I can't be an NPC

Chapter 360 Cook Poppy

Chapter 360 Cook Poppy
Tiamat in the center of the magic circle stretched her waist, looking up at the big sun in the sky, her eyes were full of excitement.

how many years?

How many years has she not returned to the material plane?

In the past long years, it is not that no one else has summoned her.

However, you don't need to think about it, you know who can summon you, and I'm afraid the trouble you will encounter is unimaginable.

Needless to say, it is a very troublesome thing, but the power of the contract is a certain underlying law of this multiverse, and its power can even allow her to break free from the shackles of Asmodeus and come to the material plane, so once she accepts the contract, she will You must complete the summoner's commission.

That's why she set the threshold for summoning herself very high. If she really wants to help people with some troublesome things, it's better to collect more benefits and have more fun.

This kind of threshold was relatively easy to reach in the chaotic era of the past. In the environment of recent years, few people dared to risk the disgrace of the world and pay those painful prices to summon her.

Li Wen's call was also the first time that the human world entered the period of the rule of the Three Great Kingdoms.

After just looking at the world for a moment, Tiamat set his sights on Li Wen in front of him.

The eyes of the countless people watching were just ordinary to her, and the eyes of those people should be fear, not the excitement and surprise like now.

But it's not a big problem, she just wants to make trouble now.

With an elegant smile on the corner of her mouth, she stared at Li Wen in front of her, gently parting her vermilion lips, and slowly spoke in a soft and charming voice.

"My master……"


"Fuck! Summon her to become the master directly? Can we summon her?"

"We seem to be able to do what the NPC can do, wait for me to try."

"Just now I saw that Master Bobby seemed to use a piece of magic heart mine to summon her! I have it too!"

"What are you thinking about! The key point is obviously the magic circle, and getting the ritual magic circle is the key."

"Bobby is awesome now. I'm holding a dragon queen with me. I heard that she has a weak divine power level, and she's even stronger than those three high-level legendary professionals on the mainland."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The players have their own channels to spread the news, and the appearance of Zariel, including the dragon queen, has long been no secret among the players.

For the aborigines, even including Grand Duke Adolf, it was the first time they had the chance to see the real body of the Dragon Queen.

But I didn't expect it to be in the form of a dragon maid...

Li Wen pulled a black line on his face.

"Can you be normal?"

"Don't you like it?"

"I like it very much..."

Who doesn't like to hear a young woman with a charming face and a strong body call her master?
But can you come in private?
"Stay by the side, take your breath away, you are not afraid of attracting those old enemies of yours."

The mortal enemies of the Dragon Queen are those giants who have been missing on the Gaia continent for an unknown number of years, but not knowing doesn't mean they don't exist.

In case of being led by the Dragon Queen and beaten up, there is no need to build any gates to hell, they will all be created and killed.

Tiamat waved his hand indifferently, "Hey~ Instead of worrying about them, you should worry about that old man in Bahamut. Everyone knows that I was summoned up, and I can't get a result for a while, but the old man said Maybe you want to take this opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with me, if he comes, I don't think you will build any kind of door..."

Li Wen stared at her.

"Do you know that you still don't accept the taste?"

"Hi~ I can't hide it from him, he will definitely come if he wants to."

Saying that, the young lady Long slipped away leisurely with her hands behind her back.

It will take some time for Zariel's gate of hell to open. She hasn't been in this material world for a long time and wants to wander around.

Li Wen didn't stop her either, mainly because he couldn't stop her.

These existences are like grandpas, generally unable to come to the material plane easily, they often gather countless gazes, and even the will attention of the plane itself, if you want to do something sneaky, it is wishful thinking .

But they really came, and unless there is a corresponding balance of combat power, it is difficult to restrain their specific behavior.

Fortunately, Tiamat really seems to be just wandering around.

"Hey! That old man, you are in charge here, right? Give me [-] tons of gold to appetize."

Grand Duke Adolf was taken aback for a moment, his calm and majestic face showed a bit of rigidity, and he turned to look at Li Wen as if asking for help.

Li Wen waved his hand.

"Leave her alone."

Pouring her lips, the young lady Long turned around and walked straight to the city not far away.

It was the nearest military city to the Gate of the Abyss. At the beginning, it was just a simple place where the soldiers guarding the Gate of the Abyss were stationed. After guarding it all year round, the relatives of those soldiers gradually migrated over, and eventually it became a big city.

The personnel composition is complicated, and the people in Dreiser State are generally quite irritable because of the gate of the abyss. If someone who is not open-eyed offends the Dragon Queen, it will be a lot of fun.

Li Wen stood there for a moment, hesitated for a while, and followed the Dragon Queen's footsteps in a lost step.

"Let me go shopping with you."

The next moment Li Wen felt his arms were tightly entwined by two lotus root arms, and the Dragon Queen turned around and smiled at him.

"Hee hee~"

"You are quite happy."

"No, it's hard to come up to meet the sun."

Tiamat looked up at the sky.

The blue sky with white clouds stretches as far as the eye can see, which makes people feel broad-minded. How can it be compared with the eternal gray and gloomy twilight on the first floor of hell?
Li Wen glanced at her side face, thinking that this evil dragon god doesn't seem to be as cruel and evil as rumored?
As if knowing what Li Wen was thinking, Tiamat glanced sideways at him.

"What? You don't think I'm a good person, do you?"

As she spoke, she sneered and shook her head, "I... like new things. This world is so good. I get tired of watching it for a long time. I always want to cause some destruction. I saw too many wars in that place of hell. Now, I want to watch something more leisurely. I have seen a lot of blood and fire, and now I feel happy when I look at the blue sky and white clouds. If I let me see the blue sky and white clouds every day, maybe someday I will want to dye it with other colors... "

"Then you're still in hell..."

"Hey~ You let me stay in the material plane and I don't want to come back. Once I come back, I will definitely be troubled by those giants, but I don't want to be forced to stay in that damn place of hell, so..."

As he spoke, Tiamat gently exerted force on the two hands holding Li Wen's arm, shaking his arm.

"Help me, okay~"

A pair of charming eyes blinked innocently, Li Wen looked away.


In the final analysis, he just fell in love with his Demon Heart Mine. Although Li Wen didn't need it very much, it was something Tiamat needed anyway. It would be great to let her do something for him.

So of course I can't satisfy her all at once, I have to hang on slowly.


The military city is a bit lively, even though the ceremony of summoning the Dragon Queen and the opening of the gate of hell just happened not far away, those who should work hard for their lives are still running for their lives.

The large-scale gathering of the Chosen Ones made the various life-related occupations in this city extremely developed for a while, and there were often some craftsmen who took off inexplicably.

Those Chosen Ones occasionally frantically pursue a certain item like crazy, like some kind of equipment that provides one or two points of weak resistance, a weapon with special attack damage against undead or other creatures, and it is filled with holy water. Drenched holy silver arrows, even dishes that improve weak attributes after eating...

Those cooks were forced to learn all kinds of cooking package spells that can be stored for a long time without a teacher...

As for the taste... what is the taste?Pigs eat better than food buns.

Even so, when you buy it, you will be swarming to snatch it up. Those players don't care whether they need it or not.

So much so that the storage fees in the city are full.

When the two stepped into it, what they saw was the bustling appearance of people coming and going in the city, the sound of clanging and clanging could be heard endlessly, and the smell of pig food wafted in the air.

Tiamat pinched his nose as soon as he entered the city, sneered at the strange smell, and said in a buzzing voice.

"You humans don't seem to be eating well?"

Li Wen felt the same way.

He didn't mix much here, so he didn't know the reason, but he also hated this simple behavior of mixing ingredients together like an alchemy experiment.

"You wait."

Today Master Li Wen is going to show you what Chinese food is!
In the past ten years, this is a craft that he has learned with great difficulty!
When he came to a fat chef who was cooking in a big pot, Li Wen held down his churning wrist.

"I said, stop."


The chubby chef glared at Li Wen, "It's okay, don't go crazy here, if you want to order food, go to register, if you want to find fault, go to the butcher."

However, looking at his mouth more than his eyes, after seeing the high-level robes on Li Wen's body, the last two words also seemed a little weak.


It's really murderous, as expected of a person from Dreiser State.

So Li Wen casually threw out an energy gemstone, which was a casting material from Helen. Now it is no problem to use it as money. Hard currency can be sold anywhere.

"Go and watch, take a good look and learn, all you do is for pigs to eat?"

The fat chef held the Energy Gem as if he was holding some kind of rare treasure. He couldn't afford to cook this stuff for a month, and he held it like he was holding the whole world.

However, even though the richness makes people feel uncomfortable, he still dismisses Li Wen's remarks.

"They don't ask for taste, so what are they doing so delicious?"

"Taste is your attitude, not someone else's request. Take care, I will only teach you once."

Beside the crowded market, Li Wen, dressed in brocade robes, has a pot in one hand and a shovel in the other. Oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, fresh melons, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and fresh meat are put into the pot one by one under the control of the mage. Sitting at the greasy table, Tiamat rested his chin in one hand and tilted his head to look intently at the gentle smiling face.


"What did they go to town for?"

After all, the other party is the Dragon Queen, one of the two progenitor dragons in the legendary creation, and a god with a priesthood.

Such an existence entered a city full of humans, even with the company of Master Li Wen who summoned her, Grand Duke Adolf still felt a little worried.

Eyeliners all over the city are also reporting their movements to him at any time.

"I'm cooking..."


Grand Duke Adolf narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if his ears were starting to become deaf as he got older?

Stir fry?

Are you sure it wasn't a quarrel or a fight to massacre the city?
Although the non-commissioned officer who reported the letter was equally astonished, he repeated.

"Yes, stir-fry."

"Who cooks?"

"Master Li Wen is cooking..."

"Where is that... my lord?"

Allowing Master Li Wen to summon the Dragon Queen is not a hidden secret, but there is no need for everyone to know it. As long as Tiamat does not directly appear in the form of a dragon, Grand Duke Adolf does not intend to spread the news.

"Look at..."


Adolf touched the hard stubble on his chin, wondering if Master Li Wen had summoned a parallel importer.

The legendary dragon queen is tyrannical and cruel, and takes pleasure in slaughtering cities and clans. The colorful dragons under her leadership are still the ultimate villains in various legends of the human world.

And how could she be like this herself?

Or maybe Master Li Wen has special dragon training skills?
"Go and watch again."



Not long after, several pots of delicious dishes were presented.

[Because you have taught others master-level cooking skills, your reputation among local chefs has increased. 】


Li Wen, who had an unexpected reminder in his mind, ignored the reminder at all, just grabbed a pair of chopsticks and sent them to Tiamat.

"Try it."

Tiamat leaned close to the color served on the plate, closed his eyes and sniffed lightly with his nose, and then opened his eyes in surprise.

"Smells good."

"That's right? My cooking skills are for nothing?"

The fat chef on the side also changed his previous rebellious appearance, and smiled and moved to Li Wen's side, "My lord, I don't know what your name is?"


"I don't know if you are interested in taking a share with us? You don't need to do anything, just rely on the cooking skills you taught me."


This word is not common in this world.

And those business methods learned by goblins?
But it has nothing to do with Li Wen.


Li Wen waved his hand indifferently, "You can send as much profit as you want to Jianfeng City to the city lord, and just say I sent it to you."

"Good Le!"

Turning around, the cook went to greet the apprentices, "Come, come, change the signboard, from today onwards, we will be Bobby's Tavern."

Tiamat smiled mischievously.

"They're making money off of your signboard."

"Let them go."

Suddenly, an evil aura flooded the entire city from the wilderness outside the city.

Li Wen and Tiamat looked at each other.

"She's all right."

(End of this chapter)

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