Chapter 265

After having a definite idea in his mind, Li Wen immediately put all his energy into it.

And the outside world did not stop the fermentation of the situation because of Li Wen's meditation.

When the death match between the Kardashian and Jia Silin families was deliberately released by those who cared, the entire drow city became excited.


Or a fight to the death between two mistress families!
Although the drows advocate deceit rather than violence, this explosive news still makes almost every drow who hears the news feel blood spurting.

In the residence of Jia Silin's family, the face of Jia Silin sitting in the dark doorway was hidden in the darkness, but the biting cold enveloped everything around her.

"Who is it! Who released the news?"

Although Kardashian is regarded as an outlier by most drows, no one has ever said that her strength is poor.

On the contrary, because of the eclectic use of foreign races as the main combat power, Kardashian's tribes are quite impressive in terms of number and individual strength. In the entire city of Menzoberranzan, except for the eight major families, they are also ranked No. [-] .

Originally, they just wanted to fight secretly, and no one knew whether they won or lost.

If you lose the fight, you should obediently admit it. After all, you are also the mistress. If you think about it, as long as you surrender wholeheartedly, Kardashian will not really be able to kill them all.

face?What is face?Drow still has this thing?

As for winning... how about having a feast for three days and three nights?
But now it was passed on by an unknown person, and the whole city knew that there was going to be an endless fight to the death between him and Kardashian.

If he surrenders again... Although Zall doesn't have any face, he still needs to save some face.

For face, but also for lizi.

Jia Silin turned sternly to her two closest subordinates below... including Quilianna, and said, "Have you contacted those families?"

When receiving the invitation to fight from the eight major families, Jia Silin knew that this was a battle that could not be avoided.

Since there is no way to avoid it, it is better to attract more people into the water.

Eat together when you win, beg for mercy when you lose.

Fortunately, she is also considered to be a good dancer on weekdays, and she is also a well-known figure in the circle of Mistress Drow. Otherwise, she can be combined in the city competition, and she is almost the default number one except for Kardashian.

I just didn't expect to be attacked by a group of strange guys halfway, so that the first position was picked up by the bitch Kardashian for nothing.


Thinking about this, another drow beside Quiliana replied softly: "Mistress, I have already contacted you. For the time being, there are two families and five small families who are willing to join our family and carry out this death together." fight."

A family is a family with a mistress, and a small family is an ordinary drow family, and it is difficult to give birth to talented spellcasters who can undertake Rose's sacrifice.

Hearing this news, Jia Silin nodded in satisfaction.

Do you understand what is a network?

This is vision.

It is not her ultimate goal to be number one in the pre-determined city competition. These families that she has contacted a long time ago are her trump cards to challenge one of the eight major families. temperature.

For this reason, she also promised many benefits to those families. I will sit alone in the eight major families, and everyone will share the benefits.

And after losing the first qualification in the competition, she thought it was a waste of time, but she didn't expect Kardashian, who won the first qualification for nothing, to lose her mind and initiate a death fight against herself.

Let's fight!

Dinner?I don't want to eat!

It is also a good choice to take this opportunity to show strength and secure the title of the first family under the eight major families.

But still unstable.

Although that bitch Kardashian looks tough, she is not bad in her hands, and she took the initiative to initiate a death fight, so there is probably something wrong with her.

"Walk around more, I think Enna's group also have the same idea. They are very strong, so they say that I am willing to sit on an equal footing with her."


"No matter what, everyone still wants me to win."

After calming down, Jia Silin clearly found that she was still expected by everyone.

That bitch Kardashian is so outrageous that she has no allies in the entire city of Menzoberranzan.

And because she has gathered too many foreign races as direct subordinates, so that no one is willing to see a certain foreign power represented by her emerge. At this critical moment, there are still many people who are willing to help her.

At this time, Quiliana who was standing aside reminded in a low voice: "Mistress, there are some things you might want to know about."

Jia Silin still frowned, like a majestic hill in the darkness.

"what's up?"

"Mother Kardashian's reputation in the city seems to have improved in the past two days."

Jia Silin's voice was as cold as the winter wind.

"what happened?"

"Everyone... part of the drow seems to be saying that she saved everyone from the mysterious assailant outside the city, and she could have..."

"What could have been!"

"She could have attacked us on the way, and she said that it would not be a problem if she died at the hands of the attacker, but she still brought us back...fair...fair fight."


Jacelyn said nothing.

However, a certain kind of low air pressure made every drow present feel a little suffocated.


A joyful voice suddenly broke the silence, "Idiot!"

Jacelyn repeated it again.


It was his turn to look in her direction in confusion.

"You think this is a good thing for her?"

Drow doesn't admire heroes.

Even if it is true as they say, Kardashian's approach seems too heroic.

A hero's end... always tragic.

To be able to chop someone up without anyone noticing, but still have to honestly fight to the death with others, in Zhuoer's opinion, it's not greatness, but stupidity!
What is this called?
This is called relatives hurting enemies fast.

I wronged my family and made my opponent happy.

The more this is the case, the less drow will follow her willingly.

All the drow at most regard her as a respectable opponent, and then try their best to kill her, but they will never be willing to become her subordinates or allies.

It's too dangerous to be an ally with such a fool.


Thinking of what she was happy about, Jia Silin couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I don't know if she lifted a rock and shot herself in the foot, or there are friendly troops helping us secretly.

Jia Silin pondered similar meanings in her heart, and she looked forward to the next death fight.


Under the close attention of all forces in the city, a death battle between two seemingly ordinary families quietly unfolded in the complex terrain on the west side of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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