I can't be an NPC

Chapter 345 Elemental Plane

Chapter 345 Elemental Plane
"Are you leaving now?"

Mindatis looked at Li Wen with his old eyes, which were full of gentle expectation.

"Are you really not considering further researching your spells?"

Li Wen shook his head and smiled, "Since you are also a wise spellcaster, you should also know interest and impulse, which are far better than rigid pursuit."

Mindatis was taken aback for a moment, and sighed a long time, "It's also...the occasional whimsy of those talented mages is better than the years of research by many mages. This field...is really unfair."

Speaking of which, Mindatis stood up, and the golden garden behind him almost decayed along with his movements.

The petals wither, the branches wither.

Everything is in order, but so fast that it seems to happen in an instant.

After withering, only a piece of clean black land suddenly appeared in the center of this woodland like psoriasis.

Repeated white smoke drifted out from the black ground, and the heat that hit his face instantly made Li Wen think that he had come to a dwarf's stove.


Mindatis looked at the black land with sad eyes, "The power of the fire element has been out of control here. If you don't control it, I'm afraid it won't be long before this place becomes a pure fire element space. Either be cut off from the material world." It will fall into the elemental plane of fire completely, or... it will start to expand to other surrounding areas."

"Is it serious enough?"

"It's still early... There shouldn't be many areas out of control like this, and the process of getting out of control is also a long process, but that day will eventually come."

"Are you going to give it up?"

"There will be other compatriots coming to take over, please don't worry about my friend."

"You want to leave here?"

Mindatis looked up at the sky, as if there was something extremely attractive in the vast sky.

"I want to go to the elemental plane to see the source of all that, and see if there are any changes that we don't understand."

"Inner edge area?"

Li Wen asked with a frown.

The four elemental planes surround the material plane and the two planes it maps to, providing the world with the elemental raw materials that make everything.Just like the relationship between the yolk and egg white in a raw egg, the material plane is the egg yolk suspended in the middle, and the four elemental planes in the chaotic interval called elemental chaos are the egg white.

The innermost edges of these element planes are very close to the material plane, of course, not in the literal geographical sense, but in the concept of a certain cosmic scale.The four Elemental Planes are combined here to form regions similar to the Material Plane, and the four elements mix together as on the Material Plane to form land, sea, and sky.The difference is that the dominant element will have a strong influence in a particular place and make the overall environment reflect this basic attribute.

These places are called the inner edge regions of the Elemental Plane.

Be careful here with the possible attacks of the aboriginals - such as the Arangola eagles, fire dwarves, dragon turtles, gargoyles, mephits, salamanders and Thor stone monsters, etc., but that's all.

The only danger that may be encountered in the inner edge area of ​​the elemental plane is the attack of these creatures. The environment itself will appear relatively stable, at most it is like the scorching land in front of the arch druid after giving up control.

But for those strong people who can cross the crystal wall between the planes to go to that kind of place, no one will be injured by this level of environment.

But if it's farther away, that's not necessarily the case.

On the Elemental Plane, the farther you get from the Material Plane, the weirder and more dangerous it becomes.

Beyond a certain range, these elements exist in their purest forms: chunks of hard earth, fiery fire, crystalline water, and clear wind.

There is only very thin air in the outermost layer of the plane of earth, and there is no soil at all in the outermost layer of the plane of fire. These areas are not as welcoming to travelers from the material plane as the inner border areas.

It's certainly not something without activity here.

Evil elemental prince, various elemental spirits...

The underlying logic of the summoning or alchemy spells of the spellcasters is actually to bind these spirits into the material world as concrete existences such as Greystones, golems, invisible lurkers, fire boys, and water ghosts.

These elemental creatures are generally not recognized as living beings, they are often just a mass of activated elemental energy that may contain some simple emotion.

Even a legendary powerhouse may not be able to come and go freely in that kind of place.

This is the record about the elemental plane that Li Wen had read in those classics.

And obviously...

"I'm not traveling."

Mindatis smiled gently, "The inner fringe area is certainly beautiful, but it obviously cannot reflect the essence of those elements, of course it needs to go deeper."

"That kind of place is dangerous."

"It is often dangerous to explore the unknown. I heard that your human mages are always proud of your endless desire to explore, but you must know that the desire for knowledge is not just your human's privilege. I just want to So the only reason for staying here is to meet the Master Li Wen of Jianfeng City they are talking about."

Mindatis gazed tenderly at Li Wen in front of him, "I am a little disappointed, but I suddenly reconciled. You are right, desire and impulse are better than persistent pursuit. Now, I want to go to the depths of those elemental planes. If I can come back, I will share with you what I have seen. If not... I will wait for you there. I have seen many things in your eyes. Passion, responsibility, Interest...and love."

"You love the world...and the world will love you."

Mindatis smiled all over his face, "Goodbye, my friend."

As the words fell, the space behind Mindatis was shattered like a mirror, suddenly shattered into pieces of irregular rhombus, the black hole seemed to be as deep as it could suck people into.

Through those broken mirrors like a kaleidoscope, Li Wen seemed to see his own reflection flashing in it.

Mindatis took a step back, and retreated into the broken space.

Afterwards, those shattered space fragments returned to their original positions one after another like going back in time and space, and like a movie playing backwards. The only difference is that the strong and slightly old-looking elf disappeared here. In a piece of heaven and earth.

The channel to the elemental plane can be easily opened, and Li Wen didn't even feel the trace of the seven-ring spell - teleportation from another world.

Is it a channel opened simply by relying on its own magic power...

Even if it is not a high-level legend, it is probably one of the top tiers among the legends.

Li Wen stood where he was, feeling a little emotional.

Even this kind of existence at the pillar level of the Gaia continent still seems a little powerless in the face of the changes in the overall environment and rules of the entire multiverse.

In this era, human beings can dominate the Gaia continent, but it is really just a small silhouette of a long time and space, lucky and accidental.

"Sa Sa Sa ~"

Soft footsteps squeezed through the soft grass and came behind Li Wen.

"My lord has been waiting for this day for a long time."

Collins said softly behind Li Wen.


Li Wen gave a soft "hmm", then turned to look at Collins, "Will someone here take over later?"

"That's natural. It was Lord Mindatis who asked to reconcile here before. He is the strongest in our clan except Lord Alanis. No one will disobey his will. After he leaves, someone will naturally be responsible for calming down. The elements change here."

Alanis is the king of elves, and one of the three high-level legends known on the continent of Gaia.

In other words, the druid just now is the second strongest of the elves, No. 1 below the high legend.

"He just left, you..."

Li Wen wanted to see how these elves felt about the actions of these top powerhouses.

Unexpectedly, Collins shrugged indifferently with a smile on his face, "Maintaining the balance of elements is the long-cherished wish of all druids, and it is normal to take risks for this."

"Okay... then, I'll see you too."

"Goodbye, Master Li Wen, may nature take care of you forever..."

While speaking, Li Wen cast a teleportation circle.

After the light blue magic glow, Li Wen's figure disappeared.

The territory of the illithids also had teleportation circles, and the figure of Li Wen, who had recorded the rune sequence of their teleportation circles last time, appeared directly from their teleportation circles.

A spirit sucker who was reminded by the magic circle for the first time has been obediently guarding the side.

The moment it saw the evil eyes of Diablo Poppy, the terrifying-looking illithid looked away for an instant, and its body trembled.

At the same time, there are invisible tentacles of the spiritual network extending towards the dark Bobby from nowhere.

Dark Bobby casually accepted the other party's conversation invitation.

"What do you want me to do?"


The Illithid Mastermind hesitated for a while before asking carefully, "Are you just passing by?"

Otherwise, why would it appear directly from their teleportation array?

Dark Bobby probably recalled it for a while before realizing that he came here with a mission.

"Then what... there is something I want you to do."

"Wh...what's the matter?"

"Catch two aboleths and give me a taste of the saltiness."

"Emmmm, why don't you change your request? That food doesn't taste good."

"You have eaten?"

"I haven't eaten it, but I remember the taste."

Similar to the aboleth, as long as the mastermind of the illithid is not completely killed under normal circumstances, all the dead illithids in its spiritual network will eventually become part of it, and their masterminds have no lifespan. The concept, as long as the ethnic group exists, it can almost be said to be an existence of eternal life, otherwise it will not become the overlord-level existence that once controlled a part of the multiverse.

However, Dark Bobby can't get used to it, and only others can get used to him.

"I haven't tried it, so I want to try it."

"That thing...is really hard to catch."

"I just want you to give me an answer, can it be done, or can't it be done?"

"It can be done, but it is difficult."

Dark Bobby nodded and sat down on the spot.

"That's if it can be done, I'll give you... half an hour."

"Don't...the place where they live is still deep in the lower reaches of this underground river, and it's more than half an hour away now."

"Then give me some time."

"At least half a day."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you for a long time, go and come back quickly..."

"Ugh, what's wrong..."

The mastermind froze for a moment, then realized, "Don't, I haven't agreed yet."

"I'm not asking you, understand?"

"...May I ask what you are looking for those aboleths for?"

Dark Bobby was sitting on the ground with one arm on his knees, and he was talking nonsense.

"Hmm~ Just ask them some questions. What, what's the problem?"

"These things may not be caught alive, and if you insist on bringing them back, they will only be corpses. So... if you want to ask them questions, you may need to come with us yourself. I can say first, Their lairs are extremely dangerous, and the weirdness is even higher than those drow cities of Menzoberranzan, if you go, I can't guarantee your safety."


"It's Jiangzi."


Dark Bobby pinched his chin.

The clever Li Wen had to listen to Li Wen's request, but he was at risk.

Those aboleths don't know whether to look at Lady Evernight's face...

Probably not.

And what the brain of the spirit sucking monster said is actually true, they will not be captured by other creatures, after all, it is difficult for them to really die.Even if their bodies are destroyed by external forces, their immortal spirits will return to the Water Elemental Plane, where they will gather a new body in a few days or months and be reborn easily.

So they will never appear in the outside world in the form of captives.

At the same time, their almost eternal life and memory allow them to remember the real reason for their power decline all the time.

It was the gods in the sky that caused all this.

Aboleths dream of overthrowing the gods all the time and returning the world to their rule, and their near-infinite lives allow them time to wait patiently for that day to come.

Not to mention selling face to the gods.

This is a race that is truly an enemy of all things, and at the same time almost invincible by nature.

If it weren't for their bodies that could only live in ancient waters or the bottom of the abyss, what this world would look like under their claws is unknown.

"Facing them, how can I protect myself?"

"Unless you have psychic powers as powerful as ours."

Even if it is a spiritual network that cannot convey emotions, Diablo Bobby seems to hear the pride in the other party's words.

In the eyes of illithids, psionic power is the most powerful weapon in the world, as well as the most powerful shield in the world.

Creatures that cannot use psionic energy are considered inferior creatures to them.

The heart is better than things, and the spirit can soar!
Dark Bobby narrowed his eyes, and suddenly remembered something from the past.

"I don't seem to be unable to use your spiritual power?"

(End of this chapter)

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