I can't be an NPC

Chapter 319 Soul Warrior...and Elemental Chaos

Chapter 319 Soul Warrior...and Elemental Chaos
Li Wen didn't have much expectations at first, anyway, he was just bewitching casually.

It's good to be outrageous, but it doesn't matter if you don't.

As for whether he could get the mind flayer mastermind about the path of the "spiritual warrior", Li Wen also didn't have much expectation, but fortunately... got it.

[Illithid Mastermind (inner voice): Psychic Warrior (click to view occupational details), it’s not that I don’t teach it, it’s just that I’m afraid~ When I see this thing, I think of those nasty Giss (click to view race details) , What if we teach another Ghis people, we can't make it through? 】


Li Wen turned and walked into the darkness, intending to return to the dwarf city above the surface through the dark passage underground.

It was outrageous to follow behind him step by step, just now he believed in Li Wen's evil impulse and gave the mastermind a moment, and then he still doesn't know what kind of ill-fated his fate will be.

Hey~ hemp!
Li Wen ignored him and the two illithids who were ordered to lead the way, but clicked on the link on his own, and checked the optional generic type of psychic warrior.

The basic profession of a psychic warrior is the template of a warrior, so the basic characteristics naturally all inherit the characteristics of the warrior itself, which is not surprising.

Only his sub-class characteristics are obviously completely different from other sub-classes of warriors.

Psychic warriors are the most powerful combat power of the Ghis people. Because they have been tortured by the psychic powers of the illithids for many years, they have awakened the psychic powers buried in themselves, and the way their psychic powers are displayed is the same as that of normal psychic powers. Careers are completely different.

Other professions are obedient to their psionic energy and exploit its uses as much as possible.

However, the psychic warriors developed by the Ghis were to fight against the psionic power of the spirit suckers, so their way of displaying psionic power was full of a sense of confrontation and taming.

They didn't follow their psionic surges, but used their psionics with extreme rationality.

In other words, in their hands, psionic power is more based on magic power than charm.

The attribute requirements are similar to those of the Arcane Knight.

However, the key attributes of their professions are somewhat different just because of their different starting intentions, but there is not much difference between them and ordinary psionic professions in terms of the use and display of psionic abilities themselves.

As a psionic warrior, they augment their physical strength with psionic-infused weapon attacks, telekinetic slams, and psionic shields.

Psychic Warrior 3rd Level Trait—Psionic Armor: At 3rd level, you can magically enhance your abilities through your psionic abilities.When you finish a rest of at least 2 hours, choose whether you want to strengthen the defense or strike.The benefit of the choice lasts until the next rest is completed.


Psychic Warrior Level 3 Ability—Psychic Hand: You have learned the 0-level spell—Mage Hand.You require no material components to perform this cantrip, and you can render the ghostly hand invisible.

Psychic Warrior 7th-Level Trait—Psychic Shock: You can use telekinetic power to instantly slam a visible creature within 20 feet of you.The target must succeed at a Strength saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the target takes 2 to 2 + your magic modifier twice as force damage and is telekinetically pushed away from you or pulled toward you up to 3 feet (your choice). ; On a successful save, the target takes half damage and cannot be moved. (You can use this feature a number of times equal to your mana modifier (minimum one). You regain all expended charges when you complete a rest of at least 15 hours.)
Psychic Warrior 10th-Level Trait—Psychic Fortress: You can project a 10-foot-radius psionic fortress centered on you that lasts 1 minute or until you are incapacitated.During this time, you and allies in the area gain the benefit of half body cover and have advantage on Strength saving throws.After doing so, you cannot use this feature again until you complete a rest of at least 2 hours or use the regenerate feature once.

Psychic Warrior Level 15 Trait—Painful Strike: You use psychic energy to make the target of the attack extremely painful. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause 2 additional psychic damage of 4~6 points, and force the target to undergo a constitution saving throw.On a failed save, the target falls prone and suffers disadvantage on all subsequent ability checks for 12 seconds. (You can use this feature a number of times equal to your mana modifier (minimum one). You regain all expended charges when you complete a rest of at least 2 hours.)
Psychic Warrior 18th-Level Trait—Psionic Fearlessness: Your entire being is imbued with psychic energy, making you a nearly unstoppable force on the battlefield.When you take damage, you grant yourself the following benefits for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated:

(6) Every 10 seconds you will recover [-] health points.

(10) Your walking speed increases by [-] feet.

([-]) Any controlled state you are subject to will be shortened by half the time.

(Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a rest of at least 2 hours.)
It is full of the characteristics of this sub-class. As for the strength, it can only be said that each has its own advantages.

Compared with the arcane knight, this profession lost its real ability to cast spells, and turned into a means to accomplish some unconventional physics with psychic power.

There is no variety of magic, nor the strengthening and agility of the arcane knight's ability to cast spells, in exchange for various strengthening abilities for physical combat itself.

The strong telekinetic power allows them to cause more control and damage methods besides weapon slashing, which is also a good sub-class choice.

For players, the emergence of this kind of occupation can provide a more interesting and fresh way of fighting, which can be used to satisfy their strong curiosity-seeking psychology.

But for Li Wen, the idea behind this kind of occupation is more important.

The mage deconstructs the world with knowledge.

There are corresponding rules behind the appearance of everything, and things that can be done with psionic power can basically be simulated with the power of magic.

Yes, what Li Wen valued was not the characteristics of the profession itself, but the source of the birth of this profession - to control the original psionic talent with one's own will.

Afterwards, Li Wen clicked on the ethnic details of the Ghis people.

Li Wen has seen the existence of this race several times, but from the voice of this mastermind, the Gith people he saw are undoubtedly much more detailed and clear than before.

This is also a race of humanoids, and they were once the most used slaves of illithids.

However, I don't know whether they originally possessed superb talents, or they adapted to the oppression of psychic energy under the long-term enslavement of illithids, so that many super psychic talents appeared in their race—that is, they used An individual whose own mind suppresses and uses psionic energy.

The individual strength of a single Ghis may not be very strong, but just like the psychic warrior profession that Li Wen saw just now, when they cooperate with each other and fight on the scale of a legion, the strength they can display is extremely terrifying of.

Even a few of these Ghis who hated illithids to the extreme, in order to gain more powerful power, simply sneaked into the intersection of the four elemental planes of earth, water, wind and fire with their spirit bodies-the place of elemental chaos. middle.

The world there is a real mess, without any order.

One moment may be a clear sky, the next moment it will be a sky-high storm, and the existence of the entire plane is changing rapidly.

All the visible and invisible magnificent scenes in the human world can be seen everywhere there.

It is originally composed of the four basic elements that make up the world, but the four elements have not been condensed into a real thing in the environment of the entire inner plane, full of weird imagination.

Only the person with the strongest spiritual will can use his own will in that place to stabilize the environment around him into what he wants, and he needs to maintain this terrifying spiritual willpower at all times, otherwise, once he relaxes, the endless tide of chaotic elements It will shred any creature in it-except for some special elemental creatures that can live in it.

And this is the training ground for those Ghis people to practice their spiritual willpower.

The most powerful ascetics among them even built a giant palace that belonged to them purely with spiritual power in the elemental chaos. If some unfortunate creature strays into the elemental chaos one day, then his only hope of survival, Perhaps it fell near the huge palace complex.

It is this kind of almost masochistic and terrifying practice that makes the spiritual powerhouses of this race emerge in endlessly. With the cooperation of professionals who have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, they can defeat the powerful and powerful people who have established a huge starry sky empire. The illithid empire.

Elemental Chaos?
Li Wen muttered softly.


After walking through the dark underground passage for almost half a day, a ray of sunlight that wasn't too harsh shone on Li Wen's face.

Finally came up.

The two spirit suckers who were leading the way turned around and left without saying a word, only Li Wen remained beside Li Wen with a hesitant expression.

He was a little confused.

I just hit the main brain on impulse, and I don't know if I can continue to mess around after I go back.

Or they can see that they don't care about Lord Bobby's face, but they have some opinions, right?The days ahead may be difficult.

Hey~ hemp!

Li Wen smiled gently at him, then took out a book of Taoism and began to sketch.

Players do not have the essential knowledge to master, and can only learn a profession through the way of the instructor. This is the same rule as granting certain authority.

Li Wen has long been displeased.

The workaround is not without... the skill book.

This ancient wisdom has lingered in Li Wen's heart for a long time.

The aborigines study the book of way, essentially learning the above knowledge with their own understanding.

And if in another way, the personal understanding is recorded in the book of Taoism and can be read by another mind, is it also a grant of authority?

In this way, making a book of ways can only be read by one player, and it will be scrapped when it is used up, and a skill book... the personal experience and understanding left in the book of ways cannot last for a long time because it is also a kind of spiritual power Therefore, it is difficult to produce and store on a large scale.

Thinking that this kind of method will not destroy the balance of some kind of world, Li Wen thinks it can be tried to some extent.

It was outrageous that it was his first test product.

Usually making a book of ways, Li Wen's speed is naturally extremely fast.

But now, he had to add his own personal and orderly spiritual thoughts to it. Even if Li Wen could learn from the spiritual warriors who had just obtained the control of psionic energy, this process still seemed not easy.

Li Wenji is the center of attention and goes all out.

It was outrageous, but he also knew that Mr. Bobby seemed to be preparing some kind of reward for himself, so he waited at ease.

Just looking at the yellowish paper in front of Mr. Bobby, which exudes a faint white light in a not-so-bright environment, his eyes are full of anticipation.

"Okay, it's done."

Li Wen's voice made the man who was in a daze thinking about the murloc offering sacrifices to his sister suddenly come back to his senses, "It's done? What's done?"

"Your spiritual warrior."

"My spiritual warrior?"

He just took the scroll in a daze.

It went smoothly.

The previous rules that restricted the unconditional gift of high-value items seem to have been explained by Li Wenhe's interests in the process of outrageous multiple contacts and no longer interfere with this gift.

The moment he got the scroll outrageously, he was shocked and involuntarily let out an exclamation.


Can you learn with just one tap?

When will "Gaia Continent" also publish this kind of skill book?
So I sighed from the bottom of my heart.

"Bobby, you are my father."

Thinking of the outrageous past behavior, Li Wenmo refused with a straight face.

"I don't have a son your age."


There was a teleportation circle in place, and Li Wen appeared on the teleportation circle in Jianfeng City with a flash.

It seems that Helen who got the news immediately sent Li Wen a short message.

"Come to my house, I need to find you."

It was already night, and Helen's castellan's mansion was brightly lit.

The first time she saw Li Wen, Helen asked softly.

"Have you ever felt something in the air lately... seems not right?"

"It seems, a little bit."

With the daily tasks of the players, Li Wen's element control level has reached the level of lv3.

The more advanced control of elements has brought him a more sensitive perception of elements, and at the same time his own perception attributes are gradually improving, which undoubtedly helps him better understand and control elements.

"So I thought... Could it be because of the moon, as you said."

Regarding the moon that brings misfortune, Helen actually doesn't know much more than Li Wen, so when encountering these special situations, she subconsciously leans forward.

In many cases, behind the appearance, there are inevitable deep-seated reasons.

However, Li Wen shook his head.

The influence of the moon on the continents is indisputable.

However, the abnormal fluctuations of the elements obviously have nothing to do with this copper-colored moon. The power that affects the mind of creatures and the fluctuations of the elements are completely two sources.

(End of this chapter)

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