I can't be an NPC

Chapter 286 The possibility of completing the task

Chapter 286 The possibility of completing the task

"Do you feel that Bobby is a bit different now than before?"

"Yes, yes, you also found out. I felt it just now, but I dare not say it."

On the way to Menzoberranzan City, the players were muttering and discussing.

They are players from a human city that is closer to this dungeon, and they are also lucky to have learned about the passage leading to the underground from some NPCs, so they can rush down as soon as they see outrageous news on the forum.

So they usually don't have much contact with Bobby, and the most knowledge is always from other people's mouths...or forum videos, because even if they found something wrong, they didn't dare to say it at the time.

Until now, the discussion started in a low voice.

And after such a discussion, it was found that everyone's opinions were surprisingly consistent.

The old Bobby was always calm and expressionless.

Although the attitude towards players is much better than most NPCs, it always gives people a sense of superiority.

But now... the rumored Bobby's acting style, compared to the Bobby in their impression... is really too wild.


"I think it's cuter this way."

Players never imagined that for the first time in a game, they would be so attracted to a male character with two-dimensional wives...

"Is he Bobby? Bobby doesn't have any twin brothers?"

"Who knows... Those people in Jianfeng City didn't dig out his details, we know nothing."

"It doesn't matter who he is, he is a good person who sends the task. You'd better not do it, let me do this task alone."

"Hehe~ I want to fart."

That is a legendary mission!
That is a legendary specialty!
Could it be something that can be encountered normally?

"But the prerequisites for this legendary feat are a bit troublesome. I just checked, and only mages can learn it. It requires a professional level of 15, an element control feat of lv3, and 21 points of magic power... I'm thinking about this condition now. No one can reach it?"

"Difficult? Difficult to do, then don't do it. A normal feat is exhausting. Now that a legendary feat is in front of you, you think it's too difficult. There are no CDs to cast spells. How many feats a mage can only dream of! Combined with the Karl simulator... the turtle Turtle! And the preconditions include element control expertise, and the side can also increase the lethality of the Carl Simulator, killing two birds with one stone! Maybe after getting the task reward, Mr. Poppy can guide us to obtain element control expertise and extraordinary magic power If you don’t know how to do it, then you can’t take off~”

The player who spoke started lusting after himself as he talked, as if the reward for the legendary mission was already in his pocket.

In fact, this remark did resonate with many players.

After all, in the outrageous video, the skills Bobby uses look like spells, so most of the players who are in a hurry are mages.

"But the problem is that this task is not easy to complete..."

The prospect is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Legendary missions naturally have the difficulty of legendary missions.

They were all mages, and they encountered the same predicament that Li Wen had when he was trapped underground in the first place—unable to cast spells other than tricks.

They just happen to be a bunch of mages.

Apart from some testicles or a small number of magic items or scrolls carried by local tyrants, they have almost no combat ability.

But what about their opponents?
The demigod-level mastermind of the illithid, and the unknown "big car" that Bobby blasted out of nowhere and was not easy to mess with.

Either side probably blows their breath and their group will be gone.

"But they are opponents, and this is our chance!"

"Look, they're fighting."

Even the battle between divine avatars and demigods almost followed the professional system.

Spider Queen Rose's avatar fights more like an assassin who can use divine spells. With both ranger and priest professional levels, she has powerful abilities such as stealth and burst, as well as the thick body of a priest and the qualification to use divine spells. , not to mention being a natural template of a god, the difference in life level made her clone's blood volume surprisingly high.

Facing the conch shell ships surrounded by many mind flayers, it was almost like fighting against the entire fleet by one person.

In fact, there are very few records on the attribute data of the gods on the Gaia continent.

Moreover, this kind of record is basically a record of the attributes of the god's avatar.

After all, due to the restriction of certain rules, it is difficult for the real body of the gods to come to this world. Occasionally, the only ones who can show the power of the gods are their divine power avatars.

Therefore, all the cognitions of all people on the Gaia continent about the realm of gods come from a few observations of the descending clones of gods.

In order to establish a unified understanding of the gods, the powerhouses on the mainland have delineated the distinctions between weak divine power and medium divine power based on the performance of those god clones.

Yes, the so-called distinction between weak divine power and medium divine power does not represent the strength of the god itself, but only represents the expressive power of the corresponding god and its avatar that descended on the mainland in the eyes of the strong in the mainland.

In the long history of the mainland, the gods who have made more attacks have more detailed records of the attributes of their divine power avatars; and the gods who have made fewer shots, even if the records say that they have weak or powerful divine powers, are actually not too much. Trusted data.

Naturally, even the aborigines are blind guesses about the division of gods' strength, and the data information that players can collect is even more pitiful.

"Which one of them is better?"

"Spider Empress Rose only has weak divine power, not much stronger than a demigod. Maybe they both have the possibility of losing."

Just looking at everything that was happening in front of him outrageously, his eyes shone with dazzling brilliance.

He spends a lot of time in the underground, so he naturally mastered information that ordinary players never knew.

If... while the Spider Queen Rose is weak, can she make up for a fatal blow?
Killing God!

When I think of this word, my heart thumps outrageously.

Maybe I can become the first man in the game to complete the feat of killing gods!

What rewards can that get?
Can't even think about it.

Full server announcement, artifact mount?
From then on, the knife and fire, one knife 999, reached the pinnacle of life!
This kind of life is still a little exciting when I think of it!

"Is she Rose, the Spider Queen?"

"Turtle! The clone of the god..."

Only then did the other players know the true identity of this "big cart".

"No wonder it's a legendary mission, Bobby is really fierce, this kind of person dares... Eh? Did Bobby hug someone's calf and kiss her before?"


"What a fierce Bobby."

"Then what shall we do?"


With an outrageous tone, "We can't force it. Since it is a task, there is a possibility of completing it. No matter which side of the two sides, as long as we are at the peak of our strength, we can't be opponents. If we want to complete Lord Bobby's task, We can only wait! When they both lose, at least they have to suffer some injuries or be in some kind of balanced confrontation state, otherwise we won't have the slightest chance!"

"Brother is right!"

While speaking, the eyes of these players were all shining with strange brilliance.

Legendary Quests... Legendary Feats...

The opponent is still a god.

The final reward of this quest may not be available to everyone. Ordinary people can only get a spell-casting qualification for Shadow Demon Net. It is estimated that only one or two lucky people can get the Legendary Specialty.

So... whoever can pick the last peach may have the only chance.

Be careful not only of enemies, but also of teammates.

While everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, they scanned the surroundings with outrageous eyes, trying to find other figures—where is the second brother?

The eldest brother came to help his second brother.

But after fighting for a long time, there was no sign of the second brother.

The righteous master is not here, what are you trying to do?
Based on the elder brother alone, it is estimated that he is not the opponent of Rose's divine clone, let alone Rose's side has a legendary priest who has not yet joined the frontal battlefield, but drives away those mind flayers who are causing slaughter in the city.

If there is no help from the second brother, it is outrageous that there may not even be a chance of losing both sides.

Then this task is over.

(End of this chapter)

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