I can't be an NPC

Chapter 267 Summoning and Confrontation

Chapter 267 Summoning and Confrontation

"You finally came?"

Among the surrounded crowd, a plump, turbulent black-skinned elf stood up and smiled at Kardashian seductively.

It seems that there is no surprise for Kardashian's arrival.

This reaction made Kardashian's heart skip a beat—it was broken.

What did you miss?
The traps were dismantled by themselves.

What is in front of her is definitely her family headquarters, as long as she grasps her body, there can be no other problems!

The number of opponents is only a little more than her own. Facing those brave alien fighters under her, and with the support of combat skills bestowed by Master Poppy, she is by no means an opponent!

Pretend to be a ghost.

Kardashian snorted coldly, "Die!"

The other party smiled and didn't care, just raised a finger at Kardashian.

"Let me ask one last question—why didn't you kill me when it was Dabi?"

At that time, she was stunned by the mysterious assailant and had no ability to resist. If she wanted revenge, that was the best time.

"Because I want to tell you in front of everyone, I want revenge. Kill!"

Between the light orders, the smell of blood overflowed.

Kardashian is not a soft-hearted person who can become a mistress in the city of drow in the underground world.

The other party nodded and seemed to be satisfied with a smile, with a contemptuous look on his brows.

"Then... kill!"

A rustling sound came from outside.

Countless swaying shadows in the dimness brought overwhelming pressure.

Drow...drow...all drow.

Dressed in cool clothes and holding simple weapons, the army of drow with evil smiles looks not threatening, and even forms a beautiful landscape. However, in the eyes of Kardashian's aliens, it is tantamount to death.

For a moment, they recalled the past fears of the tribe being dominated by the drow.

It was these grinning drow who always swung down their barbed whips with wild smiles on their faces, tearing apart the skin and flesh of their clansmen.

This is a group of evil gods of death who kill people without blinking an eye.

At least... thousands of people.

The momentum of offense and defense is repeated.

What was originally the besieging party has now become the besieged party.

Fear, however, did not sink Kardashian's heroic alien warriors.

"Protect the mistress!"

"Swear to the death to escort the elder sister to leave!"

The lizard man roared and began to transform, and the four-armed snake man waved four long swords.

In an instant, these alien races made their decisions.

They can die here, but the eldest sister can't die.


"Oh, there's no show to watch."

"That's the end, it's boring."

The mistress of the Eight Great Families, who was watching all this through the magic image from a distance in the city, said with a bit of disenchantment.

"Sure enough, it's still that little idiot who stepped into the glaring trap just like that."

In the image, close combat.

Even though drow's slender body seems to have inherited the innate elegance of the elves, the ferocity and wildness that broke out in the battle are no less than those of the aliens and barbarians.

Compared with drow warriors, aliens have various attack methods, and all kinds of natural weapons have their own magical effects.

It's just that in the face of the disadvantage in numbers, they will inevitably fall into the desperate situation of fighting on their own.

Only a small team of alien races headed by the troglodytes surrounded Kardashian, trying to protect her from trouble.

"Big sister! Let's go!"

"and many more."

Kardashian broke free from the tug of the troglodyte, and took out some spell-casting materials exuding a strange aura from a small space convenience bag she carried with her——

The white bone meal, the Q-bomb slime jelly, the dark and shriveled heart...

"Big sister?"

Sensing this evil aura, a group of alien brothers headed by Zhan Lizard looked at their boss in amazement.

Especially Xiong Da, just from these simple materials for casting spells, he felt the aura of the demon wolf man back then, so the wounds on his body that had healed up long ago seemed to start to itch again.

Kardashian didn't say a word, just tore off the bone and tooth necklace she was wearing around her neck, and scratched her palm with a "cough".

Then began to arrange the magic circle at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing Kardashian's actions, years of tacit understanding made the Zodiac Man not disturb her again, but followed her will unconditionally.

"Protect Mistress!"

"Don't let people interfere!"

Li Wen, who originally planned to make a move, was in no hurry to make a move. He wanted to see what kind of backhand this drow female bandit leader had prepared.

Facing Kardashian's counterattack, Jia Silin on the other side smiled contemptuously, "Are you impatient? You want to end up with Yeguno too?"

The power of demons is not so easy to get.

What you gain is temporary power, but the price is the eternal sinking of your soul.

Regardless of Yeguno's physical body belching farts, his soul may have gone to the abyss to become the eternal slave of a certain demon lord.

Kardashian didn't say a word. After arranging the formation very quickly, the scarlet formation unfolded instantly, and the red light almost instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

Even the mistresses of the eight major families, who were observing all this remotely through the magic image, exclaimed in surprise at this moment.

"Wax Melting Demon!"

"She is actually qualified to summon the Melting Wax Demon!"

"That's a high-level demon of at least the fourth level!"

Rose, the Spider Queen, is definitely not a god of justice, so even the devil, who is avoided by most people, has some transactional relationship.

And some lucky ones among the priests who believe in Rose can get Rose's response in rare cases, share the contract with the devil, and can temporarily summon specific contract demons to help them fight.

And the demon race that cooperated with Rose, the Queen of the Spiders, is precisely the existence of the Melted Wax Demon.

A fourth-order demon, even if it can only last for 10 minutes, can have an unimaginable impact on the outcome of such a small-scale battle.

Even if it barely exceeds its duration, it is bound to cause a lot of blows to one's own hands.

And her own race is originally a collection of many small families, and Jia Silin knows that with Zall's reputation, it's okay for everyone to fight together...


"Stop her!"

"Together we will!"

Several drow spellcasters took the initiative to stand up.

Not all spellcasters among the drow are priests, and serious mages also exist.

"Cadillan, he was also taken under Jia Silin's command?"

"Dia! I haven't heard from him for a long time, I thought he died at the Black Lake."

All of a sudden, several powerful wild mages appeared one by one even in the eyes of the mistresses of the eight major families.

"I didn't expect Jia Silin to be able to find all these people. She's quite capable..."

"Kardashian is finished, but I can't even keep control of the magic circle I carefully prepared."

"No way, after all, she is the only spellcaster on her side."

"Isn't there a little human mage...hehe~"


Facing the joint suppression of the opponent's mages, Kardashian's entire face was tense. If it wasn't for the fact that her skin color was originally dark, it might have been visible that it had turned purple.

The spiritual battle between mages is also a different kind of battle.

In this field, she is alone.

So she could only turn her head to look at Li Wen with difficulty, almost squeezing out two words from between her teeth.


can't help...

Li Wen smiled at her in relief.

I am not very good at this kind of direct mental confrontation. After all, although his magic power is high, his perception and charm are not even as good as the 10-point level of ordinary people.

But... directly destroying the opponent's body, I am quite good at it.

(End of this chapter)

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