I can't be an NPC

Chapter 356 The Return of the King

Chapter 356 The Return of the King

Whether it is the Moon of War or the Moon of Elements, their problems cannot be solved overnight.

Cutting off their source on the moon is just the beginning, those existing wars and the elemental spirits that caused waves still need someone to take the initiative to deal with them.

The matter of stopping those elemental spirits in the elemental plane is obviously not something that I can intervene, but the endless bloody battle between hell and the abyss, and I don't know how it is developing now.

After finishing what he was doing, Li Wen decided to go back and have a look.

A "transmission from another world" landed precisely.

Li Wen was positioned at the edge of the battlefield between the two sides before, but after landing, the strange eyes around him made Li Wen feel like falling into an ice cave in an instant.


Why are they all demons?

The atmosphere of chaos lingers in this small space, the abyss and the atmosphere of hell are competing for the control of this space. With the occupation of the demons, the territory that belongs to hell has been polluted by the atmosphere of the abyss.


Do you believe me when I say that I am here to travel?

Li Wen immediately wanted to switch to the second identity, and the dark Bobby seemed to be the mascot in the eyes of these chaotic camp guys.

But... Li Wen, who had just obtained a new authority, felt a little eager to move.

Now we are people with the authority of the gods, should we take this opportunity to try the power of the "Carl Simulator" again?

The request to be covered by the element field was transmitted to the uninhabited colorful moon, and some kind of magical instruction was transmitted from it to the ubiquitous element itself covering the world.

one second.

two seconds.

Li Wen waited quietly.

The big brother of module 1 said before that there is a delay, so it is normal to wait a while.

three seconds.

Four seconds.

Li Wen was willing to wait, but those demons were not willing to wait.

In their eyes, Li Wen, who exudes an incompatible human aura, is the only bright pearl in this dark sky, which is eye-catching.

"catch him!"

One of the demons who looked like the leader waved at the surrounding demons, and a group of big and round demons surrounded Li Wen.

She was gearing up, her eyes were full of evil provocation.

They want some resistance, so that the "game" is interesting.

Li Wen looked up at the sky...if I don't come here again, I will transform~
Only certain people who have a certain perception of magic elements can "hear" that thunder-like sound.

The sound occurred at a level other than the current plane, and the excessive concentration of elements even made the large space around Li Wen's body present a certain unstable elemental form.

However, in the eyes of those demonic Muggles who have no magical talent at all, they can't see anything.

Ignorance is sometimes a blessing.

At the beginning, some demons with magical talents backed away in surprise, or they clearly or vaguely felt the changes in the magic element environment, and they didn't understand what happened, but obviously it was always wise to back off.

This small number of retrograde figures did not arouse the vigilance of those Muggle demons, and they flocked to that tiny human being with grinning grinning.

So the invisible super shock wave was like a force field wall pushing outwards, pushing the figures of these demons away from Li Wen at an extremely fast speed.

The demons affected by the super shock wave curled up on the ground in pain, even some demons without hearing were not spared, the super frequency vibration directly acted on their bodies, their hearts, their blood vessels, and their brains.

This kind of pain all over the body made it difficult for them to move for a while, and they stayed where they were pushed away and fell to the ground.

For a moment, there was no shadow of any creature in the space with a radius of at least 20 meters around Li Wen.

The little devil leader looked at this thin-looking figure surrounded by them with some surprise in his eyes.

Human mage?
This spell is called Thunder Wave?
A ring of spells?
To be able to exert such power with such a low-level spell, how powerful should this human mage be?
If such a mage could be corrupted into one of their own...

Thinking of this, a greedy and excited look appeared in the eyes of the little leader.

Feeling the unimaginable initiative to cater to the elements around him, Li Wen raised his head slightly, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Boundless gusts of wind began to blow from every place on the battlefield, and nearly dozens of black hurricanes formed almost in the blink of an eye, covering the sky and the sun.


"I can't stand it anymore."

"Do you want to return?"

Zariel and Tiamat, who are fighting on the front line, can be said to be fighting side by side.

It's just that even if the strength is as strong as Tiamat, facing the entanglement of several powerful big demons, it is difficult to defeat the opponent quickly.

Although these big demons do not have the name of gods, they have the power to rival the gods.

But just being entangled is nothing, given her time, the opponents will surrender under her power.

Unfortunately, what they lack is this time.

There is a lack of reinforcements, and the number of soldiers is far less than that of demons. Even with the help of the group of undead professionals named "Son of Heaven", their front is still moving backwards.

Green flames began to ignite in the realm of hell, and the arrogance of those great demons was beyond madness.

"Until the shackles of those Chosen Ones are released, we may not be able to counterattack."

Zariel's eyes swept across the battlefield, and hot flames rose from where her eyes swept.

Even if he is not dead, the Chosen Son of Tier [-] who cannot fully display his strength cannot completely resist the army of demons.

The Dragon Queen didn't care about this at all, she was here to work.

Now she only remembers her creditors.

"That little guy doesn't know where he went, he won't break the promise, right?"

In view of her excellent character, she felt that no one else would be an honest and trustworthy person.

And at a certain moment, both they and the muscular demons who besieged them all looked back at the rear of the demon army almost at the same time.

There, an unspeakable fluctuation was blatantly launched at a certain level, and the drastic change was like an earthquake in some of their senses.

there, what happened?
Why is the magic element so turbulent and surging?
What killer weapon are these big demons brewing?
This was the first possibility that Zariel and Tiamat realized.


"It feels a little familiar."

Several leaders of Tiamat had sharp eyes, and always felt that the fluctuation was somewhat familiar in memory.

Then, taking advantage of a big demon in front of him looking back, he launched a sneak attack, and several dragon flames of different attributes sprayed on his face at the same time.

This rare unexpected change was not planned by those demons. The big demon who was sprayed all over by the heads of the Dragon Queen did not fight back. Instead, he roared at the other big demons, turned around and ran back.

Between actions, the earth shakes.

"Why is it going?"

"Afraid of being beaten by the Dragon Queen?"

Players in the distance can't feel the changes that happened in too far away, they can only see a few big demons who besieged the dragon queen and Zariel turned around and ran away, in a panic.

"We won! Wuhu!"

"Hmph! A white horse? He must come and go!"

"By the way, how many missions have you completed in this war?"

"Just once, how can we kill so many... But the overall progress looks good, it's already 98.31%."

"When I loosen the restrictions, I have to go directly to their hometown."

"Then you don't need to wait for the restrictions to be lifted, just pass it directly to Dreiser State, and you can rush into their hometown at any time."

"The brothers over there are not strong enough. We have withstood such great pressure here, and they haven't stolen their house yet."

"Theirs are at most a dungeon for fun. Ours is obviously a big event in the camp. Can it be the same?"

"Can you kill two abyss lords this time to add to the fun? The overall progress is okay, but this lord is still short of two!"

"I don't know, it's difficult. The lords who showed up are at least at the legendary level. If they can't beat them, they will run away. Without the help of those NPCs, we can't keep them at all."

"Wait, brothers...what's going on over there?"

That's right... what's going on over there.

When the player was able to find out, almost all the demons or devils on the frontal battlefield noticed the movement coming from the depth of the camp behind the demon army.

Thunder billowed and the wind howled.

The earth-shattering shock gradually came to this side, the bone-piercing cold and scorching flames mixed together, bringing a new experience of ice and fire to everyone.

"Fuck! Which god did those big demons offend again?"

Several dragon heads of the dragon queen stared at the terrifying tornado covering the sky and the sun in the distance, and the destructive elemental power mixed in it was horrifying.

Even in the pitch-black tornado, she saw two familiar figures, that is, the two abyss lords who besieged herself and Zariel just now.

Even with their majestic bodies, it is difficult to resist the power of this hurricane of heaven and earth, and their bodies are swirling in the wind like fallen leaves.

The damage may not be great, but the field control ability is definitely full.

The concentration of elements in the natural world will never support spells of this level. Only the natural disasters caused by the power of heaven and earth itself, or some disaster dragons that represent the power of disasters, can cause the current scene.

However, natural disasters will never happen at the same time, and those calamity dragons always go alone, sky fire, strong wind, frost... these disasters happen at the same time, it is by no means these two situations.

"No! Not a god!"

Zariel stared at the group of winds with a pair of scorching white eyes, and a small black spot wrapped in a light green breeze caught her attention.

"It seems to be manipulated by someone... Besides, do you feel familiar with this spell?"

The Dragon Queen also saw the direction Zariel was looking at, and even after seeing the facts, she still murmured in disbelief: "No way..."

how can that be possible?
She is a god, a serious god.

Goddess of wealth, greed and nemesis.

This is her calling.

There is some overlap with Vol'jin, which is why she can completely ignore Vol'jin's authority.

It is precisely because she has the authority of the gods that she knows better than anyone else that all this can only be done by the authority of the gods.

And Li Wen... Li Wen...

Li Wen is just a sorcerer of less than the fourth rank?
How could such an existence hold the authority of the gods?
In other words, how could he bear the authority of the gods?
However, the facts were before their eyes. As the center of the storm got closer and closer, everyone saw the figure in the strong wind.

He, killed all the way from the devil's camp home?
This question fell on everyone's minds, and everyone's hearts trembled when they saw the magnificent scene of sparks and lightning along the way.

"It's Poppy!"

"Damn it! Every time Bobby-sama appears on the stage, he always looks different."

"I knew that guy still kept his hand, why our spells are completely different!"

The Karl simulator with an unlimited supply of environmental element fields and the natural environment element field are two completely different spells.

Even if it is a 0-ring spell, the power it exerts under the addition of the environment is a damage that cannot be ignored for these at least legendary abyss lords.

Especially the two main damage spells, Meteorite and Skyfire... Of course, these two are not easy to hit.

However, no matter what, Li Wen, who came directly with the power of heaven and earth and drove the elements to form an endless torrent of spells, was still unstoppable.

Even when it came close, it never stopped. The tornado storm that covered the sky and the sun did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, blowing up all the demons and demons in the battle.

No creature could move freely in Li Wen's spell, except for Zariel and the Queen of Dragons, including a few great demons whose strength was in the high-level legend, the entire battlefield was almost blown into the sky.

It's a pity... Li Wen felt a tingle between his brows.

Of course, the casting of tricks is unlimited, but the spiritual power of the mage itself is also an unquantified resource.

Spellcasting ability is like a bucket, the upper limit is always determined by the short board.

It is still a little bit reluctant for him to control such a huge scale of heaven and earth elements.

Li Wen manipulated the breeze to let himself fall to the ground slowly. At the same time, the black storm stopped, and for a while, there were continuous... "dumplings" in the sky.

Epic persuasion.

With Li Wen's messing around, the battle between the devil and the devil fell into an unspeakable tacit understanding.

The two sides, who fell into a coma, looked for their respective teams and retreated cautiously.

The two sides that were supposed to be in a frantic bloody battle stopped fighting because of an outsider.

What's more, the "fall" in the rear also made the abyss lords who organized the attack uneasy, eager to go back and see how the outposts they established in hell were doing.

After so many years of endless bloody battles, this was the closest they were to a complete victory, so they couldn't help but be cautious.

Zariel and the Dragon Queen will not take the initiative to chase them either.

The moment she saw Li Wen, the Dragon Queen transformed into a human form, and raised her arms pitifully in front of Li Wen.

"Look, I have suffered so many injuries..."

Some scratches and scars were visible on Bai Nen's small arms, and Li Wen couldn't tell if she scratched them herself.

"so what?"

"Give me some consolation money~"

(End of this chapter)

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