I can't be an NPC

Chapter 281 Drunk Bobby

Chapter 281 Drunk Bobby

"Why are both sides blown up?"

"How do we choose?"

The players on the sidelines were stunned, full of enthusiasm and nowhere to release.

In front of their eyes, Bobby, who used to be gentle in the past, is now like a crazy bomb freak, jumping around on the battlefield with a strange smile, while constantly releasing countless energy light balls.

Countless magic energy bombs like Icacia thunderstorms appeared from his side in an endless stream, and spontaneously searched for any targets around him to attack.

Only by watching the scene at close range can you see the feeling different from the video.

When Icacia Thunderstorm has no cooldown, this frenzied bombardment presents a scene far beyond any offensive spell.

For a time, the entire battlefield was filled with Li Wen's light ball energy bombs.

Moreover, these energy bombs are impartial, rain and dew are evenly applied, and those who see them have a share.

"Maybe Bobby-sama is testing the positions of the two sides in the war, and hit whoever fights back?"

A player made an irresponsible guess with a somewhat uncertain tone.


"What if both sides fight back?"


"What if neither side fights back?"


"Why don't you ask Master Bobby what he means?"

"I think you can go."

The speaking player looked at the battlefield where spell energy bombs flew across the battlefield, and raised his eyebrows.

Entering the arena at this time, isn't that a purely wronged species?Maybe it was carried out by the two warring parties. After all, the one who helps first is the only rule for winning a battle.

"What should I do?"


Waiting for the party will never lose.


"Miss... the young master is here! Everyone get out of the way!"

"Blast it, baby!"

"From now on, the battlefield is dominated by me alone, but no one dares to fight me!"

"Jie jie jie jie!"

Facing Li Wen who was talking crazy nonsense, all the creatures on the battlefield dodged subconsciously.

"Sacrificing adults!"

A teaching priest sought instructions from the high priest who served the Spider Queen.

Seeing Li Wen who was killed from the temple and started to run away, all the priests of the academy were a little confused.

Is this an enemy or a friendly army?
Can kill or not, give me an accurate word.

The high priest looked back at Li Wen's direction, with dots of light shining in his eyes——

Violence, madness, chaos... Low attack power, like a runaway little wild horse.

Cute pinch.


The High Priest, who came back to his senses, restrained the look in his eyes, and looked at the teaching priest who came to ask for instructions.

"Let him blow it up."


The instructing priest looked dazed, and subconsciously repeated the instructions of the high priest: "Let him... explode?"

The high priest lightly raised his jade face, his dignified and majestic face was serious.

"Lord Rose appreciates him very much, he is our man...and don't you see that he is helping us kill the enemy?"

As soon as the words fell, an energy bomb hit the high priest's forehead with its tail.

There was a puff of smoke...

"He... is helping us, killing the enemy?"

The corner of the priest's mouth twitched, thinking that this fact might not be obvious.

"Of course!"

The high priest stroked his forehead...so gentle.

"It's just that his spells are not very proficient."


Makes sense.

The teaching priest looked at the figure who kept making strange noises in despair, feeling that his world view had collapsed.

As if to comfort the dazed heart of the teaching priest, the high priest softly comforted him.

"Don't worry, I can help you resurrect even if you die."

Priest's Nine Rings Divine Art - Complete Resurrection.


It's even more outrageous...

The teaching priest nodded, "Understood, we will carry out Lord Rose's will."

So the teaching priest began to convey the order of the high priest among all the academy priests, "That lord is a friendly army, be careful not to accidentally injure him!"


"What should we do?"

In the spiritual realm, "loving each other as a family" is under intense discussion.

"He doesn't seem to be running after us."

"Maybe he remembered our previous goodwill?"

"But he hit me too..."

The speaking mind flayer stood still, watching Li Wen, who was rushing towards him, take an Icacia thunderstorm from Li Wen solidly.

The ball of light that must hit hit him, but it was caught in a wave of space a few centimeters away from the body surface, and then dissipated invisible.

So the voice in the chat group was a little aggrieved.

"Didn't you see that he was also fighting against each other..."

"Maybe it's...pretentious? He knew what our elder brother was afraid of, but he didn't use that kind of method, but just used this useless attack method to cover up people's eyes and ears, telling others that he was not biased towards us. Isn't this a different kind of protection? Woolen cloth?"

"It seems to make sense."

"Then what should we do?"

"Don't care about him! He doesn't hit us, and we don't hit him. We don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble. As long as he doesn't attack us first, we ignore him. We will talk about taking down that legendary priest with all our strength!"

"But he's obviously hitting me..."

"Nonsense! This is called cover, can it be called beating?"


The development of the situation exceeded everyone's expectations.

A group of players squatted on the mound not far from the battlefield, watching their invincible Bobby Daren shuttle through the battlefield.

And those who were attacked by Mr. Bobby, whether it was the cute octopus head or the sexy drow, seemed to turn a blind eye to the character who attacked them.

It's like they're not in the same dimension at all.

However, some thin-skinned drows were hit by energy bullets from multiple Icacia thundershowers who were lying on the ground, which obviously showed that Poppy's attack was effective.

"Hey! He's beating you... Is there really no one to care about?"

"He's still taunting! Can this be endured?"

"This makes it difficult for me to let go of my hatred and kill this spoiler first?"

"It's outrageous!"

"Who called me?"

Outrageous!It's too ridiculous!
The two warring parties let Bobby go, making even the players who came to watch the fun and hold their thighs feel a little bit unbearable.

Seeing that you are also the best in the underground world, let Bobby, an outsider from the surface world, bully you like this.

"But Bobby like this is much cuter than usual~"

"Is he drunk? He's crazy and cute~"

"Kawaii pinch~"

The eyes of some female players are full of sparkling little stars.

In the eyes of players, Bobby is always unsmiling, although because of his cute appearance, there is also a kind of cute contrast.

But now this wanton and crazy appearance seems to complement that harmless little face even more.

As long as the facial features look good, Sanguan will follow the five senses.

"I want to record a video of him!"

"I declare that Bobby is my wife from today on!"

(End of this chapter)

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