I can't be an NPC

Chapter 284 Dark Poppy, completely crazy

Chapter 284 Dark Poppy, completely crazy

Based on her contacts in the past few days, Bobby, a human mage, is obviously different from her fellow drows. This human grew up in a peaceful and comfortable environment on the ground, and still holds the observance of benevolence and justice and morality in his heart. Pursue.

Normally, as long as he receives news that something has happened here, he will definitely come to support.

And with the strength he showed before and the ability to restrain mind flayers...he is himself, or the savior of this city.

But now... Could it be that he was so obsessed with studying the classics that he didn't notice what was going on outside at all?
I have long heard the story that some mages of human beings can starve themselves to death in order to study the truth. Is it going to happen right now?

But the problem is that before Bobby starves to death, the city will be slaughtered by mind flayers.


Li Wen was waiting... Bobby floated up from the rough water.

The flying kick from Rose's divine avatar just now did not harm him, and the defense value bonus from the sword song technique on his body stubbornly resisted this kind of attack that was not considered an attack.

It was just that the water flow of the waterfall was so fast that he couldn't cast the corresponding spell, so he had to be washed downstream with the water flow to a place where the water potential was relatively gentle before he could swim ashore from the water.

However, when he was shaking his head violently to shake off the moisture on his clothes, Li Wen saw a group of figures sneaking up.

It was the players who were chasing after them along the river.

Before, Li Wen was in the center of the battlefield, or he was going to bomb people's hometowns.

This kind of overly arrogant behavior is obviously not something weak chickens like them can emulate. If they get involved, they may be sent back to the resurrection point by those powerful NPCs in minutes.

If you run away, you will die...

So they have to be careful in their underground activities!
It was precisely because of this that until now, they had found the opportunity to contact Bobby alone.

"Master Poppy?"

"Master Bobby..."

"He's like a lagging dog~"


The female player who was watched by everyone has stars in her eyes, "Kawaii pinch~"


"Lord Bobby?"

Li Wen squinted at the players who approached with shy smiles. Even though he was unconscious now, his memory was still there, and he subconsciously knew the urinating nature of these players.

So he asked in a low voice.

"Do what?"

"That... Bobby-sama, I wonder if there is anything you need help with? I think..."


The corners of Li Wen's eyes twitched slightly, and then he shook his head dejectedly, "No, crawl!"

While talking, Li Wen tilted his head and tried to pour the water out of his ears. If he didn't pour it out, he felt like it would go into his brain.

"Is Master Bobby going to deal with those two hateful guys? We can help too!"

Sometimes some NPCs are stupid, and they need "reminders" from their players to remember to release tasks. Anyway, it doesn't cost money, just give it a try.

When Li Wen heard this, he paused.

Where the players couldn't see, his eyes lit up with a troublesome look.

So he turned his head and looked at the player excitedly and frantically.

"Let you do whatever you want?"

Facing Li Wen's fiery and eager eyes, the headed one-eyed dragon mage nodded shyly, with a red cloud rising on his face, "Do whatever you want."

Li Wen pointed his finger in the direction of Menzoberranzan City. When he was drifting in the river, the "revengeful" Li Wen still remembered to remember the movement of the bad woman who kicked him away, and planned to take revenge.

He also saw the other party flying towards Menzoberranzan City.

"that place……"

Li Wen pointed there, and smiled sinisterly, "Beat them all! Just say I told you to do it! Make sure they know~"

"Hmm, good Bobby-sama."

The headed one-eyed dragon mage stared at Li Wen with a smile, and responded with an extremely gentle voice.

But nothing moves.

He is not like the earliest generals who won the victory. He is the kind of master who has reached a cooperation with Li Wen for the first time.

Without a real mission, he won't act!

Li Wen murmured in a low voice, he knew the peeing nature of these players.

mission rewards……

What can I take out?
The things they created before can be obtained from other places, and they are no longer attractive to them, so naturally they can't be used as rewards, otherwise these players will know, and they will think that Bobby is out of his wits!


Li Wen saw something freshly baked in his mind.

[As a legendary feat—the creator of dual identities, you can lower the requirement to use this feat by one level. 】

[Legendary Specialty-Double Identity: You have successfully deceived your own heart with your exquisite spiritual power, and completely transformed from action to heart.From now on, you can freely switch between the two states within 6 seconds of adjustment time.

When you are in the human state, you can normally use all the abilities you have learned before; when you are in the state of the Dark Chosen, you will "forget" all the professional abilities in the human state, but you will inherit the original basic attributes and can use race Extra abilities such as talents and personal expertise, as compensation, you can learn new professional abilities. (The new professional ability and the original professional ability exist in parallel and do not affect each other.)
(Pre-requirements for mastering this specialty: "Performing" skill, 21 points of magic power, and 15 professional levels.) (Note: After switching the state, the faction identity will also switch together, and you may encounter different treatment when encountering certain faction characters , please proceed with caution.)]

[Elector of the Night: You have been appreciated by Ms. Shar of the Night because you have completely fallen into madness, and you have become her priestly electorate.From now on, you can freely cast spells under Shadow Fiend.At the same time, as the agent of the Lady of the Night in the world, you can spread the teachings for her, attract followers, and grant others the qualification to cast spells under the Shadow Demon Net. (The status of "Elector of the Night" is regarded as priest level +1, and dark vision is permanently obtained.)]

[Due to your identity change, your authority in the Shadow Demon Network area has been increased.Now, you can entrust the Chosen One to release a mission every day, and there is no limit to the number of people who can accept the mission. 】

In his current state, Li Wen couldn't say that he felt sorry for the huge amount of soul energy he had consumed, and he didn't have the heart to analyze the significance of these abilities.

He just wants to make trouble.

Shadow Demon Net's spellcasting qualification?
This may be used as a bargaining chip.

Then, if anyone can give that big lady a hard fight, then reward a legendary specialty - the method of obtaining the spiritual core sophon.

"Hey hey hey hey~"

Li Wenyin smiled tentatively, and with a wave of his small hand, the mission was released.

Legendary Quest - Totally Crazy!
Totally crazy!

Seeing the legendary specialty words in the mission description, the eyes of the players turned red, and they were completely crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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