I can't be an NPC

Chapter 325 Mutation

Chapter 325 Mutation
"The tables seem to have turned."

"The plan of Grand Duke Adolf was cracked by those unexpected sons of heaven."

"No one thought that those chosen sons of the Golden Lion Kingdom could be so united."

This is not the same as the Chosen Son in their eyes.

"No, maybe there is something about that city that attracts them..."

"The Golden Lion's army is also ready to move, as if waiting for Adolf to show his weakness."

"After all, this is a mistake we finally made. Of course they have to seize the opportunity."

At the meeting of the five elders with only four people left, there was only a soft exchange between Mrs. Mithril Hall and Mayor Green.

The Supreme Mage sighed softly and withdrew from the group chat.

Suddenly, it was Ji'er who also quit the group chat beside her.

As the supreme mage, even the group chat space was created by him, so he can naturally enter the group chat space of the five elders meeting anytime and anywhere.

"The evil demon king was defeated by the raging crowd."

Ji'er muttered softly, no joy or sorrow could be heard in her tone.

Stephen's eyes were a little melancholy.

"Perhaps this is the original intention of the Demon King..."

Dreiser is sick, and the Grand Duke is trying to fight their own battle with medicine and fire.

What is a strong drug?
Poison perhaps.

When a sick person is hopelessly dying, only by speeding up the process can a potentially contagious disease be prevented from infecting other innocent people.

Is this what Adolf means?

But... What's wrong with him?

Since Adolf decided to stick to this secret, even if he asked, it would be futile.

He has known the grand duke for many years. From the beginning to the end, he is as stubborn as ever, and he will never look back when faced with the things he believes in.

"Perhaps I should help this old friend."

Ji'er glanced over, with curiosity in her bright eyes.

"How do you want to help?"

"If he wants to send it away, I won't let him send it away. Only if he is alive can he have a chance to solve it. At least, the army that attacked Jianfeng City must be rescued."

"Both sides are about to fight."

"Then go both ways."


Some players are recording and rebroadcasting what is happening in front of them.

"Little Bear Biscuit" is a relatively pure player. She just enjoys the fun of the game and discovers the hidden background. The division of nationality in the game has long been meaningless to her. Mindset looks at many things in the game.

Of course, if such a large-scale war happened right in front of her eyes, she would also have great fun following it from beginning to end.

With a special advanced profession - shadow walker, she can mix into places that most ordinary players can't reach.

For example... near the barracks of the Burning Blade Legion.

The Burning Blade Legion is recruiting the Chosen One as a reserve of combat power, but the strange thing is that they never let the Chosen One do anything other than the Gate of the Abyss.

Therefore, the act of attacking Jianfeng City naturally did not involve the participation of player mercenaries.

The content broadcast by Bear Biscuit is that players can obtain first-hand information about this battle.

Under the sun, the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion are rapidly gathering. Melee fighters, long-range rangers, and mages wearing magic robes, no matter what kind of profession they are, they are now soldiers.

The difference between plate armor, leather armor, and robes makes them clearly divided.

The assembly of tens of thousands of people should be chaotic, but what is presented to all the players watching the broadcast of Bear Biscuit is indescribable discipline and tranquility.

The soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion were silent, with resolute faces, and their movements were fast and undisturbed. It only took three minutes for the tens of thousands of people to assemble, and then they stood quietly under the sun without making any more movements.

Like tens of thousands of stakes.

This terrifying discipline made the players feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

In particular, Bear Biscuit has a far-reaching perspective, which can give an overview of the overall situation to a certain extent.

Under this perspective, the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion seemed to be numbers in the eyes of the players, cold and terrifying.

However, many days of game career have told all players that all NPCs in the game "Gaia Continent" are more like real people than real people. They have their own emotions, sorrows and joys, life trajectories...they are all real people.

Cognition and senses have an impact at this moment.

In the eyes of many players, these soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion began to become magical and distant.

"Are they going to attack Bobby?"

"I suddenly felt that something was not going well. They seemed to be able to fight."

"But their number should not be as many as that of Jianfeng City, right? I heard that a hundred thousand troops have already gathered there."

"Blowing... Who knows if there are so many people fighting over there."

"They're starting to move."

At least a hundred mages wearing fiery red robes stood around the entire assembly square, and some kind of rune sequence outlined with their bodies as the core began to crazily absorb the magic power from them.

Years of cooperation plus the resonance of advance drills allowed them to coordinate everyone's will in strict accordance with a unified mental wave band, so that the output of magic power was stable enough to be superimposed on each other.

As these hundreds of mages of at least the fourth rank joined hands to cast spells, the space seemed to groan in their hands.

The originally indestructible space became as soft as water waves and could be kneaded by anyone.

The power of magic communicated to a distant place, and the barriers of space were quietly broken under the invasion of magic. The two spaces that were originally not connected were connected into one at this moment.


Accompanied by an invisible wave, the surrounding area of ​​the camp seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, and even the bear biscuit hiding in the shadow almost fell out under the impact.

This is the extrusion transmission from the space itself.

Supreme Mage Stephen, who had just arrived nearby to stop this behavior, also felt this wave. He stretched out his hand and pinched the air, as if pinching the space through it.

"The reaction... seems a bit big."

In the past, when spells affecting space were cast normally, there didn't seem to be such a big movement.

What changes have occurred in the factor of space itself?
Of course, there are not many cases of such large-scale use of space-related spells on the mainland, and the last time... that was the last time.

With this momentary fluctuation, Stephen couldn't determine whether there was anything abnormal.

After all, the space itself is not completely stable. Sometimes it is not impossible to use a little more force to break the barrier of the space, resulting in a greater reaction.

Stephen had no time to care about him. The most important thing right now was to prevent the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion from dying as much as possible.

However, the teleportation had already begun, and the silhouettes of the soldiers in the assembled square had already become blurred in the halo of spells floating up and down.

Interrupting the spell at this time, not to mention the difficulty of the hundreds of fourth-tier mages cooperating to resist the completion of this action, will also make those hundreds of fourth-tier mages fall into a terrifying mana backlash, and at least their strength will be affected. If the damage is heavy, they will die on the spot, not to mention that most of the soldiers in the entire army will fall into the dangerous turbulence of time and space, and it will be difficult to return.

Taking action at this time is tantamount to murder.

Stephen gritted his teeth lightly, cast a spell on the spot, and brought Jier to the landing site of the Burning Blade Army in advance to wait.


After the sky-penetrating magic halo floated up and down around the group army for a few times, the figure of the group army had blurred to the point where it was hard to see clearly.

As a dazzling light flashed, only the hundreds of red-robed fourth-order mages who had just cast their spells remained in the huge barracks, staggering and exhausted to the extreme.

"Quickly cut the angle of view, follow the past and follow the past!"

"Hurry up! I'm so anxious!"

"Hey, you said that when you raid the camp at this time, can you catch all these high-level NPC mages?"

"Hehe~ Try it if you miss."

"Try and die."

Biscuit Bear had no time to look at the overwhelming barrage. She directly used the special characteristic of the hidden profession - "Shadow Medium", but did not receive feedback from the shadow immediately.


Unbelieving, she tried several times in a row, but all she got was the feedback from the panel——

[The space is calming down, please wait...]

[The space is calming down, please wait...]

[The space is calming down, please wait...]

This is a situation that has never been encountered before. Is it because a large space spell has just been cast nearby?

"You M..."

Just about to show off his quality, Bear Biscuit, who was still subconsciously displaying his characteristics, was caught off guard, and his whole body turned into a flowing shadow. When he regained consciousness, he had already emerged from the shadow.

In front of him, the army of the Burning Blade Legion was silent and silent, but...why are they all looking at him?

Bear Biscuit found that he seemed to be exposed, got up from the ground, and walked backwards while laughing dryly, "Passing by, just passing by, hehe~"

This is the first time Biscuit Bear has spoken in full on live footage.

"If you can laugh, laugh more."

"My ears are pregnant."

"The host Bel Canto 36D, I love it."


"They are here."

The fluctuations from the space are difficult to fool the sensitive mages including priests. Helen above the city gate folded her arms and felt the fluctuations from the space, as if she also felt the cold killing intent from the opponent.

A war machine has already arrived outside Jianfeng City, in the...invisible jungle.

"Find them and... attack."

Helen ordered calmly.

There may be many doubts in this incident, the other party's actions are too irrational, but these have nothing to do with her.

She is the one being invaded, and she has no right to show mercy to anyone. She can only protect the citizens of Jianfeng City as much as possible.

With one order, the team formed by the Chosen Ones spread like a carpet of strange colors from the vicinity of the city towards the spatial fluctuations felt by senior spellcasters such as Helen.

The advantage in numbers and the immortality of the Chosen One made Helen choose a more greedy style of play. If the war can be kept out of the city, it will undoubtedly protect everyone in the city better.


"Oolong Roasted Milk" was mixed among the player brigade of Sword Wind City Mercenary, and countless players who did not participate in this war were watching all this development from his perspective.

After all, it is an incident related to Poppy, the star and popular character in "Gaia Continent", and quite a few people are very concerned about it.

"Brothers, I just came over from the live broadcast room over there, the opponent's team is really big..."


"Really round..."



"Who are you looking at?"

"Don't just stare at the female anchor, the army over there looks fierce, can you do it?"

It seems that some of the participating players who are still chatting on the bullet screen don't care.

"I don't know if I can do it well, let's talk about it when it's dry."

"That's right, as long as there is a fight, my holy light is already hungry! Do you know how difficult it is to find a large-scale melee scene? I just like melee!"

"Do it! Don't talk about those useless things!"

Viewing Angle With the action of Oolong Roasted Milk and the rapid advance of the half-person-high weeds, the chaotic player "carpet" easily figured out the location of the Burning Blade Legion with the advantage of numbers.

They didn't think about hiding.

They are also marching towards Jianfeng City.

The first time they met was almost the simplest and purest collision.

The Burning Blade Legion came with orders, and the players just wanted to fight.


The Supreme Mage who came from afar stretched out his hand to try to stop the hand-to-hand combat, and a wall of positions was blocked between the two sides, but the range was limited.

Whether it is the player or the accompanying mage of the Burning Blade Legion, they all regard this as a spell cast by the other party, and they are all trying to break it with magical means.

The archer who draws the bowstring is fascinated by one eye, and the aiming eye is full of icy cold light.

The warrior in plate armor held a heavy hammer and tried to smash the tower shield in front of him that was trying to block his attack.

Intense magic surges rippling around the mages, and countless magic elements are being rapidly and orderly weaved in the air.

Arrows fly in the air.

The fireball distorts the air.

Countless wills are colliding together in the most violent form at this moment.

The wild will to fight catalyzed the seeds deeply planted in the hearts of some groups, and the crazy blood red color spread all over their eyeballs almost instantly.



The voice that sounded in the heart was like a demon god's call, trying to pull all those who participated in this war into the abyss of eternal doom.

"Stop them! Stop them!"

The start of the war seemed to be some kind of catalyst. After seeing the sudden changes in the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion, Stephen finally confirmed his previous worries——

The soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion possessed by some kind of "curse" are hopeless, and they can only be redeemed if they are completely destroyed in the flames of war.

In other words, Grand Duke Adolf is leading the Burning Blade Legion loyal to him, and is going to perish on his own.

But I don't know... the fire of war can destroy everything except war, but it can't destroy war itself.

The "curse" on the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion began to spread outward the moment the war started.

This must be prevented from happening.

The magic element surged towards Stephen who had made the decision almost instantly, and the violent absorption even formed an indescribable terrifying storm at the level of the magic element.

Thinking that the legendary spellcaster tried his best to cast spells, the spellcasting behavior of all spellcasters on the entire battlefield was affected to a certain extent.

However, at this moment, with some kind of strange singing quietly resounding from all around, time... seemed to freeze.

(End of this chapter)

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