally he can't talk about understanding and using them, and he doesn't want to use spells for a passing ditty.

"Sings our Lament of Denzo, a hymn that recalls the history of our Denzo time, from its beginnings when Moradin the Great founded the kingdom to its division into the cities and settlements that inherited it. The song The hymns are repeated throughout the day, and only our dwarven tongue can complete the performance. It is just that few are skilled enough in singing and historical knowledge to complete this whole dirge."

Adric explained next to Li Wen.

Li Wen nodded, "A very spectacular era..."

Perhaps he has never seen the great Danzo era that was remembered by all dwarves in the past, but just listening to this dwarf singer's singing at this moment, he can't even understand what the other party is singing, but he seems to be able to see it. The most powerful period of the dwarves.

Their silhouettes are all over the endless Jackdaw Mountains, and the iron-clad giant ax has conquered all the mine veins they fancy. Even the giant dragons as powerful as the ancient dragons have to avoid their sharp edges and give up the entire gem mine vein.

While the two were talking softly, all the dwarves except Adric the debtor dwarf were pious to the steel statue in the casting hall, holding a hammer in one hand and an ax in the other, sitting on a solid gold throne with a big horse and a golden knife. stood silently.

Seeing that they had all entered the state, Li Wen also relaxed his mind, closed his eyes and stood not far from the statue.

Perhaps it was because Li Wen's imagination was too developed. In the changing singing of "Dan Zuo's Elegy" that was always heard in his ears, Li Wen seemed to see the dwarf emperor in front of him wielding a war hammer and a battle ax to drive away the orcs and The invasion of the goblins brought all the dwarves together with invincible bravery and amazing charm.

It also achieved the great Danzo era that is remembered by almost all dwarves today.

Even as the singing changed, Li Wen seemed to be in the long river of their history, watching those dwarves grow and grow proudly day by day, conquering mountains and rivers.

However, a strange voice suddenly interrupted Li Wentian's wild imagination.

There was also a singing sound, but this singing sound was a little strange.

A commotion followed.

Li Wen opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

At the door, two dwarves are holding a... human figure walking out.

The tall human was held up horizontally by the thick arms of the dwarf, no matter how the human struggled and shouted, no one cared about his words.

"Let go of me! Let me go! What's wrong with me singing a song? I'm also a follower of Moradin! You can't treat me like this!"

"I'm broken in love and come here to seek comfort from Emperor Moradin?"

"Damn! Why don't you let me bathe in the glory of Emperor Moradin!"

This is the first human being mixed among the dwarves that Li Wen has seen since he entered the city. Of course, Li Wen has not seen many people since he entered the city. It is obvious that the area near the city gate is not the living area of ​​ordinary residents.


The man was thrown out by two dwarves, and landed on the solid granite ground with a muffled sound.

Adric and other dwarves were not even disturbed by this influence, but Li Wen turned around and followed after hesitating for a while.

For some reason, he felt that this human being gave him a very special feeling.

Kind of like... kind of like... Jean?

Of course, he is not as white as the leader of Qin, nor as big as the leader of Qin.

Rather, a temperament?
Even in the crowd, it seems to be the kind of temperament that everyone focuses on.

There seems to be a strange charm in every gesture, so that no one who sees him can ignore his existence.

And especially the short singing voice he uttered... there is an inexplicable abnormal feeling.

It seems to be able to touch people's deepest... resonance?
No matter what, Li Wen felt that this was a strange guy.

For curious things, Li Wen has never minded to take action.

Coming outside, the man who was thrown out by the dwarves from the Forge of Moradin auditorium was sitting on a step, looking into the distance with a face on his shoulders.

Like a kitten abandoned by life.

Li Wen followed his gaze and saw a golden farmland like terraced fields.

Compared with the cold iron gray of the gate of the fortress, the farmland, including the houses near the farmland, is full of vibrant golden, red and other festive colors.

When Li Wen came over, he hadn't noticed the scenery from this angle. He didn't expect that the inside of the seemingly cold steel fortress also had such soft internal organs.

"What did you sing just now? It's very nice."

Li Wen sat down beside the man and asked softly.

The man looked at the valley below the mountain like stagnant water, where there were lights and festoons, and it was a festive scene.

Tomorrow is Midsummer's Day... She will also enter the palace of marriage.

Joy belongs to others, and only sadness is left to oneself.

"The bride is married and the groom is not me."

He sighed and said so.


Li Wen was a little confused whether he was declarative or answering his own question.

"Song name?"

The man sighed softly, "It's the title of the song, and it's also what I want to say."

"Why haven't I heard of..."

"Because I just made it up myself."



Li Wen was even endowed with a certain "performance" ability by his profession because of his deep study of the art of swordsong.

It cannot be said to be a major in music, art, etc., but at least there is a certain ability to appreciate and create.

"Moradin doesn't want to hear me sing, do you want to hear me sing?"

It didn't matter whether Li Wen was willing or not, as if telling some story softly, Li Wen began to sing softly in Li Wen's ear like a narration and humming.

Aankhein khuli ho ya ho band
Deedar unka hota hai
Kaise kahoon main o yaara
Ye pyar kaise hota hai
It was in dwarf language, but Li Wen still couldn't understand it.


Midsummer is here.

(End of this chapter)

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