I can't be an NPC

Chapter 305 The Voice - The Warlock

Chapter 305 The Voice - The Warlock
Li Wen, who heard the voice, hesitated slightly, turned his horse's head, and rushed over first.

Although he was going to take everyone to the resurrection point, he couldn't miss the interesting event of meeting another player on the way.

Li Wen didn't expect that besides them, there were other players in this kind of place.

The sudden appearance of the voice made the team headed by Boswell hesitate subconsciously. They didn't know how far Master Li Wen was going to take them, between the temporary rest and complete safety that other humans could obtain linger for a while.

Then they saw Master Li Wen galloping away on his skeleton horse, so they also quickly turned around and crossed away.

"Hurry up!"

"Puff puff~"

One by one, the figures crashed back and forth into the narrow and cramped tomb like dumplings. The fierce battle made even the general of the Burning Blade Legion who had grown up from the battle feel exhausted, lying on the stone wall in the tomb and not wanting to move. a bit.

Even for players, certain physical limitations make them need to take a short break, otherwise their ability to move will be greatly reduced.

The sound of friction between the stones sounded at the entrance of the cave, and the originally dim light was also covered up.


In the darkness, a bright fire light shines from the hand of the player who called everyone over. The orange light shines on everyone's face, reflecting tired faces.

"Can't stop yet~"

The blond female gamer smiled at everyone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by her voice, there were heavy impact sounds one after another outside the cave, as if explaining her words.

Gravel and dust fell straight down.

The seemingly solid stone door of the tomb also seemed unreliable under this kind of impact.

So even the group of people who didn't want to move anymore had to stand up hunched over the irregular stone wall, and the female player holding a bright torch had already started to lead the way inside.

It was only then that everyone discovered that there was a hole in the tomb, and there was a hidden passage leading to a deeper underground behind an unobtrusive corner.

"Hey! Are you a warrior? Where did the skeleton horse you rode just now come from? It's so handsome~ Can you give me a whole one?"

When leading the way, the female player asked Li Wen, who was following behind him, without looking back.

Listening to the tone... Is this treating yourself as a player?

Of course, this is also normal.

After all, since they were able to put players in on a large scale, the aborigines rarely took the initiative to enter the gate of the abyss in person.

Moreover, players in this world don't wear their names on their heads. If their behavior and clothing are normal, it's really hard to tell who is an NPC and who is a player when they are mixed in the crowd.

As for why Li Wen was sure that the guy leading the way was a player and not an aborigine...

The cheerful smile on the female player's face seemed to explain everything.

But any serious aborigine, alone in the environment of the death plain, cannot still laugh.

Except, of course, neuropathy.

Even though there was a misunderstanding, Li Wen didn't explain, but simply refused, "No."


"Mom, open the door," pouted, and asked again.

"Do you have any extra Shuttle Charms on you? I've run out of them."

"Is that why you have to stay here?"

Li Wen discovered the reason why the other party had to stay here.


The female player scratched the back of her head with her left hand that was tied with half a leather glove, showing a silly smile, "I forgot that there is only one last time left, and I will stop after the results are passed on. Hey, see you in ten days and a half months in this damn place." No one, today I can be regarded as meeting some living people."


Li Wen took out a Shuttle Curse from his arms, and trembled in front of the female player, "Do you want to?"


The eyes of the big wave of female players are full of longing.




"What are you doing?"

There was a bit of panic and confusion in the voice of mother quickly opening the door.

She never expected to meet such a crazy local tyrant.

"Even if you are rich, you can't burn like this, right? It's a lot of money to smuggle one."

It's a little different from others, the shuttle spell and return spell in this game are two variants of the city return scroll, which are rare items. It's okay for the players of the golden lion, but it's something that the players of the violets want to see through.

"Do you want to?"

Li Wen looked at the other party, his eyes full of temptation, "If you want it, you have to pay a price."

The stupid Li Wen only knows how to treat the aborigines like cattle and horses.

Don't you know that players can also play tricks?

Wouldn't it be better to teach them the craft of making shuttle spells as a life occupation skill, and then let them sign a sharing agreement?
Anyway, it is to harvest soul energy, so why be cautious?
Li Wen just wanted to have fun, it really depends on my dark bobby to develop and grow!

hum √
The blond-haired and blue-eyed younger sister, who was leading the way half a step ahead, turned her head to look at Li Wen's somewhat familiar, most importantly handsome, cute little face, gritted her teeth, and made up her mind.

"What price?"

"Look at the panel first."


Li Wen swore that he just wanted to see her measurements. The purpose was very pure. He didn't expect to find an unexpected surprise.

Combat Records—

[? ? ? (voice): Warlock (click to view occupational details)?The career path of the little guy from the Golden Lion Kingdom is very interesting. It is not the same path as our magicians (click to view the career details), but there are some things we can learn from.Maybe I can find a few Chosen Ones to tie him up to see if I can find anything useful.Um?Where do ants dare to disrespect me?die! 】

Isn't this the unique profession that Dreiser State uses to attract players?

Moreover, it is said that the great magicians who jointly developed the profession of magicians are extremely respected in their status in Dreiser State, and they are not accessible to ordinary people.

This female player is quite fierce...anyone dares to touch her.

Do you still want to hang out in Dreiser State?
"look at yours."

When Li Wen was thinking for a while, the female player who was half a step ahead was not satisfied with being underestimated unilaterally, so she made the same request to Li Wen.

"I want to fart."

Li Wen rolled his eyes, "Where are you going to take us?"

Compared to quickly finding the resurrection point and going back, Li Wen was more curious about how this female player survived on the plain of death.

Not to mention those monsters, just the Charisma immunity judgment that they will inflict on them every once in a while is a very difficult problem.

From the panel just now, it seems that this female player is a ranger, but she doesn't have the self-protection ability of priests and paladins.

"Where I am hiding, I see that you are also tired, go to rest first, and then I will take you to the resurrection point."

There is a faint decaying smell lingering in the catacombs. Fortunately, it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time, so the smell is not too bad.

After walking through the irregular narrow passage for a long time, everyone saw her safe house in the mouth of the female player——

A dry cave next to an underground waterway with some gray-black mushrooms growing.

There is food and drink, and the environment is comfortable.

The cave was dressed up with the gentleness and delicateness unique to women, and looked warm and comfortable. After bracing their tired bodies, they finally arrived at the so-called safe place. Boswell and his adjutant sat down against the wall reservedly, adhering to the With a certain military majesty began to rest.

As Feng Ya, he rushed to the front, and almost withstood most of the pressure. Those level 10 players who followed him were much more relaxed. In addition, the physical exhaustion brought only a weakening of personal attributes. And restrictions, and can not directly cause the slightest impact on their happy spirit.

So at this time, instead, he began to look around curiously at the "boudoir" of this female player who was surviving alone in the plain of death.

"Are you here to make a copy?"

Li Wen seemed to be thinking about something, so "Mom, open the door" didn't bother him, but focused on other players.

Meet old friends in a foreign land.

It was undoubtedly a great surprise for her to meet other players in a place like the Death Plain.

There are countless layers in the abyss, and the range of each layer is incomparably vast. To be able to meet under such a premise is really a fate bestowed by heaven.

"It's not... for the task."

The player who spoke was taken aback, he didn't seem to have any tasks on him...

By the way, Lord Bobby doesn't seem to have sent them any missions at all.

What are they here for?

"That's right! We are indeed here to make a copy."

"I wanted to pass the level with an NPC, but I didn't expect to be so unlucky, so I just drew the hardest one..."


The golden-haired female player was a little puzzled, so she turned her eyes to Boswell and his adjutant, who hadn't spoken from the beginning to the end.

When not actively exposing, whether the player is mixed in the NPC team or the NPC is mixed in the player's team, it is not so easy to tell.

At this moment, it was pointed out by other players, and the golden-haired female player consciously noticed the abnormality of Boswell and his adjutant.


Boswell and the adjutant leaned aside, just listening quietly to the communication between these Chosen Ones, without saying a word.

It is undoubtedly lucky to meet a wild Chosen Son.

Being able to survive in this kind of place, they don't believe that this Chosen One has never died once.

And if there is no resurrection point bound, as long as she dies once, she will have to return to the world outside the gate of the abyss.

In this case, the Chosen One must know the specific location of the resurrection point.

There is hope for going home!

As for Master Li Wen...

I don't know why, since entering the abyss, this master who had amazing accomplishments in both spells and paths in their eyes suddenly became less reliable.

Not at all acting like a respected master, not at all as reassuring as their great wizards.

To be able to achieve such a huge reputation, Master Li Wen should not have such a level or style. It is more likely that... he is targeting them?
Anyway, there are only two of them, the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion, even if they die, the others can't do anything to Bobby.

Those chosen ones might even testify for this guy.

snort!The despicable Golden Lion people actually play such a petty mind.

It seems that they still want to let their great magician come out to suppress the arrogance of Master Li Wen.

It's best to take back his influence among the chosen ones!
Thinking of this possibility, Boswell's heart was filled with anticipation.

Presumably, after they escaped from the abyss, the great magician who was notified before should feel the proximity, right?

At that time, I will give you a good look!
hum √
No one cared about the minds of the two Burning Blade Legion fighters. The players were exchanging information they had with each other.

"The resurrection point is outside. After you rest, we will go down the river...Anyway, you just follow me, and I will definitely take you back safely."

"Have you been here alone for a long time? How did you survive?"

"These mushrooms... not only can restore stamina, but also add buffs, and the taste is quite good, try it."

The golden retriever female player is like the most hospitable host, entertaining other players enthusiastically.

In a place like the abyss, there is no room for fighting and intrigue between players, and everyone is naturally an ally here.

"Let me try……"

"Fuck! The taste is okay."

"Can I pack some to take home?"

"Eating is quite fresh..."

"What do they rely on as nutrients..."

A player who was biting a mushroom suddenly realized a key problem.

For a while, everyone looked at some bones scattered in the cave, and fell into an eerie silence.

"Ahaha...it's a game~ it's no big deal."

While talking, the player silently put down the half-eaten mushroom in his hand.

The golden-haired female player didn't take it seriously, she gnawed sweetly with a mushroom in one hand, and gestured to the two soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion with her eyes, "You followed him to play the dungeon? They don't seem to be very strong... "



A player cautiously reminded the female ranger, "Do you know who they are?"

Don't want to mess around?

The only designated NPC that the Burning Blade Legion had contact with the players, offending Boswell would be fruitless.


The golden retriever female player shrank her neck, "I can't see people~"

"Actually, we followed him, he is the main force..."

One of the players shot the crossbow in Li Wen's direction.

"He too?"

The golden retriever female player's heart skipped a beat.

broken!I was molested by an NPC!
Another player felt a little strange.

"Bobby...you don't know him?"


The golden-haired female player froze for a moment, then turned to Li Wen's direction with a stiff neck, "He...is Bobby?"

So to say……

It does look like it!

I said why did it look so familiar just now?

What the hell!

The golden-haired female player suddenly remembered that he and herself seemed to have reached an evil deal just now.

That's Bobby!He can't paint a big cake for himself, can he?

Taking small steps, the golden-haired female player approached Li Wen quietly, and said coquettishly in a voice so sweet that it made her sick.


"Climb! Leave me alone."

Li Wen didn't raise his eyebrows.

Unlike the "protagonist" who is a half-baked sorcerer who he doesn't understand, the way of the sorcerer seen from the voice of the great sorcerer is astonishingly complete.

The characteristics from level 1 to level 20 are extremely complete, and not only has his own understanding of warlocks, but also his understanding of newborn "warlocks".

Taking the eyes of an outsider provided Li Wen with another way of looking at the career path of a "warlock".

And as he said, warlocks and warlocks can learn from each other to some extent.

Li Wen felt that he had some ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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