I can't be an NPC

Chapter 249 Please God!

Chapter 249 Please God!

Considering that the opponent's success or failure is closely related to the information he wants on Shadowmoon.com, Li Wen decided to make a small effort.

Do you want to go up and meet someone?

of course not.

This is the city of drow, and it's simply life-threatening to be a human being here with great fanfare.

But it's still okay to teach Kardashian's men a little bit.

"From now on, special training will be given to them."

Aborigines are not players, and it's over as soon as you shoot the skill book or find a tutor to learn it.

Whether it is combat skills or spells, the aborigines need to use their aptitude to slowly train and master.

"Is there any less dangerous place nearby where you can practice your hand?"


Kardashian insisted, "There is a group of stone-blind barbarians not far from us. They don't have much wealth, so we usually ignore them."

Poverty is the best umbrella, as long as you are poor enough, no one wants to step on it.

"Stone-blind barbarians..."

Li Wen muttered, nodded, "Okay, let's go!"

The stone-blind barbarians are actually human beings, but they are distant relatives.

The Snakeman said that the illithid empire had come to Gaia many years ago, only to be repelled by them.

Li Wen didn't see any related records in the above-ground library, but the underground world seemed to have records of the consequences of the illithid invasion many years ago.

It is mainly reflected in this stone-blind barbarian.

They were the humans who were enslaved by the spirit suckers at that time.

Of course, underground chroniclers call those illithids mind flayers by their own terms.

Because of the long-term spiritual control and the spiritual and cultural orientation of the clan, this group of humans has turned into the appearance of illithids from the inside out.

They crazily worship and believe in the spirit suckers, and take the daily eating of the spirit suckers as their most holy culture, and gradually develop some kind of cannibal culture.

As the illithids were repulsed on the Gaia continent, they also lost their powerful master backer, and were frantically hunted down by various races that had been squeezed and enslaved, so that they had to flee underground.

After living underground for many years, their bodies have undergone tremendous changes in order to adapt to the environment.

Strong physique and keen senses.

Their ears can hear footsteps and whispers on distant stone paths, and then communicate at a level so low that other humanoids cannot hear. The smell of sweat and flesh will arouse their hunger and make them like bloodhounds. Generally trace the source.

Only the eyes of the past gradually withered and closed due to the long-term dark environment, leaving only the hollow eye sockets covered by skin.

A group that is poor, crazy and has some strength naturally does not attract the attention of the drows.

Now it's not a big problem to use it for practice.

With Li Wen's promise, Kardashian excitedly gathered her younger brothers.

"Brothers look up to me, I want to make an announcement."

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Kardashian revealed Li Wen's plan.

"In three days from now, Master Poppy will give special training to all of us! Take advantage of this opportunity. Master Poppy is a great human mage that you can't even imagine. If you follow him to learn, you will only be able to benefit you a lot.”

The younger brothers Kardashian brought out before were only part of her younger brothers. Now that this plan was proposed, it immediately caused a little controversy.


"What can a mage teach us?"

"He, a mage, also knows the charm of muscles?"

Except for Kardashian, almost all of them are macho men who advocate hand-to-hand combat. Spells... what is a spell?
Besides, they are serving Kardashian, the drow with top charisma in their eyes. As for the human mage... Maybe you are strong, maybe Kardashian respects you, but everyone does things, they warriors do things Do you want a mage to teach you?
"Shh~ Master Bobby is also very violent in close combat."

Immediately, the younger brother who had witnessed Li Wenti's sword killing before whispered to persuade him.

"Melee combat is fierce, but it also relies on tricks he has never seen before, and his own martial arts skills are just like that."

Great, admit it.

Teach people, no.

After half a day...

"I like this combat skill so much!"

"Being strong against the weak! I like being strong against the weak!"

"Oh ho ho ho ho!"

"He's so good, I love him so much."

The ratman's sinister voice sounded quietly in the dark.

"Brothers, watch me go to the back and insert the crossbow arrows into their chrysanthemums... Di, Di, Di, Di, Diu~"

What ushered in was a positive response from the stone-blind barbarian tribe.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Fight! Fight!"

Everyone is not a muscular savage anymore, who is afraid of whom?
Throw away your brain and have a good fight!
Two days later...

"Give us a good time if you have the ability!"

Li Wenhui doesn't have many combat skills.

But the combat skills are more refined than many.

Bullying will always drop God.

Coupled with the fast approaching ability of Void Walk, these fierce men couldn't stand it.

Xiong Da is no longer worried that he can't hit the enemy in the competition!
As a trained stone-blind barbarian tribe, facing the invasion of Kardashian's men, they are like helpless little lolitas.

The extremely irritable high priest of the stone-blind barbarian could even speak the underground lingua franca perfectly.

It's been two days!
It's been two full days!
They don't beat them to death, and even kindly give them time to recover.

What do you mean?
That's not how cats play with mice!
But it's a pity that the big guy didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't intend to give them a good time.

They didn't come to plunder, nor did they come to exterminate the clan...they came to practice their skills.

As long as you are still resisting, the practice will not stop.

"I'll fight you for [-] rounds when I regain my energy!"

"Have a good rest, you don't even have the strength to punch, how can you protect your homeland?"

"Hahahaha! Cool!"

Combat skills are just a means to show their strength, and they can't improve their own attributes.

However, in the battle using combat skills, the difficult battles in the past seemed to suddenly become easier. How could this gap between before and after be refreshing.

"It can't go on like this."

The blind stone-blind barbarian high priest held the wooden staff in his hand with a gloomy expression on his face.

"We have to call someone."

"High Priest, we have no allies..."

The stone-blind barbarian in a half-crazed state found his clear self in the big fights, and reminded him while covering his swollen mouth and uttering words.

"Go find our god!"

The high priest gritted his crooked teeth and said fiercely.


But how can they take the initiative to find the gods?
Only the gods let them do things, how can they go to the gods when they are in trouble?
"Besides, we don't know how to find the gods..."

The high priest closed his eyes, and used his mind, which had already become a psionic shape, to search for the traces of those masters.

After a while, he opened his eyes, "The gods have already returned."

"What! The gods have returned long ago? Where are they? Why don't they come to his most loyal servant?"

"Maybe it's because we're too weak..."

The high priest sighed softly and patted the young man in front of him.

"The god is in the Kou Tao murloc waters 2000 miles to the south. If you are faster, you may be able to come back to collect the corpse for us..."

(End of this chapter)

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