I can't be an NPC

Chapter 258 They are all here to repay

Chapter 258 They are all here to repay

It was the scene of a brief battle again.

Even compared to those Gnolls, the resistance of this Drow family was smaller, and the battle process ended quite quickly.

Overall, there is basically not much resistance.

Perhaps the entire city of Menzoberranzan is really important in the underground world, but it doesn't mean that every drow family has extraordinary strength.

The strength of that group of unknown guys should not be underestimated.

Seeing the fellow drows lying on the ground, Kardashian's eyes were a little dignified.

If the other party attacked his own group...

Moreover, even if she and these drows on the ground are different families and there is still a competitive relationship with each other, these drows are also her same clan.

A faint sadness rose from the bottom of her heart, making her look at the drow corpses on the ground with a little pity.

"There are still alive!"

Suddenly, a foreigner looking at the corpse shouted not far away.

Kardashian walked over quickly.

The living is not one, but a group.

A group of unconscious drow were piled together and tied tightly.

"I can't wake up."

The foreign race who discovered these live animals and shook those drow vigorously explained.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Interracials are all looking at Kardashian, seeking Kardashian's opinion.

They are competitors, but they are also of the same race.

Kardashian hesitated slightly, "Leave two people here to watch them, and ask about the situation when they wake up."


The group of people went on the road again, and the speculation about the attacker became more enthusiastic.

"Who could have done it?"

"The opponent must be very powerful. It looks like there is a powerful spellcaster."

Kardashian squinted.

"But I didn't notice too many elemental fluctuations in the area just now."


Then, strange things happened one after another.


"Is it them?"

"A bit like."

"They seem to be competing with Kardashian for that qualification?"

"Never mind... let's talk about it after we finish!"


"Is it them?"

"It's kind of like that."

"Hey! Let's do it first."


Every raid has something new to gain.

Although considering the drow's kinship, the illithid group did not kill much in the subsequent attack, but occasionally the illithid ate two drow's brains when they couldn't help it.

Also learned the exact relationship between these drow.

There is kinship, but in today's competition, the relationship is also a kind of competitive relationship.

So there is nothing to say, just go all the way and it will be over.

At the same time, don't let them find out that I'm a licking dog...


That's weird!It's so weird.

It seems that there is no need to detour.

Kardashian and his party originally planned to take a detour when they reached a similar fork, so as not to run into their peers and be targeted for having no meat to eat.

However right now...

Why did you lie down all the way?
It was like some kind of strange punishment from heaven, befalling the drows.

Apparently it wasn't the gnomes who did it.

Even if those dwarves were aware of their drow's actions, they would never be able to knock down all of their drow families silently, and even more people would live behind them.

Oh... There were two drow families that were mixed together, and the losses were a bit heavy, and the battle scenes were even more intense.


Kardashian stared at the Drow on the ground, whose body was soaked in sweat and whose hair was sticking into strands like Medusa's frantic hair, Kardashian's eyes were serious.

"They were also attacked."

This is almost the most powerful family in this line of work, and they even got mixed up with another family, and as a result, the two together were dealt with.

"Some strange scales..."

"And some weird slime...and some sort of watery smell!"

"Master Poppy, what do you think?"

"I don't watch it, I don't have time."

The aliens who checked the scene from various places reported in all directions.

Kardashian stood on a hillside, scanning the entire battlefield, her eyes filled with thought.

Why did those weird guys just attack them drow?
Or did they just happen to pass by, and the clansmen happened to be on the other side's course of action?
But...why didn't they attack their group?

So it's still because of Drow?As for myself, I acted with a group of alien races, so I was ignored by the other party?

correct!Kardashian's eyes froze, and she suddenly remembered what the kobold said at the very beginning.

"There seems to be someone behind us."

Maybe there are people.

It's just that the other party passed by him silently, didn't care or didn't notice that he was mixed among a group of alien races?
"Big sister?"

Kardashian sighed softly, waved her hand and said, "Leave two people to watch, we will move on."

Although these strange things have happened, the city competition is still going on.

Everyone was attacked by a strange force, which is equivalent to giving up the No.1 qualification to myself... It's also very good.

Randomly catching some dwarves and going back to do business, and then sending back those who are still alive, can be regarded as accumulating a little reputation for themselves.

Kardashian knows that many clansmen hate her, but there are also more drows who don't care about it. If she can save other drows who are in a competitive relationship, she can gain some popularity.


The dwarf is lying down too?


Go on again, until you reach the crypt territory of the short gnomes.

Kardashian looked at the dwarf lying on the ground and felt incredible.

It's too ridiculous.

Can't understand!

It's fine to attack the drow, but also the dwarf?


Kardashian walked quickly among the dwarfs who were taken out of the complicated crypt.



All alive.

These are all right, just take them all back, ready-made.

The strength of these dwarfs is indeed not strong in the underground world. They are short in size and can only use simple stones or wooden sticks to attack.

Apart from the strong physique and fairly good strength brought about by the underground people forced by the living environment, these gnomes don't even have a complete professional inheritance.

It's just that the crypts they dug are complicated, and because of their size, it is difficult for outsiders to move freely in the crypts they dug, so even if the combat power is crushed, it takes a little effort to catch people.

And now...

Was it packed?

Kardashian felt a feeling that she had worked so hard for so many years and was finally favored by some kind of wonderful existence, so that she won the first place in this city competition.

Is it a coincidence?

Or are you here just to help yourself?

Could it be that the vixen, snake demon, etc. that I released before had achieved success in cultivation, and they all came to repay their favor?

Kardashian, who turned over a high rock in two or three times, looked around and shouted loudly.

"I don't know where my friends came to help, please come and meet me."

The clear and clear voice spread far and mightily in the hollow of the underground world, echoing in the depths of the ground.


"Is she calling us?"

"Do you want to go see her?"

"Say hello to her? Otherwise, she wouldn't even know who did it, so wouldn't we have wasted so much effort? Uh... no, I mean, she thinks we are helping her anyway, so we don't mess around It's a pity that it's personal... yes! That's it!"

"Indeed! Although our intention is not to help them, but since she thinks we are helping her, we can go out to meet her and let her know who to repay."

The illithid looked outrageous and made a buzzing sound.

"It's outrageous...your name is too weird...it's outrageous, I'm going to give you a task now, you look like a human being, now you stand up for us, tell that drow, and...and the one who has been The human sitting on the shoulders of the bear, it seems that he has a high status among this group of people... You are responsible for expressing our kindness to them on our behalf. The career of the road is entrusted to you."

The high priest stood up with a cane, "I'll take you there, otherwise you may get close to them rashly and cause them to be on guard."

(End of this chapter)

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