I can't be an NPC

Chapter 342 Harvest of the 3rd Kingdom

Chapter 342 The Harvest of the Third Kingdom

Hearing Li Wen's request, Zariel's eyes instantly lit up with a surging holy light.

"Can you strengthen the fighting ability of those Chosen Ones?"

Of course she knew that those Chosen Ones fought against a lot of negative states, but this was due to the characteristics of the inner plane, and no one could change it.

When normal creatures on the material level come to the inner plane, they will be disturbed by various evil rules, ranging from changing their positions to permanently degrading.

Those Chosen Ones seem to have neither changed their positions nor degenerated into the inner plane, which means that they are always fighting against the rules, and their natural combat power will be weakened to a certain extent.

And even in this negative state, they still helped themselves repel this fierce offensive from the abyss. What if the restrictions were lifted for them?
Couldn't those warriors penetrate the abyss?
"Don't wait for the next game."

Zariel made a quick decision and made a decision.

Although the battlefields of hell and the abyss never stop, there are often times of recuperation in the unit time.

Having just finished this battle, the two sides, who suffered heavy losses, will also rest separately, so that there will be no second battle in a short time.

But now that Master Bobby has put forward such an epoch-making proposal, he can't just wait for the next war.

The sooner the transformation of those Chosen Ones is completed, the more beneficial it will be for them.

"We take the initiative! How many people do we need?"

When it comes to war, this battle angel who usually looks cold and arrogant is more active than anyone else.

Li Wen hesitated slightly, and reported a number.

"Just a hundred or so people is enough. It's just a preliminary test. If it is feasible, it can be implemented in the team of all the Chosen Ones."

"Okay! You go pick people, I'll be with you, let's take the initiative to invade the abyss! By the way, I know that you need to pay a certain price for entrusting them to do things. It doesn't matter, I will cover it all!"

The process went quite smoothly, with Zariel's full support, Li Wen recruited people with his eyes closed, and promised outside rewards like money.

Coupled with the gold-lettered signboard of "Bobby", one hundred "closed beta players" easily achieved it.

With Zariel personally leading the team, and even just going to a low-level level of the abyss, Li Wen naturally followed the whole process.

When the abyss lord who looked like a giant moth was beheaded by Zariel, and green body fluids splashed all over the sky, Li Wen also collected enough information that he wanted.

A settlement prompt pops up on the player's panel.

[Mission - sample collection completed, rewards are being settled...]

That voice without emotion also sounded in Li Wen's mind.

[Data collection is complete. 】

Rather than collecting information, Li Wen felt that this process... was more like feeding data to train AI.

Before the powerful lords of the abyss realized Zariel's invasion and responded, Li Wen and his party quickly evacuated.

After paying about 30 soul energy, Li Wen successfully developed a special mission form.

[Legendary event - "Endless bloody battle" subset task - "Unlock the seal" to unlock. 】



Abyssal demons have no stereotypes, and they do not rely on racial reproduction to develop individual groups. Most of them are directly fabricated by the power of the abyss from the filth.

Therefore, the classification of demons is often purely divided into six types based on differences in strength. In addition, there are some weaker demons such as original demons or cowardly demons that are hardly considered.

Before they are promoted to sixth-class demons through their own efforts or the favor of the lord, they are not even looked down upon by anyone.

The ones who will really fight are usually one of the six types of demons.

And if he could collect all the original information of the six major demons, Li Wen would have the initial information to try to complete his idea.

What's needed next is... war.

But before that, Li Wen saw his soul energy stock fell into a slight melancholy - only 20 were left...

The creations that had been able to provide him with a steady stream of soul energy before had gradually slowed down after the initial crazy growth period, and the soul energy benefits they could bring to him were also decreasing.

After all, I have released so many learning methods, I have already learned what I should have learned, and I probably won't learn what I haven't learned yet.

As for the slow-flowing creations such as the Shuttle Curse and the Returning Curse, there is also a long-term flow of water. The benefits of extending time must be considerable. The problem is that time itself is also a non-renewable resource.

20 soul energy... Even after getting the information about the "demon core composition" provided by the players after completing the mission, I'm afraid it's not enough to support myself in the end to let the players cheat the rules of the abyss Features are created.

Before that, I have to find a way to get more soul energy.

Uh~ That's right!

It seems that there are three countries on the Gaia continent.

Golden lions, violets...and one more, snow cherry blossoms.

Previously, due to the unfriendly international relations, his own creations had been closed and spread within the Golden Lion Kingdom.

Later, with the exchanges with Dreiser State, Violet players gradually had the honor to contribute their strength to Master Bobby.

Now, Zariel's Gate of Hell seems to open the door to every corner of the material world, so those Snow Sakura players have no reason to miss it.

Thinking of this, Li Wen got out excitedly, and made a wandering appearance on the ruins of the war.

He believes that those players will never let go of any chance to dig out the mission.

And as expected, not long after he showed up, a player wrapped in a cloak carefully approached him.

"Lord Poppy? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Li Wen glanced at her, and he could only explain softly as he couldn't see his nationality.

"I'm looking for some materials to start a new spell experiment, and I need some adventurers who have the 'Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom' to collect them for me."

"Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom?"

The player left with a blank face.

As one player after another retreated, Master Bobby's request gradually spread on the player forum——

"Help!What is the Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom? "

"Where can I find the soul of snow cherry blossoms?" "

Because of the appearance of large batches, it has attracted the attention of many people, and naturally there are some players of Snow Cherry Blossom to speak out.

"Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom? Snow Cherry Blossom has a fart soul, that is the spirit of unity that our country lord shouts every day in order to fool those aborigines, what a fart soul!"

"But the task issued by Master Bobby needs someone who has the 'Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom' to take it..."

"Oh~ That's right! I am the 'Spirit of Snow Sakura', born as Snow Sakura's person, and died as Snow Sakura's ghost, so what is the mission of Master Poppy you mentioned?"

"The coordinates are here, go find them yourself, he's wandering around there anyway."

"Wait, I'll go right away!"

"Hey! Brother, don't worry, you haven't said how you got the 'Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom'?"

"Acquisition? That's easy, just find a congressional fundraising site and donate a few gold coins, and you will be the 'Soul of Snow Cherry Blossom'."


"Where's the congressional fundraiser?"

"Our Snow Cherry Blossom Kingdom...it's everywhere, and you can find anyone to ask about it. Don't talk about it, I'm going to donate money now."

So soon the trend of the post became "Do you want to go to the Snow Cherry Blossom Kingdom for Mr. Bobby's mission?" "

"My suggestion is to wait and see. If only a few people can receive the task, it will be gone after you run to it. If many people can receive it, you might as well wait to see its actual difficulty and reward before making a decision."



Soon, players from Snow Sakura Kingdom found Li Wen and triggered the mission.

"Fuck, there are optional skill packs in the mission reward~"

"But only for things that have been released long ago."

"And the new professional systems of Arcane Knights and Paladins..."

"It's all left over from other people's play."

"Finally it's our turn, Smecta."

The players of the Snow Sakura Kingdom who had been lying flat for a long time boiled up in an instant.

In fact, when they first came into contact with this Gaia-wide event and heard that Mr. Poppy was involved, they probably didn't have these plans in mind.

This is a great time to acquire Master Poppy's creative skills.

It's just that they might have to wait until the big event is completed or completed to a certain extent before they can obtain it, but now they don't expect... some simple tasks of collecting materials can obtain those skills of Mr. Bobby.

Is this still taking off?
Seeing that these Yuki Sakura Kingdom players, who have been suppressed all the time, get epic enhancements, the "veteran" aristocratic Golden Lion players of the game "Gaia Continent" are not happy.

There is a sense of superiority in playing games.

They have always been ahead of other kingdom players because of the unique skills bestowed by Lord Bobby, so they can dominate.

Now that the technology is spreading, isn't everyone standing on the same starting line again?

"It's not fair! Why do you get the rewards that we have worked so hard to unlock before, and now you can get them by simply doing some collection tasks?"

"Exactly! I'm not convinced! I want to ask Bobby for an explanation!"

"What? You have been showing off your strength for so long, why can't we be happy now?"

"That's right! You've been enjoying it for so long, isn't that okay?"

As players, when pulled on the same battlefield, you can see the sharp contrast between each other.

When facing the army of demons together, the players of the Golden Lion Kingdom can display combat effectiveness and achieve results that far exceed those of the other two kingdoms.

The overall record of slaying demons is the best. This is their first-mover advantage.

The initial unlocking may have cost them a lot of effort, but time also brought them a lot of first-mover advantages.

There are also some Violet Kingdom players who have unlocked Poppy's creation skills, but they can't compare to the advantages brought by their step-by-step stacking, let alone the Snow Sakura Kingdom players who have been left out in the cold.

"The subset event is about to start. I think it's okay to temporarily strengthen our combat power before the official start of the event. In this wave, I will stand on Bobby."

"Bobby-sama is heaven!"

"It's true that we need to balance our strengths before starting a large-scale event, but... can we not limit the task acceptors to death? There are many people in other places in Violet who haven't learned all the skills!"

Li Wen...not used to it.

Can't be what they say.

I really need a lot of soul energy, but my creations are also the core source of my influence, and things that are too easy to obtain will not be taken seriously.

Only by letting them know the difficulty of obtaining it can they all favor themselves in the face of some possible decisions in the future.

In fact, Li Wen didn't need all kinds of useless demons collected by Snow Cherry Blossom players or the body tissues of devils, or some useless specialties from hell, so he mixed some spellcasting skills that he really needed into the mission. Spell materials that may be used when

While taking care of their financial resources, let them not only learn skills, but also create some reasonable value for themselves, a win-win situation!

Li Wen didn't know how many players there were in the Snow Cherry Blossom Kingdom, but after letting go of the skill teaching for them, in just a few days, the inventory of soul energy rushed to 800 million!
After holding back the game for so long, the enthusiasm of the Snow Sakura players was unimaginable. Almost in a short period of time, they created a large amount of soul energy comparable to the long-term accumulation of Golden Lion players.

If it is used to upgrade, it is even enough to upgrade Li Wen's body to a 17th-level mage with an extra 100 million.

However, Li Wen restrained his impulse, and the increase in strength would certainly bring more benefits. At level 17, it could even be said to be the pinnacle of a mage, able to release spells with the highest nine rings.

However, the information provided to the players after completing the subset event does not know how much soul energy is needed to turn it into an actual result, so Li Wen dare not throw away all the soul energy that he had so hard to get go out.

After all, such a large-scale harvest is difficult to reproduce for a second time in a short period of time. Without new groups or new creations, it is not known how long it will take to accumulate millions of soul energies.

But fortunately, everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed.

The next invasion of the abyss is ready to go, it should be soon...

(End of this chapter)

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