Chapter 314

After returning to the gate of the abyss, Li Wen took the group of sorcerers to try again several times, but they never went to such a difficult place like the plain of death.

After verifying that Li Wen's positioning technology was indeed accurate, the group of magicians jumped up excitedly.

For many years, they have been looking forward to conquering the problem of the abyss.

But now, the changing laws of the abyss are controlled artificially for the first time, so it is not too far away from conquering the abyss itself.

Li Wen ignored them.

After being awakened by the big skull and Rose, when he was alone, he opened the door and slipped directly to Croxanne's territory.

"Do you know the magician?"

The handwriting composed of black mist is soft and weak.

"I don't know~"

"Then look at this..."

With that said, Li Wen took out the Warlock Professional Path Book that he got from Wood, which he exchanged with the other party for the abyss positioning technique he promised to teach. Of course, he also needs to make an oath I will not teach this book of the way to others.

This level of rules can be browsed through in just an instant for Croxanne.

However, the answer he got made Li Wen a little disappointed.

"No, hey~ I don't seem to be able to be the suzerain you mentioned."


Li Wen frowned.

no?Is it because Kroxanne is neither the abyss lord, nor the supreme elf, or the old ruler, so she can't provide the corresponding sub-class options?

Or... is she essentially incompatible with the Gaia continent?
After all, she said before that only when she and the continent of Gaia reach a critical point, will the Moon of Corruption become one with the material world, including the inner and outer planes.

But she happens to have a priesthood, and she is even one of the two original gods at the beginning of the world... According to the legend, it is like this.

It's just that the normal gods are in the divine domain of the outer plane, the abyss lords live in the inner plane, and the old rulers exist in the void outside the world, only Croxanne... I don't know How to locate.

For this situation, Li Wen was mentally prepared before coming here, so he wasn't too disappointed at this time.


While talking, Li Wen looked up at the sky, and the copper-colored moon was three points bigger than last time.

I don't know... what Ah Zhi and the others encountered there, and they haven't been able to come back today.


"The people here are so weird~"

It has been several days since Mr. Poppy sent them here from the Gaia continent, but their understanding of this world still hasn't made any progress.

Out of place.

The people here are nothing in themselves, and they look no different from ordinary humans, but they act extremely strangely.

It seems that everyone has a fixed two-point line every day.

work, sleep.

Other than that, nothing.

No crying, no laughing, no entertainment after work.

In addition to work, it is to return to their non-descript square building to wait for the next day, and then... continue to work.

As for the work itself, I don’t know whether it’s because their contacts are too small and they don’t have enough samples, or the people here are just like this, and their work content is extremely monotonous.

Sow seeds, harvest, purify water, purify air.

Make food, make drinks, work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

The laws of life are incomparable, and no one will break this tacit understanding.

The whole society is silent and orderly.

Ah Zhi and the others even wanted to take these people apart to see what it looked like inside, whether they were just some machines covered in human skin, but they obviously couldn't do such a crazy thing.

And it's even more obvious that these people are not machines.

The materials they produce are for their own use.

They need food and water to keep themselves alive, and they occasionally make mistakes—accidental mistakes. Occasionally, Ah Zhi and the others can see the blood that these people may bleed.

The bright red blood is no different from normal people.

As for communication?

What it is?
No need to communicate.

Ah Zhi once tried to communicate with these people, but what she got was...some kind of angry expulsion.

The Bobby team, who tried to chat with the locals, was expelled from their gathering place by the locals who rushed up with excitement after only saying a few words.

So much so that now they can only look at the third gathering place they found from a distance in the wild forest outside the gathering place.

Obviously, the refusal to communicate is not accidental, it's not that Ah Zhi and the others are unlucky, it's just this world...that's how it is.

Today, several people are squatting in the field overgrown with weeds, discussing quietly in a circle.

"So what's going on?"

"They don't want to talk to us, how can we complete Lord Bobby's mission?"

"I only fight, you ask me?"

"But have you found out that they didn't actually refuse to communicate in the first place?"

"Huh? Instigate."

"Actually, they were willing to answer our initial questions, my opinion, they were quite enthusiastic."

"Yes! Enthusiasm."

On the banks of the Seine, he recalled the attitudes of the locals he met at the beginning, "They looked indifferent, but they were actually quite willing to communicate and talk. They were cold on the outside and hot on the inside, just like my ex-girlfriends before."




"They like to be passive, and they want us to take the initiative to communicate with them, but based on some kind of emotion similar to reserve, they will face us with a cold attitude. But if they shrink back because of this, they will lose someone who is close to them Opportunities deep within."

Speaking of ex-girlfriends, Seine showed a very old-fashioned experience.

General Quan Sheng raised objections.

"But the problem is, we got kicked out."

"Obviously, there was something wrong with our coping. They didn't refuse to communicate in the first place, which meant that there was no problem with our initial problem. So what was the problem? It was the moment they changed their attitude. Think about it, we Why were you expelled?"

Ah Zhi poked her chin with her hand and began to recall.

"I think it's because he asked me where I came from, and I said I came from the next village."

"It's because he asked me what I do for work, and I said adventurer..."

"What's wrong with our answer...?"

"Is there anything in common?"

"I don't know..."

"Forget it... Let's explore again. If this place doesn't work, let's change to another place. I don't believe we can't find out the reason. As long as we can find the reason, we can solve the mystery of this world."

"Duck rush!"

(End of this chapter)

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